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Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn

Global Introductions (Journal Topics)

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Moral Law

  • Write about examples of people following their conscience despite the law or the consequences, either historical or contemporary.
  • If we believe that it is moral to follow one's conscience, how do we
  • decide which laws or social conventions are wrong? Who gives us the authority?

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The Right Choice

  • Write about a time in their lives when they've been confronted with a choice between doing what their conscience told them to do and what society—friends, parents, teachers—told them to do. Was it easy to decide? Was it easy to tell what the right thing was?

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  • A friend tells you in strictest confidence that he is going to run away from what you both consider an intolerable situation. You know that runaways are often preyed upon by criminals and other unscrupulous people. What do you do?

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Diploma Law

  • Imagine that a law is passed requiring any adult without a high school diploma to work as a servant for those who are more educated. How will you respond to this law?

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  • Are you a believer in the supernatural? Why or why not?

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Life Lesson

  • What is the most important thing you learned before you were 10 years old?
  • What is the most important lesson you have learned since you were 10 years old?

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Character Development

  • Tell about something you have experienced that has played a role in your character development?

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  • In your opinion, when does a person become an 'adult'?

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  • Do you believe racism exists today?
  • Do you believe Huckleberry Finn is a racist book?

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  • Describe a time when you were stereotyped.
  • How did you feel?
  • How did you overcome the stereotype?

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  • Are you self-reliant or dependent?

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Human Character

  • Do you think the human character is essentially good or evil?�

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  • Do you think people differ much according to the part of the country they live in?  Please explain your opinion.

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Favorite Character

  • Who is your favorite character from the novel thus far? Why are they your favorite?

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Least Favorite Character

  • Who is your least favorite character from the novel thus far? Why are they your least favorite?

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Novel Change

  • If you could change any part of the novel, what would you change and why would you change it?