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Online Meeting Expectations

Slide Choices

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FCPS Online Meeting Expectations

Keep your microphone off. Unmute only to speak. The class can hear what happens in your house.

Turn off your webcam. Turn it on only if the teacher asks. The camera can see what is behind you -- your family, objects, and other things.

Use good manners. Be polite, respectful, and wear clothing. Pay attention. Your teacher can see what you write in the chat window.

Be aware of your room. Turn on lights to be seen. Wear headphones if you can. If you can't hear well, tell your teacher.

To ask a question or talk, use the Chat box to type. You may also use the "raise hand" button. Ask your teacher for permission to unmute.

Protect your classmates' privacy. Do not take pictures of the screen or record it. Leave the meeting when finished.

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FCPS Online Meeting Expectations

Mute your microphone when entering a meeting. Unmute to speak. Keep mic muted while others are speaking so no one hears your household noises.

Turn off your webcam to save bandwidth unless directed otherwise. Be aware of what appears behind you when the camera is on -- family activities, distracting materials, etc.

Use good etiquette. Be polite, respectful, & wear suitable clothing. Pay attention and use platform features appropriately. All chats can be saved by the host. The session may also be recorded.

Be aware of your environment. Turn on lights to be seen. Wear headphones if possible. Turn on Closed-captioning (CC) in Meet if you can't hear well.

To ask a question or contribute to the conversation, use the Chat box to type or use the "raise hand" button. Follow teacher instructions as related to unmuting yourself.

Protect others' privacy. Do not take pictures of the screen or record it. Leave the meeting when finished.