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A Follow-up Workshop Series

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A definitive land acknowledgement statement is comprised of three items:

  • What has occurred?
  • To whom has it occurred?
  • A positive statement to rectify the transgression

Considerations as we create this statement:

  • Who has been impacted in the place we are?
  • Who has stewarded the land and waters?
  • What are the self-names (vs. settler names) and how are they spelled and pronounced?

A land acknowledgement reflects work toward repair

Content from Rev. Kerri Parker

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Maimonides’ Five Steps to Repair:

  • Naming and owning harm
  • Starting to change/transformation
  • Restitution and accepting consequences
  • Apology
  • Making different choices

from Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg’s

On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World

REPAIR: How might we begin?

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What do we know about the land we’re on?

What harm has been done to Native people in the name of our faith tradition?

What else comes up for you when you reflect on this step?

JRUUC: What is ours to do?

Step 1: Naming and owning harm

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What changes are already happening?

What changes do you think need to happen?

What else comes up for you when you reflect on this step?

JRUUC: What is ours to do?

Step 2: Starting to change/transformation

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Where can we learn more about what’s needed to make restitution?

What else comes up for you when you reflect on this step?

JRUUC: What is ours to do?

Step 3: Restitution and accepting consequences

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If we’re to center the needs of our Native siblings, how are we to learn what those needs are?

What might apology look like for this congregation?

How will we care for our own needs when we reach this step?

What else comes up for you when you reflect on this step?

JRUUC: What is ours to do?

Step 4: Apology

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What needs to be made right?

With whom might we build relationship?

What actions might be consistent with JRUUC and/or UU values, history?

What else comes up for you when you reflect on this step?

JRUUC: What is ours to do?

Step 5: Making different choices

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Slide from Rev. Kerri Parker

JRUUC: What is ours to do?

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Slide from Rev. Kerri Parker

JRUUC: What is ours to do?

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What will we do next?

JRUUC: What is ours to do?