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A Day for Fun and Laughing!

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  • April (Abril)
    • The 4th month of the year
  • Fools (Engañar)
    • To trick someone
  • Joke (Broma)
    • Something to make someone laugh
  • Surprise (Sorpresa)
    • When something unexpected happens
  • Funny (Gracioso)
    • Something/Someone that makes you smile or laugh
  • Laugh (Reír)
    • The physical reaction to something funny!

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What is April Fools’ Day?

  • Celebrated on April 1st of every year! (in the United States and some other countries)
  • A day for people to play jokes or pranks on their friends or family to make them laugh
  • In England, it is tradition that all pranks must be completed before noon (12 PM)

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Fun Fact:

  • Spain has its’ own version of April Fools’ Day!
  • “Día de los Santos Inocentes,” is similar because of the jokes and silly stories told on that day (December 28th)

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People celebrating April Fools’ Day in the United States

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Quick Note!!

Good morning/afternoon, everyone! I hope that you are all healthy and staying safe with your families. I also hope that you are continuing to find new ways to have fun, stay active, and practice your English, too! Find a new English TV series (with subtitles), a book of your level, or some new music to help you learn and enjoy at the same time. I miss all of you very much and can’t wait to see all of your smiling faces soon!
