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What's the purpose of the college application essay?

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If you can write clearly, then you can think clearly. And if you can think clearly, you can capture and share your own truths.


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What are the goals of this essay?

  • To show that you can write (and thus, think) well.
  • To reveal something unique about who you are.
  • To narrate a story with precision and creativity.
  • To shed light on what makes you, you and what makes you, great.
  • To be true to yourself.


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It's true that this essay often highlights a challenge overcome. But your goal is not to "trauma dump"

Your goal is to avoid performance, cliche, superficiality, and generality.


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Perfectionists! Get out of your own way. Give up performance.

"Vomit" on your typewriter in the morning; clean it up in the afternoon.

Free yourself to be true to yourself.


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Avoid generalities (I always loved cooking. Sports have always played a major role in my life. I have played piano since I was a kid).

Get to showing (NOT telling) a STORY right away. You can NEVER be too specific.


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The College App Essay MUST tell a story

  • Focus on ONE particular moment in time - an experience that shaped who you are today.

  • Don't take for granted the power of small moments (experiences that seem unimportant).

  • Be a storyteller! SHOW don't tell (this means painting a picture with words and using LOTS of sensory detail).

  • Narrate the story AND ALSO reflect `on the story as it's unfolding - show self-awareness and what you learned from this experience (as you're describing it).


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Questions to consider:

  • What specific life experience/story can your essay focus on?
  • How did the experience/story affect and impact you?
  • How did the experience/story change you and cause you to grow?
  • What did you learn from the experience/story?
  • How did the experience/story help make you who you are today?
  • What can the experience/story reveal about your character?


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Finding your story (be concrete NOT abstract)


My cat

My dad

My baking

My skateboard





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Thank you!
