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The Conservative Ascendancy

Cynicism and Optimism in Post-Watergate America

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I. Nixon’s Legacy

A. New Federalism : Give states more control over the use of federal aid

    • - Nixon wanted to scale back New Deal and Great Society programs

B. “Southern Strategy” – wooed southern voters away from Democratic party

C. Détente: an ease or a relaxation in tensions between the U.S. and USSR (arms limitation, relative security, etc.)

D. Watergate – Cynicism and Distrust toward government; new campaign finance regulations

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II. Ford Presidency

  • Nixon’s Pardon- “end the national nightmare”?
    • Others Jailed
    • Public distrust of


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B. Amnesty Plan

1. Ford pardons “draft dodgers” for 2 years’ public work

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C. INFLATION: OPEC Oil Embargo 1973

  • Reason: for our support of Israel
  • Prices of gas and oil doubled
  • Rationing of gas and federal incentives help ease shortages
  • Inflation topped 10% - worst recession since WWII
    • Stagflation – high unemployment coupled w/ high inflation.

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III. Presidency of Jimmy Carter

  • From Plains, Georgia
    • Peanut Farmer
    • Baptist upbringing
    • “Competent and compassionate Government”
    • Governor of Georgia
      • Washington “outsider”

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B. Carter’s Achievements

  • Helsinki Accords: human rights
  • Camp David Accords, 1977: Peace treaty b/w Israel and Egypt
  • Panama Canal Treaties, 1977: turn canal over to Panama

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C. Carter’s Failures

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Iranian Hostage Crisis

1. Revolution led by Islamic Fundamentalist toppled pro-American Shah Reza Pahlavi.

2. Shah receives cancer treatment in U.S.

3. Revolutionaries take U.S. embassy hostage for 444 days

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  • Boycott of 1980 Olympics: USSR invades Afghanistan
  • Economic Crisis: Stagflation
      • High inflation, slow economic growth, rising unemployment
  • Continued Energy Problems: OPEC boycott

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Nuclear Accident: 3 Mile Island

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IV. President Ronald Reagan

“Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem.”

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A. Reagan’s Domestic Policies

Reaganomics: Supply-side, Trickle-down Economics

  • Cut taxes of wealthy
  • Reinvest in business

- Deregulation

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B. Balanced Budget?

  • Reduced social welfare programs

- Cut welfare, Medicaid, etc.

  • Cuts to EPA
  • Increased spending on defense & military:
    • “STAR WARS” (SDI)
  • Result: National Debt Rises

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C. Farm Aid

  • World Wide Recession
  • Gov’t provides subsidies to help farmers
  • Deficit grows

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D. Immigration

- Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986) - Forbade employers from hiring illegal immigrants, but offered amnesty for many illegal immigrants

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Reagan’s Foreign Policy

  • Questioning Détente?

B. Central America (Reagan Doctrine)

1. El Salvador: Sent $ and advisers help back anti-communist forces

2. Nicaragua – U.S. supports Contras fighting Cuban backed Sandinistas (unknown to Congress)

a. Congress cuts off aid

C. Covert CIA actions support pro-U.S. governments and fight left-leaning gov’ts

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C. Middle East

  • Rise of terrorism in 1980’s to promote political and Islamist (fundamentalist) causes
  • Lebanon: 1983 U.S. marines killed by bomb laden truck into their barracks

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Reagan’s Second Term 1985-1989

  • Economics

1. Uneven distribution of wealth

2. Tax cuts for 60% of Americans

3. Favor the Rich

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4. Cut federal programs

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B. Iran Contra Affair

  • Sold weapons to Iran in exchange for Iranian help to release hostages in Lebanon
  • $ from sale given to Contras to fight leftist Sandinistas in Nicaragua
  • Congressional committee cleared Reagan
  • Col. Oliver North and CIA operatives found guilty

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C. Glasnost and Perestroika

  • Tough stand against communism and increased defense measures forced Soviets to raise its on military spending
    • “Mr. Gorbochev, tear down this wall!”
  • Gorbochev pursued policies of Glasnost and Perestroika to encourage political and economic reform in Soviet Union.

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D. Apartheid in South Africa

1. Strict economic sanctions until apartheid ended.

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E. Rise of the Christian Right

  • Individuals like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, along with groups such as Moral Majority, push Republicans to pander to Christian fundamentalists, who became an important and essential conservative constituency.

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Trends in Government 1960-1980

  • Welfare:

  • Cold War:

  • Size of Government:

  • Tax Burden:

President Ronald Reagan 1981-1989

  • Limit Welfare programs: stress self-reliance
  • Confrontation with communism to end Cold War
  • Reduce government size and power
  • Reduce tax burden for the wealthy by cutting taxes

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“A Conservative Revolution?”

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George H. W. Bush (1989-1993)

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Foreign Policy

  • Collapse of Soviet Union & End of Cold War
    • Fall of Berlin Wall
  • Invasion of Panama and ouster of Manuel Noriega
  • Persian Gulf War
    • Iraq invaded Kuwait
    • Operation Desert Shield/Storm – bombing campaign against Iraq, followed by ground troops in Kuwait to defeat Saddam Hussein.

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Domestic Issues

  • Americans with Disabilities Act – outlaws discrimination against people with disabilities and requires reasonable accommodations be made for them.
  • Economic slump
    • Forced to raise taxes, violating a campaign slogan (“Read my lips: no new taxes.”)

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Bill Clinton (1993-2001)

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  • “New Democrat” – More moderate
  • Failed health care overhaul
  • Oversaw period of economic growth and tech innovation
  • Midterm Elections - Conservative Backlash, “New Right” – cut taxes, scale back welfare
    • Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America”
  • Balance Budget and Surplus
  • Terrorism - Oklahoma City, WTC, ’96 Olympics, USS Cole
  • Foreign Policy - Somalia; Genocide in Rwanda; Bosnia & Kosovo (Ethnic Cleansing); Nuclear proliferation
  • Globalization – NAFTA; WTO protests
  • Impeachment - affair, perjury, and acquittal; Partisanship intensifies

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George W. Bush (2001-2009)

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  • 2000 Election – closest since 1876; recount in Florida halted by Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore
  • Bush Tax Cuts – cuts across all income levels, but benefitted wealthiest and contributed to budget deficits
  • No Child Left Behind – education reform, testing
  • 9/11 – Al Qaeda – radical Islamic fundamentalists
    • War on Terror; War in Afghanistan; War in Iraq
    • Patriot Act – gave gov’t brad surveillance powers; limited civil liberties. Dept. of Homeland Security
  • The Great Recession – worst since Great Depression; housing bubble burst; credit & financial sector crisis; Wall Street bailouts (TARP stimulus)

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Barack Obama (2009- )

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  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - $787 Billion economic stimulus during Great Recession – tax cuts, $ for construction, education, etc.
  • Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) – Extended healthcare through combination of subsidies, mandates, and insurance exchanges. Opposed by conservatives.
  • Rise of Tea Party – Right-wing activists (conservatives and libertarians) supporting limited government, low taxes, and socially conservative causes (gun rights, “family values,” etc.)
  • Foreign Policy – drone warfare; drawing down wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; killing Osama bin Laden; Arab Spring; ISIS.

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Contemporary Issues

  • Graying of America
  • Budget Deficits and National Debt
  • Immigration reform
  • Gay rights and same-sex marriage
  • Campaign finance
  • Gun Violence
  • Climate Change
  • Health Care

  • Income/Wealth Gap
  • Partisanship 🡪 Gridlock
  • Tech boom
    • Privacy/Surveillance
  • Sunbelt Migration
  • Racism
  • “Culture Wars”
  • Entitlement reform
    • Social Security, Medicare