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United States of America

The research work of the group


Project “Sherlock, New York and the maple leaf”

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The Statue of Liberty - New York

The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States and is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy.

The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886, designated as a National Monument in 1924 and restored for her centennial on July 4, 1986.  

The history of the Statue of Liberty is just as fascinating as the monument itself.

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Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

The Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore near Keystone, South Dakota. Mount Rushmore National Memorial is visited by nearly three million people each year that come to marvel at the majestic beauty of the Black Hills of South Dakota and learn about the birth, growth, development and preservation of the country.  George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln forever in our memories.

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Lincoln Memorial - Washington, DC

The Lincoln Memorial is an American national monument built to honor the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. It is located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. across from the Washington Monument.

The 16th President of the United States-the Great Emancipator and preserver of the nation during the Civil War - sits immortalized in marble. As an enduring symbol of freedom, the Lincoln Memorial attracts anyone who seeks inspiration and hope.

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The United States Capitol 

This monument is among the most symbolically important and architecturally impressive buildings in the nation. It has housed the meeting chambers of the House of Representatives and the Senate for two centuries. The Capitol, which was started in 1793, has been through many construction phases. It stands today as a monument to the American people and their government.

It stands as a focal point of the government's legislative branch and as a centerpiece of Capitol Hill and the National Mall.

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Washington Monument, Washington D.C

"First in War, First in Peace, and First in the hearts of his countrymen.“

about George Washington, the first president of the United States.

The Washington Monument is an iconic structure and historic monument built to honor the first president of the United States, George Washington. Standing at 169.2 meters it is the tallest stone structure in the world.

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American national character

  • The stereotype of Americans is that the Americans are usually shown as greedy, practical, not really intelligent individuals, very proud of their being the Americans

  •  In the 19th century it was called a "melting pot” however, nowadays such terms as a "salad bowl" or a "pizza" characterize it much better. It means that all ingredients (nations, ethnic groups, peoples) are mixed and separated at a time. 

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American national character

  • Most monuments in USA are devoted to politicians and connected with the fighting-for-rights events
  • Americans tend to be independently-minded people, ever protective of their civil rights and freedoms.
  • The American character is based on freedom: freedom of speech, freedom to pursue their own interests, freedom of religion, freedom of movement within the country

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