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Leveraging open scholarship

in medical education with

The Canadian Conference on Medical Education

| April 19, 2021

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Land acknowledgment

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Denise Smith

Librarian / Sessional Instructor

Health Sciences Library / Faculty of Health Sciences

McMaster University




Lane Rasberry

Wikimedian in Residence

School of Data Science / University of Virginia



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Before we start...

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  • Intro to Wikipedia’s medical information: crash course
  • Q & A
  • Wikipedia editing
  • Show & tell

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Entire generations have not known a world without Wikipedia

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Care because people read Wikipedia.

People = you

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Wikipedia's audience is

"people seeking information online"

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People read Wikipedia’s medical information.

Admit it. You have too.

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People read Wikipedia’s medical information

20,000,000+ pageviews

66,000+ daily average

700+ editors

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Wikipedia for public health communication professionals

Watch the video

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People research Wikipedia.

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People research Wikipedia’s role in medicine

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People use Wikipedia for research.

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People use Wikipedia for research

  • The Most Influential Medical Journals According to Wikipedia: Quantitative Analysis (Jemielniak et al., 2019)
  • “Use of daily Internet search query data improves real-time projections of influenza epidemics” (Zimmer et al., 2018)
  • “Estimating disease burden using Internet data” (Qiu et al, 2017)
  • “Evaluating Google, Twitter, and Wikipedia as Tools for Influenza Surveillance Using Bayesian Change Point Analysis: A Comparative Analysis” (Sharpe et al, 2016)
  • “Public anxiety and information seeking following the H1N1 outbreak: blogs, newspaper articles, and Wikipedia visits” (Tausczik, 2012)

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Wikipedia & research

Watch the video

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Students and universities have

a role in public education

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Wikipedia & education

Watch the video

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Question period

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Edit Wikipedia today.

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How to edit

  • Anatomy of a Wikipedia page
  • Using the visual editor
  • How to add a sentence
  • How to cite your sentence
  • Using edit summaries

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Standard wiki editing

  • Fact + citation (off wiki)
  • Log in to Wikipedia, navigate to relevant article, click edit
  • Add the fact + the citation
  • Respond to feedback (if any)

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Standard wiki editing

  • Share facts in wiki
  • cite sources
  • respond to feedback

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Wiki reviewers will see



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"Cite" button generates citation

top of edit bar

accepts identifiers

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Article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31433335

Fact: Abilify (aripiprazole) for dementia related psychosis = increased short-term mortality

Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dementia_with_Lewy_bodies#Medication

PMID to add: 31433335

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Traffic reports for vaccine articles

Stories told:

  • reader interest following current events
  • comparative interest in related topics
  • relationship between popularity and development

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People read Wikipedia’s medical information


  • It’s available
  • It’s free
  • It’s accessible
    • To anyone with access to the internet
    • To anyone who has reading and literacy skills

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EXAMPLE: Leveraging student expertise

Fall 2020

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EXAMPLE: Experts edit COVID-19 articles

Results and report

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EXAMPLE: Leveraging student expertise

McMaster’s BHSc students

report on the potential impact of their edits to the Vaccine article

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Compare wiki to alternatives



Wiki views

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Wikicite indexes academic research

big investment in managing citations

Wikidata co-occurring topic map of keywords for academic papers which have main subject, "health information on Wikipedia"

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Wikiloop Doublecheck, a one-click review game