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Group Policy Troubleshooting Part 1

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GPOZaurr: PowerShell Module

  • Be careful when using on a production network
  • GPOZaurr module is not read-only
  • Tested only on English based Active Directory


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-Whatif parameter

  • Using the -WhatIf parameter in PowerShell commands is quite useful for testing and understanding the potential impact of a command without actually executing it. When you append -WhatIf to a PowerShell command, it doesn't execute the command. Instead, PowerShell will display a message describing what the command would do if it were to run, without making any changes to your system or data.

  • For example, if you use the command Remove-Item C:\example.txt -WhatIf, PowerShell will not delete the file C:\example.txt. Instead, it will display a message like: What if: Performing the operation "Remove File" on target "C:\example.txt".


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ObjectClass attribute

  • If the ObjectClass attribute is incorrectly set or corrupted for a GPO, it can lead to identification issues within Active Directory. Active Directory might not recognize the object as a valid GPO, leading to processing and replication problems.


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Health State of Group Policies


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GP Broken Links

Improper deletion of GPOs


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GP Broken Links

  • When GPO is deleted correctly, it usually is removed from AD, SYSVOL, and any link to it is also discarded.
    • Unfortunately, this is true only if the GPO is created and linked within the same domain.
  • If GPO is linked in another domain, this leaves a broken link hanging on before it was linked.
  • Additionally, the Remove-GPO cmdlet doesn't handle site link deletions, which causes dead links to be stuck on sites until those are manually deleted.
  • This means that any GPOs deleted using PowerShell may leave a trail.


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Remove Broken Links

  • Following command when executed, runs internally command that lists all broken links. After finding them all it delets them according to given criteria.
  • Make sure when running it for the first time to run it with WhatIf parameter as shown below to prevent accidental removal.

Repair-GPOZaurrBrokenLink -WhatIf -Verbose

  • After execution please make sure there are no errors, make sure to review provided output, and confirm that what is about to be changed matches expected data.


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Remove Broken Links

  • Once happy with results please follow with command:

Repair-GPOZaurrBrokenLink -Verbose

-LimitProcessing 2

  • This command when executed removes only first X number of links.
  • Keep in mind that 5 broken links on a single Organizational Unit are treated as one.
  • Use LimitProcessing parameter to prevent mass delete and increase the counter when no errors occur.
    • Repeat step above as much as needed increasing LimitProcessing count till there's nothing left.
    • In case of any issues please review and action accordingly.


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Group Policy Owners


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Group Policy Owners

  • By default, GPO creation is usually maintained by Domain Admins or Enterprise Admins.
    • When GPO is created by Domain Admins or Enterprise Admins group members, the GPO Owner is set to Domain Admins.
    • When GPO is created by a member of Group Policy Creator Owners or other group has delegated rights to create a GPO, the owner of said GPO is not Domain Admins group but is assigned to the relevant user.


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Group Policy Owners

  • GPO Owners should be Domain Admins or Enterprise Admins to prevent abuse.
    • If that isn't so, it means the owner can fully control GPO and potentially change its settings in an uncontrolled way.
    • While at the moment of creation of new GPO, it's not a problem, in the long term, it's possible such a person may no longer be admin, yet keep their rights over GPO.
    • As your aware, Group Policies are stored in 2 places.
      • In Active Directory (metadata) and SYSVOL (settings). This means that there are 2 places where GPO Owners exists.
      • This also means that for multiple reasons, AD and SYSVOL can be out of sync when it comes to their permissions, which can lead to uncontrolled ability to modify them.


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Group Policy Owners

  • Ownership in Active Directory and Ownership of SYSVOL for said GPO is required to be the same.


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GPO Owners

  • Following command will find any GPO which doesn't have proper GPO Owner (be it due to inconsistency or not being Domain Admin) and will enforce new GPO Owner.
  • Make sure when running it for the first time to run it with WhatIf parameter as shown below to prevent accidental removal.
  • Set-GPOZaurrOwner -Type All -Verbose -WhatIf


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