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Reimagining Employee Management with Conversational UX


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  • Conversational UX = substitute for the Graphical User Interface

  • Your friendly knowledgeable co-worker that is always there to help you out

  • Seamless Integration with Work6 - company resources, and employee management system

  • Contextual understanding

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The platform offers a range of technical functionalities tailored to optimize leave management, availability settings, reporting, and work schedule insights

Request leave

Set your availability

Generate reports

Organize meetings

See other employees working hours

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How does it work?

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Generating SQL queries

Executing the queries

А simplified view over the Work6 database - a streamlined representation of the data, focusing on the essential elements required for specific functionalities.

The model is tasked with generating SQL select queries based on the given views. These queries allow the system to dynamically retrieve relevant data for reporting.

The resulting query is sent to Work6 for execution specifically on the designated views.

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Conversation example

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Identifying names

Reducing the size of the prompts

SQL queries


  • Implements a flexible search mechanism for records, accommodating partial names, and potential typing errors.

  • Descriptive function names
  • Additional context only when necessary.
  • Functions are organized into a hierarchical structure to pass only the ones that are needed.
  • Views are created over the Work6 database.
  • Language model is instructed to fetch the database schema, only when it is needed.

  • Dedicated read-only database user
  • Confirmation dialogs
  • Role-based user access control





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What next?

Organize meetings

Experiment with different models

Integrate the chat within the Work6 UI

Improve the accuracy of the responses

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Thank You

For Your Attention