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International Baccalaureate Program Overview

This presentation is a general overview of the IB program at the high school level. Specific courses and schedules for the high school are still in development.

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Programmatic Considerations

  • MYP Year 4 & 5 (9th and 10th grade)
  • Diploma Program
  • Career Program
  • Authorization Process and Timeline
  • A-G requirements, course sequence, submission and timeline.

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Minimum Graduation Requirements California

To receive a high school diploma, students must fulfill state and district graduation requirements. State-mandated graduation course requirements (the state minimums) follow:

  • Three years of English
  • Two years of Mathematics (including Algebra I)**
  • Two years of science (including biology and physical science)
  • Three courses in social studies, including United States history and geography; world history, culture, and geography; a one-semester course in American government and civics; and a one-semester course in economics.
  • One year of world language or one year of visual/performing art, or one year of career technical education.
  • Two years of physical education
  • 1 semester ethnic Studies: must offer by 25-26, mandated graduation for 29-30 SY. AB 101

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  • History & Social Science
  • 2 years and/or

(Score 5+, in IB History or Geography HL)

  • 3 years of social science (including U.S history and geography; world history, culture, and geography; one semester of American government; and one semester of economics) (Ca. Minimum)

B) English

  • 4 years (Score 5+, IB English Literature HL)
  • 3 years of English (Ca. Minimum)

C) Mathematics

  • 3 years required, 4 recommended

(Score of 5+, IB MATH HL satisfies two years but not geometry)

  • 2 years of mathematics (including Algebra I) (Ca. Minimum)

D) Science

  • 2 years required, 3 recommended

(Score of 5+ in IB Biology, Chemistry or Physics HL)

  • 2 years of science (including biology and physical science) (Ca. Minimum)

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E) Language other than English (LOTE)

  • 2 year required, 3 recommended

(Score of 5+, IB Language HL)*Several choices)

  • One year of foregin language or one year of visual/performing art, or one year of career technical education. (Ca. Minimum)

F) Visual & Performing Arts

  • 1 year required

(Score of 5+, IB Dance, Music , Theater, Film or Visual Arts)

  • One year of foregin language or one year of visual/performing art, or one year of career technical education.

G) College-Prep Elective

  • 1 year required

***physical education

***Ethnic studies

  • 2 years (California State requirement) not A-G required.
  • Intent of legislature to make ethnic studies and A-G requirement, could be an ‘H’ requirement.


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MYP YEAR (4 & 5)

Last year of MYP (Year 5/Grade 10)

  • In the final year of the programme, each MYP student must independently develop a personal project, which is externally validated by the IB.
  • (eAssessment) OPTION: in all other elements of the programme. It offers students the chance to earn a formal, internationally recognised certificate if they meet the success criteria

Students must earn a 3 or higher on each of the 8 E assessments to obtain the MYP certificate

Prior to the end of year 5 students will select a pathway. IB Diploma or IB Career-Related Program

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Three Core Elements


  • Theory of knowledge, in which students reflect on the nature of knowledge and on how we know what we claim to know.

  • The extended essay, which is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper.

(Elements are both internally & externally assessed)

*3 Standard Level & 3 Higher Level in order to attain the IB Diploma

The six subject groups are:

(4 or higher is required on the external assessment)

  • Studies in language and literature

  • The arts*(or additional, Science, I&S or Language)

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Diploma Courses & Career Related Studies

  • *Personal and Professional Skills

  • Service Learning

  • Reflective Project

  • Language Development

Minimum of two diploma courses and assessment.

(See previous slide)

Career Related Studies

*opportunity to design career pathways for our AEA community.

*offers a more personalized IB experience at the secondary level.

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Internationally recognized

  • Eighty- two percent of US DP graduates enrolled in college immediately after graduating from high school, as compared to 66% of all US high school graduates.
  • Of the DP graduates who enrolled in college immediately after high school, 88% returned to the same institution the following year, compared to 80% of all US students.
  • Three years later, 62% of DP graduates earned a four- year college degree, as compared to 41% of all US students

Source: IB 2013 DP Report

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Career Related Program Report (CP)

Career Related Program

  • Customize the IB education to fit with each child’s needs And for students to pursue emerging interests. Allow program flexibility and to leverage local needs or strengths.
  • Four out of five (81%) CP graduates enrolled in university some time after secondary school.
  • Of those, 79% chose four- year institutions over two-year colleges as compared to 64% nationally in 2014.

They also tend to major in high-earning, career-oriented fields* such as:

• engineering (18%), business (17%), health sciences (15%)

Most CP graduates attended university full-time (87%) and also stayed enrolled continuously without any gaps (84%).

Source: IB 2017 CP REPORT

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