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The Design of <website>

By: Team Class 3A

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Background Information

By: S. Student

  • Summary: Its a website that shows you different sports that you can learn based on your level and certain amount of time that you would like to acknowledge by doing that you can earn trophies.

  • Number of Employees: 13 employees

  • Annual Revenue: 5 million

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User Base

By: S. Student

  • Age: 15-30 years old

  • Gender: Male and Female

  • Target Audience: Athletes and people that wanna be active
  • Education:

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Accessibility Design (Eniel)

By: S. Student

  • Pros: It tells you different courses of sports, It is easy to navigate and move around. More interactive

  • Cons: Not that much filters that help you decide what you need and what you do, It may not make the user comfortable.

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Website Homepage Design

By: S. Student

  • If a user is already logged-in
  • If a user is not logged in

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Signup Process

By: S. Student

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Payment Experience

By: S. Student

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Key Takeaways

By: S. Student

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Works Cited

By: S. Student

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Wrap up: Summary

By: S. Student

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User Flow

By: S. Student