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STEM Expo Session 3/8

Hosted by: STEM Scholars and Honors in STEM

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  • Introductions
  • Overview of the Expo
  • Types of Booths and examples
  • Prizes
  • How to Register

If you have any questions, please let us know at any point. (You can submit anonymously at the link above!)

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Why have a STEM Expo?

  • Showcase the many STEM fields we have at UConn
  • Inspire high school students to apply for college
  • Expose them to collegiate-level research
  • Improve college students’ presentation ability

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What makes it unique?

We are presenting science projects to high school kids, who will be judging who the winner is.

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Monday, April 3rd


NextGEN Forum

  • Approximately 45 high school students
  • Faculty are also invited
  • Pizza will be provided (and free desserts)
  • 3 Individual category winners will be announced and receive Amazon gift cards
  • 1 Group category winner will be announced and receive an Amazon gift card

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What kind of projects can we do?

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  • Must be safe enough to conduct in an open, public space
    • A video of a dangerous experiment would be fine
  • Must cater towards a high-school audience and showcase a college-level project
  • Must not be over 10 minutes long to present your project (including the interactive piece)
  • MUST have an interactive portion

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Regulations (cont.)

  • You will get two tables worth of space to work with
  • Funding for your project (anticipated $5-10 per project) may be available

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Example 1

Iodine “Clock” Reaction


Have a poster describing reaction rates and what reactions

Create a solution with household items in a beaker

  • Mix them together with a stirring rod
  • The solution turns a deep blue color
  • Add another reagent and stir
  • The solution turns clear again

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Example 1

Iodine “Clock” Reaction


Interactive piece

  • Have a volunteer come up and mix the solution
  • Have everyone else count the number of seconds it takes between color changes
  • Have volunteers plot it out on a graph that you’ve drawn out on the whiteboard

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Example 2

Tissue Engineering Research


Have a research poster that you already made for another presentation

Provide a 3D printed prototype of a new tissue matrix that allows cells to grow into a specific shape

Interactive piece:

  • Bring legos and allow students to build structures that they think would help grow organs

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BasicallyThe point is...

  • Make it fun!
  • Be creative!
  • It doesn’t need to be revolutionary, but present it in a way that can be exciting for others!

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How do I get involved?

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Register for a booth at the fair at this link: https://goo.gl/4h6Szz (DEADLINE IS MARCH 31st)

(Categories for group and individual projects are available)

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