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Night Light

By: David Hill

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  • What is the biggest and brightest thing in the night sky?

  • How far away is the moon from Earth?

  • How long does it take a spacecraft to get to the moon?

  • How many people have walked on the moon?

  • Where does the moon’s light come from?

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6. How many days does it take the moon to go around the Earth?

7. Would you like to go the moon one day?


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Fill in the missing information.

(page 3) The moon’s diameter is __________________

The moon is _______________ times smaller than _______________

and______________________times smaller than ________________

Gravity on the moon is _______________ because the moon is


(Page 5) The moon has no __________ so there’s no _______________

(Page 7) The words ‘month’ and ‘Monday’ come from ________________