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Special Education Leadership Meeting

May 18, 2023


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Please fill out this form to record your attendance to this session

Go to this link:



Use your phone camera to scan this QR code ->

Place QR Code Here

Today’s slides: bit.ly/3OEa2qL

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April Estrada

Steven Prater


Amy Reeves


Amie Davenport

Review & Support: Special Education Liaisons

Kevin J. Alaniz, Beth Garcia, Evan Heckmann

School, Family, and Community Engagement

Sarah Untersee

Inclusive Services

Lorna Salgado & Jessica


Jessica Garrett & Rebecca Russell

Texas Complex Access Network

Catie King

Adapted PE Boot Camp

Shelee Duke

Leadership and Compliance

Betsy Gilchrist & Kandice Burke

Jennifer Carroll

Summer PD/ 23-24 Leadership Meetings

Ashton Roe/Stacey Glosson

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Adapted Physical Education

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Interest Survey

July 24-26, 2023

Location: TBD based on interest

Photo Placeholder

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Indicator 13

Window April 3rd-August 11th

Make sure that your LEA has someone in the certifier role

Must certify even if you do not have someone who meets the criteria if school is listed in AskTED as a 9-12 campus

Do not need to submit 16 year old students who are in middle/junior high school only 9-12 campuses

TEA Resources:

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Summary of Performance

TEC 89.1035(a), 89.1070(a), TAC 300.102(a)(3)

You would want to send home the Summary of Performance, Prior Written Notice, and the last FIE.

TAC 300.305(e)(3)

Describes what is required in a Summary of Performance

Resources from NTACT:C

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Next Years Schedules and ESY

Now is a good time to verify that the Schedule of Services in the IEP match the projected 23-24 class schedule.

Don’t forget about the 18+ students when considering ESY.

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Interagency Brown Bag

When: September 28, 2023

Where: Region 10 ESC, Spring Valley Location

Register Here

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Looking for a site in Grayson County for the 2023-2024 school year.

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Dyslexia Monitoring

Group 3: Completing

2023-2024 school year

Email for Support


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Dyslexia Monitoring Support Document

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Dyslexia Monitoring Support

Professional Development




  • Reach out to other LEAs who have successfully completed the process
  • Work with other departments within your LEAs


  • Processes and procedures surrounding dyslexia program
  • Gaps identified in rubric


  • District/Charter Leadership & Campus Administrators
  • How can R10 Help?
  • Before, During & After

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Visit the

Summer Dyslexia Institute SMORE

for more information


  • Evaluation & Identification
  • Multisensory Instruction Techniques
  • Emergent Bilingual Considerations
  • Secondary Student Supports
  • Specially Designed Service Options

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Reading By Design Brochure

Registration Link

Cohorts begin August 2023

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Dyslexia Training Project: Esperanza

Esperanza Spanish dyslexia program training is now open to all teachers in Texas public schools that will provide Spanish dyslexia services to students in the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school year. This training is funded through the Texas Education Agency Dyslexia Training Project.

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Professional Development

Dyslexia SMORE Sign up


Stay in the Know

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Special Education Liaisons

Review & Support Updates

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Cyclical Review


Coming Soon!

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Focus Areas | IEP Development

ID 2: Does the PLAAFP for this student describe the effect of the student's disability on involvement and progress in the general education curriculum?

ID 4: Does the IEP contain a description of how the student’s progress will be measured?

ID 10: Does the IEP include a statement of measurable annual goals designed to meet the student's needs related to the disability to enable the student to be involved in and make progress in the general educational curriculum and to meet the student's other educational needs that result from the disability?

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Photo Placeholder

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Log into TEAL & Select TA Dashboard

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Select Search Resources

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Select Additional Filters

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How Can R10 Liaisons Help?

Professional Development: LEA Leadership | Campus Administrators

Making Connections: Cohort Groups & Spotlights

Technical Assistance & Resources: Before, During & After Submissions

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Due Dec 17th

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Begin with the End in Mind


2023 Special Education Self-Assessment Rubric

Review Previous Year’s Self-Assessment Ratings

Keep Documentation

ALL LEAs will complete

23 areas of compliance


DUE: September 29, 2023

October 6, 2023


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Differentiated Monitoring & Support (DMS) Sessions

Following Leadership Meetings



Photo Placeholder

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Timeline Topics

LIVE Calendar

Sync your calendar

Review Monthly Reminders

Check out what’s happening in June!

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Staffing & Compensation


Photo Placeholder

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School, Family and Community Engagement

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Family Focus

Implementation: Use school climate and family engagement activity data to monitor implementation of family engagement plans to continually improve family participation and improve student outcomes.

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Region 10 SPEDTex Data

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SPP8 Survey

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Inclusive Services Team

Jessica Garrett

MTSS/Inclusive Practices/504

Lorna Salgado

Inclusive Practices/State Testing/504

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Paraprofessional Academy TOT

“The Unsung Hero”

Why & When

  • LEA request for paraprofessional training
  • June 8th full day training


  • Trainer of Trainers
    • Who will train your district personnel
    • TEA Guidebook & Facilitator Guide
  • Para & Teacher Working Together - Book Order


  • Equipment Handling
  • De-escalation and Behavior
  • Assumed Competence and Relationship Building

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STAAR Results

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5/31- District Test Coordinator receives preliminary scaled scores and performance levels

6/27- Preliminary assessment reports sent to DTC (student report card)

6/30 - Preliminary results published in family and analytic portals

8/8 - Final assessment reports to DTC

8/11- Final assessment results published in family and analytic portals

Grades 3-8

5/22- DTC will receive RAW scores only (lets you know if student answered a question correctly or not)

6/9- Preliminary reports still with only raw scores

8/11 -DTC gets final results with scaled scores and performance levels

8/16 - Final results published in family and analytic portals

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How do we plan for Accelerated Instruction and HB 4545?

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The Main Ideas

  • Don’t withhold the accelerated instruction!

  • Can we “bank” it if we provide summer instruction?

From the HB 4545 FAQ #27

An LEA (local educational agency) may provide accelerated instruction during the summer after a student is scheduled to sit for a STAAR or end-of-course assessment but before the student's assessment result is available. Such accelerated instruction will count toward the 30-hour accelerated instruction requirement if the student's subsequently released assessment result shows that the student did not perform satisfactorily on the assessment. Additionally, please note that any accelerated instruction provided prior to the release of the assessment result is subject to the approval of any applicable accelerated learning committee formed to assist the student.

  • Still have to have Accelerated Learning Committees (ARDc serves as this)

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  • ALCs are for grades 3,5,8 or for any student that fails STAAR in subsequent years.

  • Accelerated Instruction is for all grades (including K-2 who don’t perform satisfactorily on a reading instrument (TEC §28.006)).

  • You can hold ALCs within the first few weeks of the fall after final STAAR results are in unless you wish to hold them now. “if they do not have staff on contract to conduct ALCs during the summer, then the LEA may utilize the first few days and weeks of the school year prior to students beginning instruction to conduct the required ALCs” - HB 4545 FAQ #10

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MTSS: TIER Network

Jessica Garrett

MTSS/Inclusive Practices/504

Rebecca Russell

MTSS/Mental and

Behavioral Health

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MTSS: TIER Network


How to spend ESSER III funds including examples of appropriate use that connect with MTSS.


Photo Placeholder

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MTSS: TIER Network


New Trainings

TEA Focus

  • Screening & Progress Monitoring: Importance of Universal Screening in Academics and Behavior
  • Alignment with Behavior & Mental Health & MTSS trainings
  • Example
    • Day 1 Screening & Progressing Monitoring
    • Day 2 Behavior and Mental Health
  • Where is special populations in MTSS?


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Texas Complex Access Network

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Resources for educators and administrators working with students with complex needs

Photo Placeholder

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2023 Region 10 LID Conference

Session Strands:

  • New Teachers
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Related Service Providers
  • ECSE/Elementary
  • Middle/High School
  • Sensorimotor Learners

Photo Placeholder

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Special Education

Leadership and Compliance

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Non Educational Community Based Funds (NECB)

  • Funds are still available for the grant period ending 8/31/23
  • Eligible applicants are “at risk of” OR returning from residential placement at district expense
  • Application window extended through June 15th
  • Contact Betsy Gilchrist if interested in applying on behalf of a student

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Funding Reminders

  • Amendment to the 2022-2023 SPED Consolidated Grant Application (Federal) is due 6/2/23 by 5:00 p.m.
  • Must re-submit the ADC to claim ARP Carryover
    • When amending the ADC, select the same designation that was selected for the “regular” IDEA-B Formula and/or Preschool funds in the 2022-2023 SPED Consolidated Grant Application (Federal) or select “Not Apply at All.”

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SPED Consolidated Grant Application (Federal)

  • Applicant Designation and Certification (ADC) form is now available
  • 2023-2024 SPED Consolidated Grant Application (Federal)opens 6/7/23
  • TEA training on 6/15/23, 9:00-10:00
    • Register here
  • Grant application must be submitted by 9/1/23

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Legal Framework Assurances

  • Legal Framework is holding a Zoom session regarding submissions of the Annual Assurance Statements for ESC contacts.
  • More updates to come!


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Cameras in the Special Education Classroom

  • TEA annually collects data for cameras in the SPED classroom
    • TEC 29.022(q)
  • Data collected:
    • Number of total requests
    • Number of withdrawn requests
    • Number of approved requests
    • Number of denied requests, including the reasons for the denials
  • Due date???
    • Previously was due in August

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Special Education Leadership Support

  • Various Support Options:
    • Supports on Site
      • On site, zoom
    • CPR
      • Monthly, usually the week after leadership meetings
      • For new (0-3 year) SPED leadership
    • Weekly Director Drop-ins
      • Every Friday morning, 8:00-9:00
      • Zoom link


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  • As we plan for the 23-24 school year, we would like your input!
  • What leadership and compliance trainings do you wish could occur next year?
    • Multiple selections are allowed
    • If a training or need is not listed, please feel free to comment below the selections.

Training Survey QR Code

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An Introduction to the Art of Translation

  • When: October 16th and 17th, 2023
  • Location: Region 10, Spring Valley (combined rooms)
  • Description: Two day course for staff members who provide translation during ARD meetings
  • Session: #2651566


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Dates to Remember



Amendment to the 2022-2023 SPED Consolidated Grant Application (Federal)

Due by June 2, 2023 by 5:00 p.m.

SPED Consolidated 2023-2024 Grant Application (Federal) Release

Opens- June 7, 2023

Due by September 1, 2023

TEA Training- SPED Consolidated Grant

June 15, 2023, 9:00-10:00

SPPI 7 and 13

Due by August 11, 2023


Opens- May 15, 2023

Closes- June 22, 2023

June 6th and 7th- Cedar Hill

June 13th and 14th- Royse City

June 20th and 21st- Anna

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Save the Dates for 2022-2023 CPR





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Leading with Purpose

(Formerly known as CPR)




















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Find Special Populations Summer Sessions Here! ☀️

You can now search our Calendar of Events by specific program topic!

To do this:

  • Input the date range (for summer, input 06/01/2023-08/01/2023)
  • Change the Service Area to Special Populations
  • Change Program to the specific program topic you are interested in!

Region 10 Calendar of Events

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June 15th

  • Please register (for treats and food count)
  • Topics:
    • 4 day week
    • Staff retention/remote work
    • LRE–Inclusion vs. content mastery vs. resource- things to consider
    • Funding
    • Any others?

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SPED Leadership Meetings


Photo Placeholder

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SHARS Training

SHARS Assessments for School Health Services

June 14, 2023

10:00 - 12:00

Register Here: bit.ly/3MBPcpl

Session ID: 2653477

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When you’re at graduation this year and your coworkers are crowded around the bubbly, highest achieving students, that have all the cords, and were in all the clubs, make a point to find that student with the IEP that rarely spoke, struggled with your class, and hit them with the most inspirational words you can pull out of the well.

That student just climbed their Everest.

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Connect with Region 10

Facebook: Region 10 Education Service Center

Twitter: @Region10ESC

Instagram: region10esc

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/region-10-esc