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Wikidata/Wikibase Design System�Why devs and designers love it

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Optimise design and engineering processes and achieve overall consistency in the Wikidata/Wikibase platforms by replacing the current Front End with modular, reusable Vue components that are based on a single visual source of truth.

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Why a system

  • Consistency = better user experience
  • Consolidate conflicting resources into a single source of truth for design
  • Base component implementation in a set of predefined, centralized and traceable design decisions
  • Improve design >< development communication and handover
  • Ensure component reusability

Using a Design System as a foundation for component development allows us to...

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Design tokens

A systemic approach requires setting in advance the design direction that will guide component implementation.

Design principles are encoded in agnostic (JSON) design tokens: property/value pairs used to style components.

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Design tokens

The Wikimedia Design Style Guide is our design source of truth. To ensure alignment, we base our global tokens on wikimedia-ui-base variables.

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To achieve consistency, the design of components must be solely based on the consolidated design principles: tokens are used as a common language during handover.

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Why we love tokens

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Bridging the gap between development and design

  • Avoid using specific values and single use variables (threat to consistency)
  • Embed traceable design decisions directly in the component implementation
  • Share a common language between developers >< designers (specs)
  • Outsource and centralize design changes
  • Apply visual modifications without altering the component implementation

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Accessible inventory

Along with the design system comes a way to showcase what it contains (in Storybook)

  • Status quo of the system is always accessible to anyone and everyone - without technological hurdles�
  • It’s in the tokens or it does not exist
    • No more guess-inspecting design files

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Tokens influence each other

  • De-duplicates “magic” values�
  • Profound changes can be done from a central spot, propagate down
    • “with great power comes great responsibility”
    • encourages/allows designers to verify the consequences are actually intended before employing engineers
      • Effect of token changes, somewhere in the tree, on “tree leaves” is easily previewable

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.button {

color: #000;


// wikimedia-ui-base

$wmf-wmui-color-base10: #202122;

// global

$color.base.10: $wmf-wmui-color-base10;

// alias

$font.color.base.value: $color.base.10;

// component-level token

$wikit-Button-color: $font.color.base;

.button {

color: $wikit-Button-color;




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// wikimedia-ui-base

$wmf-wmui-color-base10: #2021223;

// global

$color.base.10: $wmf-wmui-color-base10;

// alias

$font.color.base.value: $color.base.10;

// component-level token

$wikit-Button-color: $font.color.base;

.button {

color: $wikit-Button-color;


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Tokens self-document

  • They communicate intent
    • No more “it’s not this blue, it’s that blue” - prevents guess work in case of values which look similar�
  • They communicate relationships
    • Tokens leading back to a shared base are conceptional peers

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.input {

color: #000;


.button {

color: #000;


// ...

// component-level token

$wikit-Input-color: $font.color.somethingelse;

$wikit-Button-color: $font.color.base;

.input {

color: $wikit-Input-color;


.button {

color: $wikit-Button-color;




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Explanations are part of the deliverable

  • Dedicated "comment" fields in the tokens files�
  • Everything is in version control, descriptive commit messages allow for archeology�
  • Can communicate TODOs, external constraints (for reevaluation) to our future self

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Decoupling design from technology

  • Tokens are packaged separately and are compiled to different formats - CSS, Less, SCSS, etc.
  • They can be used in front ends before components exist in the Design System
  • This creates a level of agnosticism which enables UX Designers to apply Design System principles without depending on engineering
    • Mobile Apps
    • Front ends that don’t use the same technology as the Design System
  • By providing tokens separately from components we don’t observe any downsides, only benefits
    • Monorepo orchestrated by lerna
    • Tokens and components versions are always in sync

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How did we

make this happen?

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  • Enables participation by all roles (no “dev knowledge” required)
  • Creates technology agnosticism (i.e. “variables” in more than on frontend software format)

Everything in version control

Everything pushed to Github - all roles are empowered

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Visual Testing

  • Built on Github right away�
    • Shows previews of token visualizations
    • Shows previews of components
    • Shows changes to components through Chromatic UI review
    • (Runs cross-browser browser tests)

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Design System in action


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