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Julia Normandin & Kenneth Johns

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Photography company directed toward family.

  • Graduation
  • Get-togethers
  • Weddings
  • Anniversary
  • Birthdays
  • Holidays
  • Portraits
  • Senior Photos

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Brand Background

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Project Goal

To provide professional and reliable photography services while promoting an inviting, family-friendly atmosphere.

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Target Audience

Target Audience

Families who want photos for special occasions. This often appeals to middle-aged parents and grandparents watching their grandchildren accomplish milestones in life.

Purpose of Design

To feel more friendly and welcoming than other photography companies that prioritize sleek aesthetics with cold color schemes.

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Brand Name

The name SnapShots comes from the fleeting moments in life that pass us up before we know it. The purpose of this business is to successfully capture those moments. It is also because a camera makes a snap noise.

The quick nature of the name also brings to mind many pictures being taken in quick succession.

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Brand Story

The story that SnapShots sells to the potential customer is the appeal of nostalgic memories.

We want to make the customer feel that, if they hire SnapShots, their pictures will arrive in stunning quality and make their memories of the occasion feel sweet, as well as bringing families together further thanks to the memorable pictures.

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Brand Typeface

This typeface is round and friendly, working well with warm colors. Even the name is indicative of the sweet feeling this typeface is intended to evoke.

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Color Palette

The color palette for SnapShots is composed of soft orange and blues, with additional black and white segments.







The orange uses a majority of the space because it represents warmth and success, with the passion of red and happiness of yellow.

Blue is used as an accent color to provide solid contrast and bring feelings of calm and inspiration.

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Logo Design Process

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Final Brand Logo

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Final Brand Logo Details

Our final logo is intended to summarize the purpose and aesthetic of the SnapShots brand.

The main components are the connected people, representing family or friends, and the camera in center. The flash on the camera captures the moment between the two people.

The color palette is warm, making it welcoming and calming. This is contrasted with most photography brands that are cold and sleek.

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Specific Situations

A teenager is about to graduate and their grandparents want to celebrate the special occasion with a photoshoot after the graduation. The grandmother navigates to the SnapShots website, specifies the occasion, and selects a date and time for the photographer.

A couple renewing their vows decides to take a couple of high quality photos themselves but notice that the end product is not exactly how they imagined or that they messed up at one point. They decide to submit their photos to the SnapShots website, and receive their newly edited photos exactly to their specifications.

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Competitive Analysis

Competitors often have previous pictures up front to capture potential customers’ interest. They have work easily accessible for viewing, and invite the user to learn more about the service and its founder.

An action button is not often found, and these sites may benefit from prompting the user to book an appointment soon.


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UX Idea

The app would primarily be used to book appointments and submit user photos to be edited. The user can select what the content of the photos will be, any specific requests, and dates and times. When submitting a photo of their own, the user can detail how they would like the photo to be edited.

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UX Keywords

Clean - The user experience should not have any unnecessary clutter in the form of features that users will not utilize, like a mailing list

Ease of Use - The website would have instant access to the main functions of booking an appointment and submitting photos to be edited

Orderly - Every function is clearly laid out on the homepage of the website

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Figma Link