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Boardroom Stats

From Google Cloud

All of the slides in this deck are available for public use. We will add new insights weekly. Use them as a go-to resource for the latest cloud computing trends and statistics to spark dialogue and shape decision-making in 2023. View our living blog.

Directions: Make a copy of individual slides or the entire deck.

2 of 56

Financial resilience stats


3 of 56

Source here

41.4%of respondents plan to increase their investment in cloud-based services and products

33.4%plan on migrating from legacy enterprise software to cloud-based tools

32.8%�plan on migrating on-premises workloads to the cloud

Q: “Due to the current economic climate (inflation, supply chain issues, rising costs, etc.),�is your organization changing its cloud strategy in any of the following ways?”

Stat topic: Financial resilience

4 of 56


of global tech and business leaders plan to increase their investment in cloud-based services and products due to the current economic climate.

Stat topic: Financial resilience

5 of 56


of cloud decision-makers are either hiring new staff or re-training existing staff to better optimize their cloud spend.

Source: Forrester, 2022 Infrastructure Cloud Survey. Download our latest guide, “How to build financial resilience

Stat topic: Financial resilience

6 of 56

37.1%�are in the “crawl” stage — getting the basics in place.

41.7%are in the “walk” stage, where practitioners have established practices but not yet perfected them.

19.5%�are at the leading edge of maturity, or the “run” stage, where cloud FinOps is business as usual.

Fact: Most companies have yet to embrace cloud FinOps.

Stat topic: Financial resilience

Source: The State of FinOps 2022, FinOps Foundation

7 of 56

> $1 trillion�in run-rate EBITDA across Fortune 500 companies is foreseen as up for grabs in 2030, based on a detailed review of cloud cost-optimization levers and value-oriented business use cases.

Key takeaway: Companies in every industry can capture substantial value from cloud.

Stat topic: Financial resilience

8 of 56


of enterprises will use industry cloud platforms to accelerate their business initiatives by 2027.

Source: Gartner® ebook, Gartner's 2023 Top Strategic Technology Trends, 2022. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

Stat topic: Financial resilience

9 of 56


of technical and business professionals

are using automated policies to shut down workloads after hours and rightsize underutilized instances.

Automated cloud cost optimization policies can save time and reduce wasted spend.

Stat topic: Financial resilience

10 of 56

Source here

54%�Works with us to identify technology strategies�to increase our revenue or reduce our costs

50%Understands where my industry is going�and has solutions for future needs

50%�Has a services organization that helps implement�and maintain my infrastructure

Q: Thinking about cloud computing brands, which of the following would you consider characteristics of a�“strategic partner”?

Stat topic: Financial resilience

Source: Internal data from the Google Cloud Brand Pulse Survey, Q3 2022

11 of 56

AI/ML stats


12 of 56


of worldwide AI service buyers chose “IT training or education” as a top service line for AI investment in the next 12 months (and for those in IT roles, the figure increased to 38%).

Stat topic: AI/ML

13 of 56

AI/ML is a top �reason organizations embrace multicloud.

Key insight: AI/ML is particularly important for 61% of respondents in the finance industry.








Source: Enterprise Strategy Group eBook, Multicloud Application Deployment & Delivery Decision Making, February 20232

What workloads and/or workload requirements have led to your organization’s usage of other cloud providers beyond only your primary cloud provider?

Artificial intelligence/�machine learning (AI/ML)

Application �development �and testing

Database clustering

Global service �delivery

Distribute �applications to edge

Backup/disaster recovery

Distribute �workforce support

Cloud bursting






Stat topic: AI/ML

14 of 56

Most organizations will use codeless development tools for at least 30% of AI and automation initiatives by 2024.

Stat topic: AI/ML

15 of 56

By 2026, AI-driven features will be embedded across business technology categories with 60% of organizations using them to drive better outcomes without relying on technical AI talent.

Stat topic: AI/ML

16 of 56


of enterprises will combine human expertise with AI, ML, natural language processing (NLP), and pattern recognition to help augment foresight, increasing worker productivity by 25% in 2026.

Source: IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Artificial Intelligence and Automation 2022 Predictions, doc #US48298421, October 2021

Stat topic: AI/ML

17 of 56

When it comes to AI/ML initiatives, survey results from the International Data Corporation (IDC) show�that most organizations are still in the experimentation, evaluation and testing, or prototyping phases.

Only 31%

of respondents said they had AI in production.

Just one-third

from that segment claimed to have reached a mature state�of AI adoption.

Stat topic: AI/ML

18 of 56


of decision-makers are using AI to improve efficiencies in IT operations.

Source: Forrester 2022 Data & Analytics survey

Stat topic: AI/ML

19 of 56

By 2026, enterprises that have adopted AI engineering practices to build and manage adaptive AI systems will outperform their peers in the operationalizing AI models by at least 25%.

Stat topic: AI/ML

Source: Gartner® ebook, Gartner's 2023 Top Strategic Technology Trends, 2022. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

20 of 56

Culture of innovation stats


21 of 56


of cloud decision-makers view digital transformation as something more than a simple lift-and-shift exercise where systems are moved from data centers to the cloud.

Stat topic: Culture of innovation

22 of 56

75%plan to invest in new technology�platforms to facilitate innovation exchange

64%plan to invest in additional training programs on innovation

53%will evolve hiring policies to capture more diverse�ideas and approaches

42%will work to strengthen data gathering and analysis processes to support decision making

Q: How will organizations�invest in innovation over�the next 5 years?

Stat topic: Culture of innovation

Source: Google Cloud research, Create a Culture of Innovation, 2022

23 of 56

Q: What does digital�transformation mean to you?


Optimizing processes�and becoming more operationally agile


Improving customer experience through technology

Stat topic: Culture of innovation

24 of 56

25 of 56

Culture has a significant effect on whether individuals struggle with burnout as a result of working remotely. Teams with a generative culture, composed of people who felt included and like they�belonged on their team, were half as likely to experience burnout during the pandemic.

Stat topic: Culture of innovation

Source: 2021 State of DevOps report, commissioned by the Google Cloud DORA Team.

26 of 56


of employees are estimated to have left a job due to DEI shortcomings.

Source: Boston Consulting Group, “It’s Time to Reimagine Diversity, Equity, and

Inclusion," May 2021

Stat topic: Culture of innovation

27 of 56

IT leaders and practitioners that use cloud are 14% more likely to exceed organizational performance goals than peers that do not.

Stat topic: Culture of innovation

Source: 2022 State of DevOps report, commissioned by the Google Cloud DORA Team.

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Cloud infrastructure stats


29 of 56


of organizations indicated they deploy applications on two or more IaaS providers, attesting that the age of multicloud is officially here.

Source: Enterprise Strategy Group eBook, Multicloud Application Deployment & Delivery Decision Making, February 2023

Stat topic: Cloud infrastructure

30 of 56

50%�IT leadership

47%Information security

47%�IT infrastructure and management

44%�Non-IT executive management / C-suite

When it comes to selecting the right cloud provider, more groups are getting a seat at the table.

On average, 3.7 groups in an organization own cloud selection decisions.

Stat topic: Cloud infrastructure

Source: Enterprise Strategy Group eBook, Multicloud Application Deployment & Delivery Decision Making, February 2023

31 of 56

Cloud-first is the dominant policy for deploying new applications.

Across deployment strategies for net-new applications and workloads, 47% of organizations within various industries follow a cloud-first strategy by deploying new applications using public cloud services.

Stat topic: Cloud infrastructure

Which of the following best describes your organization’s deployment strategy for net-new applications?

47%�Cloud-first policy, i.e. we deploy a new application using public cloud services unless someone makes a compelling case to deploy it using on-premises resources

27%We consider both on-premises technology resources and public cloud services equally when considering how to deploy new applications

26%�On-premises-first policy, i.e. we deploy a new application using on-premises technology resources unless someone makes a �compelling case to deploy it using public cloud services

Source: Enterprise Strategy Group eBook, Multicloud Application Deployment & Delivery Decision Making, February 2023

32 of 56








Source: Enterprise Strategy Group eBook, Multicloud Application Deployment & Delivery Decision Making, February 2023

Why is your organization using more than one public cloud infrastructure (i.e., IaaS and PaaS, but excluding SaaS) provider?

Performance �and flexibility

Reliability (e.g., backups on multiple providers)

Storage/capacity flexibility

Data compliance requirements

Shadow IT led to multicloud usage

Teams can use the clouds they want

Cost flexibility

Location/geographic requirements

Avoid vendor lock-in

Retain merger/�acquisition preference




Flexibility fuels multicloud decisions

Industry also plays a role in prioritization.

For example:

  • Healthcare organizations lean more heavily �towards cost flexibility (45%)
  • Retail (48%) and technology (45%) organizations want teams to be able to use their preferred clouds of choice
  • Finance organizations want to avoid vendor lock-in (43%)

Stat topic: Cloud infrastructure

33 of 56

Q: How would you best describe your cloud environment?

Stat topic: Cloud infrastructure







Mostly �Cloud

Mostly �Hybrid

Mostly �On-Premises







Cloud Environment - 2020 vs. 2022

34 of 56


of IT leaders say that APIs help build better digital experiences and products.

And 54% of IT leaders say APIs accelerate innovation by facilitating collaboration with partners.

Stat topic: Cloud infrastructure

35 of 56


of IT leaders and decision-makers trust that cloud providers�can build better tools to manage their own clouds.

IDC whitepaper sponsored by Google Cloud: “A Built-In Observability Tool Adoption Blueprint for Public Cloud: Driving Quantified Value for DevOps, Development, Operations, and SRE Teams,” November 2022

Stat topic: Cloud infrastructure

36 of 56


of respondents reported an increase in IT budget for public cloud, and 77% reported an increase in budget for internal private cloud during 2022.

Source: Forrester, 2022 Infrastructure Cloud Survey. Download our latest guide, “How to build financial resilience

Stat topic: Cloud infrastructure

37 of 56

26%of people reported using multiple public clouds in 2022, up from 21% in 2021.

Hybrid cloud usage also increased from 25% to 42.5%.

Source: 2022 State of DevOps report, commissioned by the Google Cloud DORA Team.

Stat topic: Cloud infrastructure

38 of 56

76%of people reported using the �public cloud, including multiple clouds, in 2022.

This up from 56% in 2021.

Source: 2022 State of DevOps report, commissioned by the Google Cloud DORA Team.

Stat topic: Cloud infrastructure

39 of 56

Cloud security stats


40 of 56

Cybersecurity is the �No. 1 investment priority for global organizations in 2023.

Stat topic: Cloud security

Source: Google Cloud Brand Pulse Survey, Wave 5, 2022


Data management and / or data analytics

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

App and / or infrastructure modernization

Productivity and collaboration

Which of these is the top investment priority for your organization in 2023?






Sample size


41 of 56

When it comes to trusting a cloud provider, global enterprise cloud decision makers say “strong capabilities for protecting and controlling my data in the cloud” (40%) and “works well with my existing security solutions and other security vendors” (38%)�are the two most important capabilities or provisions.

Stat topic: Cloud security

Source: Google Cloud Brand Pulse Survey, Wave 5, 2022

Which security capabilities or provisions are most likely to make you trust a cloud provider?


Strong capabilities for protecting and controlling my data in the cloud (e.g., encryption)


Works well with my existing security solutions and other security vendors


Automated, built-in features�to stop security threats


A broad range of global security certifications and audits

Security products that are easy�to configure and use


Availability of expert leaders�to offer guidance


Commitments to uphold privacy regulations and requirements


Customer endorsements�and anecdotes


Published/shared security research


Availability of security blueprints and best practices guidance


A lack of public security incidents impacting the provider


42 of 56


Of security intrusions in 2021 had “supply chain” identified as the initial infection vector compared to less than 1% in 2020.

Source: M-Trends 2022, Mandiant

Stat topic: Cloud security

43 of 56

Stat topic: Cloud security

Source: M-Trends 2022, Mandiant

Business and professional�services and financial servicesare the top targeted industries across the globe.



Top 5 industries targeted�by adversaries in 2021, based on Mandiant incident response engagements:




Retail�and hospitality


High tech


Business �and professional

44 of 56


Of organizations have delayed the rollout of a new service or application due to API security concerns.

Stat topic: Cloud security

45 of 56

Technology priorities for API security

To stay ahead of security threats, many organizations look for solutions that allow them to be proactive while minimizing the burden on their security teams.


Improve capabilities to proactively identify security threats


Improve security automation and orchestration capabilities

Stat topic: Cloud security

46 of 56

Teams who integrate security best practices throughout their development process are�1.6x more likely to meet or exceed their organizational goals.

Stat topic: Cloud security

Source: 2021 State of DevOps report, commissioned by the Google Cloud DORA Team.

47 of 56

High-trust, low-blame cultures focused on performance are 1.6 times more likely to have above-average adoption of emerging security�practices than low-trust, high-blame cultures focused on power or rules.

Source: 2022 State of DevOps report, commissioned by the Google Cloud DORA Team.

Stat topic: Cloud security

48 of 56

In 2023, Europe is expected�to surpass the United States�as the most targeted�region for ransomware.

Stat topic: Cloud security

49 of 56

Corporate sustainability stats


50 of 56

>90%of executives agree that “technology makes it possible for our organization to be more sustainable.”

Stat topic: Corporate sustainability

51 of 56


of CIOs will have performance metrics tied to the sustainability of the IT organization by 2025.

Source: Gartner® ebook, Gartner's 2023 Top Strategic Technology Trends, 2022. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

Stat topic: Corporate sustainability

52 of 56

Source here

36%Lack of investment in the right technology

36%Lack of understanding about the issue

34%Too much focus on growth and profit

34%Limited budget for sustainability measures

34%Lack of regulatory incentives or political will

Q: “What are the top�barriers to achieving true�environmental sustainability?”

Stat topic: Corporate sustainability

Lack of investment in�the right technology

53 of 56

Digital solutions will play an enabling role for at least 20-25% of the reductions required to achieve a net-zero economy in Europe.

Stat topic: Corporate sustainability

54 of 56

The most advanced digital economies in the EU reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 25% between 2003 and 2019 while increasing economic output by 30% in the same period.

Stat topic: Corporate sustainability

55 of 56

When it comes to corporate sustainability, executives want to see better accountability and action, but communicating authentically when implementing sustainability programs remains a challenge.

Only 36%

of executives say their organizations have measurement tools in�place to quantify their sustainability efforts…

…and just 17%

of organizations are using those measurements to optimize based on results.

Stat topic: Corporate sustainability

56 of 56


of executives cite technology as critical for their future sustainability efforts, attesting that it helps transform operations, socialize their initiatives more broadly, and measure and report on the impact of their efforts.

Stat topic: Corporate sustainability