第 1 页,共 14 页


第 2 页,共 14 页

Chapter 05: The Road to Revolution (1745–1776)





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The Road to Revolution (1745–1776)

Trouble on the Frontier

The Colonists Resist Tighter Control

From Protest to Rebellion

The War Begins

第 3 页,共 14 页

Sec 1: Trouble on the Frontier

Trouble on the Frontier

Competing Empires

Main Idea: A struggle over control of the Ohio River valley led to conflict between England and France.

Early British Defeats

Main Idea: The first years of the French and Indian War were marked by a series of military disasters for the British.

The British Turn the Tide

Main Idea: New leadership allowed the British to win a series of important victories and led to the French surrender.

MapMaster: The French and Indian War

Color Transparencies: The French and Indian War

Progress Monitoring Transparency

第 4 页,共 14 页

Transparency: The French and Indian War

The French and Indian War


第 5 页,共 14 页

Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 1

Progress Monitoring Transparency



第 6 页,共 14 页

Sec 2: The Colonists Resist Tighter Control

The Colonists Resist Tighter Control

Conflict With Native Americans

Main Idea: Colonists moving westward into the Ohio River valley spurred a reaction by Native Americans led by Pontiac.

British Rule Leads to Conflict

Main Idea: Conflict arose when the British government attempted to impose taxes on the colonists.

The Stamp Act

Main Idea: Protests over the Stamp Act spread throughout the colonies and led the British to repeal the act.

Protests Spread

Main Idea: Attempts to enforce writs of assistance and the Boston Massacre infuriated many colonists.

Image Library: Effects of the French and Indian War

Progress Monitoring Transparency

第 7 页,共 14 页

Image Library: Effects of the French and Indian War

Effects of the French and Indian War


第 8 页,共 14 页

Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 2

Progress Monitoring Transparency



第 9 页,共 14 页

Sec 3: From Protest to Rebellion

From Protest to Rebellion

A Dispute Over Tea

Main Idea: Opposition to the British tax on tea led to a dramatic confrontation in Boston Harbor.

The Intolerable Acts

Main Idea: The British reaction to the Boston Tea Party outraged colonists and led to the First Continental Congress.

The Shot Heard Round the World

Main Idea: The British attempt to seize Patriot arms led to the first open battle of the American Revolution.

History Interactive: Discover the Events That Led to the Revolution

Color Transparencies: Protesting Taxes

Color Transparencies: Causes of the Revolution

Progress Monitoring Transparency

第 10 页,共 14 页

Transparency: Protesting Taxes

Protesting Taxes


第 11 页,共 14 页

Transparency: Causes of the Revolution

Causes of the Revolution


第 12 页,共 14 页

Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 3

Progress Monitoring Transparency



第 13 页,共 14 页

Sec 4: The War Begins

The War Begins

The Second Continental Congress

Main Idea: The Second Continental Congress was divided, at first, about what course to take in the dispute with Britain.

Early Battles

Main Idea: The battles at Bunker Hill and Ticonderoga proved Americans could fight and stand up to professional British soldiers.

Progress Monitoring Transparency

第 14 页,共 14 页

Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 4

Progress Monitoring Transparency