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Hannah Vaugh

CP&I Leadership Pathway

Bedichek Middle School

8th Grade AVID/AVID Coordinator

SEL/CP&I Facilitator

Celebrate Your Story

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CP&I Leadership Pathway Impact on my Practice

The phrase “literacy as a tool for liberation” circulates through my brain on a loop now. Anytime I am lesson planning, I’m thinking of ways to better include opportunities for written expression and reading comprehension. We’re taking apart words. We’re strengthening vocabulary. I want to make sure there are bountiful opportunities to express opinions and feelings, and also structured practice in evaluating and citing sources. I want my students to be strong, confident communicators that can express themselves through writing. This shift in purpose and mindset is heavily influenced by Gholdy Muhammad’s Cultivating Genius.

In line with strong communication, I now focus really heavily on facilitated speaking and listening. One of my main goals of this entire year has been for my students to feel like they really know each other. There are multiple opportunities every lesson for low-stakes communication and some facilitated deeper sharing. I want my class to feel like a functional family, where students are safe to share with each other and challenge each other.

For the past two years, I’ve reworked all of my units and curriculum to better facilitate student agency (beyond just a “menu”). Allowing students to make critical choices about what they study, timelines, and how they want to present their learning has made students so much more invested in what they’re learning. I truly let the students co-create the learning environment. They can communicate their needs and I adjust to accommodate them.

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Student Impact & Interviews

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Impacts on Student Learning


My students have grown as writers. I see greater confidence and fluency. Students are better at editing their own work and editing the work of others, in a useful and also encouraging way. I’ve seen my students utilize strategies and tricks for reading comprehension without having to be reminded or suggested.

Student Agency

Students are much more engaged and invested in their learning. I’ve seen projects/performances that have surprised me, and allowed students to do something more in depth and high level than a prescriptive assignment would have. Students feel heard and valued.

Culturally Responsive Texts/Resources

I have made a purposeful shift in the texts, topics, and resources utilized in our class to serve as both a window into different cultural experiences and as a mirror to one’s own experience. This has increased engagement, critical thinking, and investment in learning.

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Student Interview 8th Grader, *Daria

Student was asked the following questions:

  • How do you feel when you come into this classroom?
  • What do you like about what happens here?
  • Do you feel like you’ve grown as a writer from your years in AVID class?
  • Do you feel like you can express your thoughts & feelings through writing?
  • Do you ever write for fun?
  • How do you feel about the deeper sharing & communicating we do this class?
  • Do you feel like your voice is heard in this classroom?
  • Do you feel like there are opportunities for you to give input on decisions in this class?

Transcript linked HERE.

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Student Interview: 8th Grader, *Abril

Student was asked the following questions:

  • How do you feel when you come into this classroom?
  • What do you like about what happens here?
  • Do you feel like you’ve grown as a writer from your years in AVID class?
  • Do you feel like you can express your thoughts & feelings through writing?
  • Do you ever write for fun?
  • How do you feel about the deeper sharing & communicating we do this class?
  • Do you feel like your voice is heard in this classroom?
  • Do you feel like there are opportunities for you to give input on decisions in this class?

Transcript linked HERE.

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Taking This Work Further

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Equity Learning Group

I have a close circle of colleagues committed to equity and culturally responsive teaching. I plan to continue being intentional with them to continue meeting and making plans, finding ways to include more voices, finding ways to make a meaningful culture and community on campus. We met a few times over the course of the semester to do some vision-planning for the end of this year and the fall.

We would love for the group to grow and grow, rotate leadership/facilitation, explore a variety of texts, books, articles, and podcasts, and ultimately help to embed anti-racist teaching into the culture of our campus.

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Professional Development

My AVID team often has to facilitate professional developments for the campus. We’ve strategized about synthesizing/incorporating culturally responsive texts into these professional developments as a way to both practice instructional strategies, but to also discuss extremely relevant topics to our profession: deficit ideology, co-creating a learning environment, the essential elements of cultural proficiency, selected readings from Cultivating Genius, relationship building, etc . This has been very successful so far, and we intend to continue.

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PD About Critical Reading, Socratic Seminar, AND Purposefully Selecting Culturally Responsive Texts

Teachers engaged in lively discussion about the ways that enforcing “correct” grammar can be an act of white supremacy. We talked about the value and fluidity of evolving language, accepting and encouraging students in their self expression, and cultivating strong, confident writers..

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SEL/CP&I Campus Facilitator Role

Grade Level Culturally Responsive Book Studies

In 2020, our SEL team read many culturally responsive YA novels. All 3 grade levels were able to vote on a book that they wanted to read as a book study. During the fall semester of 2021 and 2022, students have listened to and discussed chapters weekly that are both a mirror and a window to human experiences.

6th grade: Ghost Boys

7th grade: Take The Mic: Fictional Stories of Everyday Resistance

8th grade: Slay

Meaningful Introspection, Community Building, & Reflective Work in Advisory

As a SEED Model campus, we have chosen to engage in the “Lost & Found Project”, to reflect about what we have lost and also found during the pandemic. Students will reflect and we will have a display on campus. In addition, we have weekly reflective circles, community service projects, interactive/informational lessons about empathy, inclusivity, PRIDE, neurodiversity, Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, etc. Spring Advisory calendar linked here.

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Thank you to our amazing Leadership Pathway instructors. I appreciate your patience, guidance, and willingness to listen, adjust, and support. The kindness combined with high expectations modeled the safe, challenging learning environment all teachers hope to create.