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Air Pollution

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What is Air Pollution?

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Air pollution is when unwanted chemicals, gases, and particles enter the air and the atmosphere causing harm to humans, animals and damaging the natural cycles of the Earth. Watch the video to the right and reflect of your learning.

What are some of the causes of air pollution?

What are some of the effects of air pollution?

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"Troy stuttered, blushed and shook as he addressed the crowd." What can you infer about Troy from this statement?

The sun was low in the sky. Kay's body ached. Blisters had formed on her hands. She set the rake down on the big pile of leaves and headed for home. What can you infer about Kay from this statement?

As usual, Jim left for school ten minutes later than he should have. His shoelaces were untied and his backpack was unzipped. He had traveled only one block when he heard his mother shout his name. He looked back and saw her waving his brown bag lunch. What can you infer from this passage?

Rubin made a mental checklist: Do laundry. Go to supermarket and get groceries. Clean house. Fix hallway light. Change the bed sheets in guest room. Wrap presents. His parents were coming in the morning and he didn't know how he would get everything done. What can you infer from this passage?

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Create a poster, artwork or video (individually) that explains what air pollution is and what humans can do to reduce it.