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The purpose of my project is to see which toy car will go down the ramp and keep going the farthest distance.


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My hypothesis is that the toy car that is blue will go the farthest distance, because it is small.


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Blue toy car

Red toy truck

Green toy van

Cardboard ramp

3 books ramp


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Step 1. Make ramp with 3 book

Step 2. Put each car at the top of the ramp and let go

Step 3. Measure how for the car went.

Step 4. Repeat 3 times with all cars. Collecting data.


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Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Blue Car

4 feet

8 inches

2 feet

1 inch

5 feet 9 inches

Red Truck

9 feet

8 feet

3 inches

6 feet

7 inches

Green Van

5 feet 2 inch

7 feet 2 inches

2 feet 3 inches

Data Tables

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All of them went at least two feet.

My hypothesis was wrong I did not predict that the toy truck was going to go nine tiles away from me that was a real surprise for me.


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The reason that I did this project was because I was wondering what would happen if I rolled different toy cars and they all have different weights down a ramp. I did something similar in my class we rolled a battery down our books. It was fun so I wanted to try other objects to find the results.

Real World Connections