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Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter

Autumn 1 2023-24

Wider Curriculum

Over the next few weeks the children will be learning:

  • About the rise and fall of the Islamic Empire;
  • How living things adapt to their habitats;
  • How a design can be reflect a personality or a period of history.

This half term Knowledge Organisers for History, Science and Art

Click here for this half term Optional Home Learning activities.


Our focus book for next term is:

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In Writing the children will be learning to:

  • Use literary devices for description;
  • Create a newspaper report using direct and reported speech;
  • Use emotive language in a diary entry.


Over the this half term, the children will be practising a range of reading skills. These include:

  • Retrieval;
  • Inference;
  • Prediction.

Please remember to read 5 times a week and record it in your child’s reading diary.


This half term, the children will be learning about:

  • Numbers to 10 million;
  • The four operations.


Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school every day.

Your child will need the correct P.E kit: black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, white t-shirt and trainers/plimsolls.

Swimming is on a Tuesday and PE is on Friday.

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Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter

Autumn 1 2023-24

Home Learning

Reading - Reading diaries are to be handed in every Monday morning. Please read with your child at least five times a week.

English - Century

Maths - Century

Spellings - Weekly spellings from the booklet on Classroom.


  • Please ensure all clothing is labelled.
  • Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school every day.
  • Please ensure that your child has a weather appropriate coat.
  • Please check your child's bag/Google Classroom daily for letters and other information.
  • If your child has a packed lunch, please ensure that it is a healthy meal - no chocolate or cakes (including donuts).


At various points throughout the year, your child will be assessed in order to determine the next steps in their learning. This may take a range of forms including: termly assessment tests, informal quizzes, listening to reading, independent writing and many more.