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A Waves platform success story

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Who am I and how did it begin?

  • Started as a developer for the belgian governement

  • Artificial intelligence and automation as a hobby

  • Crypto enthusiast and investor since 2015

  • Waves platform addict since the announcement

But most of all:

  • Passionated, motivated and dedicated human being

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Why did I choose the Waves platform among all the platforms available

  • Most complete and ambitious blockchain project

  • An obvious potential

  • A very inspiring platform for developers

  • Easy to use and accessible to anyone

Blockchain for the people

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My first steps in the Waves world

  • Metting and being inspired by the awesome community

  • How Sasha Ivanov started Wavesdrop’s development

  • From a simple to an unique Waves and tokens faucet engine

  • Community and Node owners tools

  • The « Ocean »web wallet viewer

  • Token database and stats

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How Fountainperpetua was born

  • Idea from a successful entrepreneur I’ve met on Waves slack

  • A community minded node

  • Quickly became the world’s number 2 node

  • Why is it named that way?

  • Future plans for leasers and token project creators

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How Oceanlab was born

  • Back-end meets design

  • A Waves believer and blockchain enthusiast co-founder

  • Our first steps together

  • The ICOhub/Wavesplatform contest

  • We didn’t want to participate with a simple idea or whitepaper

  • We challenged ourselves to create a Gravit.ws prototype in 3 weeks

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OCL Oceanlab token offering

  • 27 different Waves tokens accepted

  • 380 supporters

  • Total valuation nearing 1 000 000 $

  • OCL token available on Dex and Tidex

  • Other exchanges have been contacted

  • Token value went from 0.02$ to 0.10$ in 3 months

  • Access to actual premium features

  • Access to reduced fees for our automated services

  • A lot more to come…

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OCL Oceanlab short term projects

  • Gravit/Fountainperpetua/Wavesdrop infrastructure switch (done)

  • Complete redesign of our projects (started)

  • Back-end optimization and added features (started)

  • Coffeecoin partnership with the Coffeechain service (active)

  • PoS4All service (active)

  • Other partnerships planned (Wagerr, Ion, several Waves projects)

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OCL Oceanlab mid/long term projects

  • First HTML5 and Unreal engine Waves token powered games

  • Waves/Tokens terminal for brick and mortar stores

  • Multiple coins gateways

  • Using Waves for encryption, data storage and transmission, automated events(IoT), …

  • Technical gateways between blockchains:�Compute a report on Elastic, authenticate it with Radium and store it on Storj�All this by making calls from the Waves blockchain

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The big picture

  • Oceanlab wants to become a recognized technical incubator for the blockchain

  • Oceanlab wants to help european projects to be created on the Waves platform

  • Oceanlab wants to act as ambassador in Europe for the blockchain technology adoption, especially the Waves platform

  • Oceanlab wants to educate about the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies trading

We’ve got a long way to go from here but we’re incredibly motivated and optimist!

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Thank you!

Our thanks go to…

The whole Waves community. Without them, none of this would be possible

Core Media for their fabulous support

The whole Oceanlab team for their dedication

The Waves team for their invitation and for all the amazing work they’re doing everyday for the platform

And to you for being here!

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Thank you!

Any question?