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Clickin' Through

Social Media

Presented by: October Smith

An adventure using a variety of student response systems

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What is social media?

(give an example- text your answer)

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Let's go back...way back.

The web has changed



way-back machine

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The new web- which does not belong?

 a) popularity ratings/voting

 b) comments 

 c) small data storage

 d) polls

 e) user-generated content

Today the web is...INTERACTIVE

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Web 2.0

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Have you ever left feedback on a website (a blog, rated something on Amazon, etc...)?

Let's talk about...

Blogs, Forums, Websites



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Web 2.0:

Is based on social media, 

participation, collaboration, 

sharing, and community.

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The differences between Web 1.0 & 2.0:

(text in your answers)

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The differences between Web 1.0 & 2.0:

Web 1.0

  • read only (passive)
  • “professional” content 
  • limited user experience
  • isolated
  • control 
  • owning
  • personal websites
  • directories (taxonomy)

Web 2.0

  • read/write (participative)
  • “amateur” content 
  • rich user experience 
  • social 
  • trust 
  • sharing 
  • blogs 
  • tags (folksonomy)

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On Twitter, would you describe yourself as a(an)...

Let's talk about...


a) follower

b) tweeter

c) occasional tweeter

d) have no clue what any of these mean

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Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom

Tools for communicating and a community for sharing


  • Build community of learners 
  • Eliminate physical walls of classroom 
  • Connect learners and scholars/practioners 
  • Share work 
  • Solicit feedback 
  • Collaborate on projects


  • New forms of student-to-student communication 
  • New forms of teacher-to-student communication 
  • New ways to present an argument (video, blog...) 
  • Media literacy 

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Of the people you know, rank in order who was on Facebook first:

Let's talk about...


a) mom

b) dad

c) sibling

d) neighbor

e) co-worker

f) spouse

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Assessment Time

(you will use the eInstruction clickers)