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Unit 3 - Lesson 3

Project - Designing an App

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To do: October 18

In your Unit 3 IN glossary, please copy the following definition:

Digital Divide: differing access to computing devices and the Internet, based on socioeconomic, geographic, or demographic characteristics

Go to Hub, and click on Digital Divide link: https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/internet-broadband/

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Complete Internet Dilemmas Project steps 6 and 7

  • Submit image of today's notes written in your IN to Hub

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U3 App Development Activity Guide

1. On whiteboard, write your project topic that you and your partner decided on.

2. Copy and paste your work to revised App Development Activity guide (due Tues, 10/19)

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Designing an App

Unit 3 Lesson 3 - Activity

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You and your partner chose one shared topic.

Unit 3 Lesson 3 - Activity

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Create a Program Specification

You and your partner identified what your app will teach your classmates.

Unit 3 Lesson 3 - Activity

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You and your partner designed the User Interface

Unit 3 Lesson 3 - Activity

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Go to Lesson 4 Bubble 2.

Design mode

Unit 3 Lesson 4 - Activity

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Bring your app to life!

Unit 3 Lesson 4 - Bubble 2. Start designing the screens you developed in Step 4 of your Planning Guide in this space.

  • You are NOT adding any functionality at this point - you are just creating the UI for the app.
  • To collaborate:
    • Divide up the 3-6 UI screens and combine them at the end (can share links to UI screens). Make sure all UI elements have UNIQUE identifiers!


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DEMO and How to share UI screens with a partner

  • Create 1-2 screens each and then share links with one another
  • Make sure all UI elements have UNIQUE identifiers!

To share screens:

  • Click on Share at the top left corner above app screen
  • Copy link and share with partner
  • Click on screen drop-down menu
  • Select import screen
  • Paste link in text box


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Work in pairs on App Lab

  • Create 1-2 screens each and then share links with one another
  • Make sure all UI elements have UNIQUE identifiers!



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  • Complete your app in design mode in Code.org U3 L4 bubble 2 and submit U3 App Development Planning Guide part 1 - Design Phase (steps 1-4) - due Tuesday, 10/19
  • Create and submit Code.org U3L4 bubble 2. You should EACH have at least 3 screens in Code.org U3L4 bubble 2.
    • import each other's screens