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Welcome to Honors Geometry

Mrs. Harvey’s


Welcome to a new school year and a fresh start! A positive attitude will get you far in this class. Success is within your reach!

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My Philosophy

As your teacher, I am here to educate you on how to learn and I will do that through mathematics. Instead of me standing at the board going over homework, you will be going over it and asking questions to each other as I walk around and listen/help. I will answer your questions with a question to probe your thinking and point you in the right direction in your notes. You will be doing the learning!

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Cell phones are to be kept in your backpack during class.

If a situation arises and you need to text or call a parent, just let me know!




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Classroom Organization

  • Be respectful and considerate

  • Respect the right to learn.

  • Follow the 6-P’s: Punctual, Prepared, Polite, Positive,

Participating, and Productive.

  • Pick up after yourself.

  • In addition to these guidelines, all HHS rules and expectations apply.�

Participation not observation.

Respect others’ property – do not borrow without asking permission.

Respect others’ opinions and contributions

do not ridicule any person’s answers or beliefs treat others as you would like to be treated

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  • Geometer template ($3.50 new - buy from me)
  • Notebook/notebook paper- graphing paper is best, pencils, pen
  • Textbook
  • Scientific calculator (TI 30 XA or higher; TI 30 XS Multiview is nice; TI 84 graphing calculator is great, but not essential until next year)
  • 3-Ring binder – better than a folder; lots of notes/HW to keep organized
  • Chromebook – bring each each day

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Daily Work!

  • Homework and classwork daily
  • You’ll grade your own work most times and make corrections for the optimal learning experience.
  • All work must be shown.
  • Graded on completion and proficiency.
  • Follow the weekly plan for the most updated info.

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Grade Range

Letter Grade









Below 60


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Grading Scale!

Tests 60%

Quizzes 25%

HW 15%

Retakes…here’s the short version

1 per test and average the two

Redo whole test

Must meet w/me for corrections

There are NO retakes on quizzes!

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Math Dept Retake Policy

Math Department Test Retake Policy

  • All students will be allowed to retake any chapter test 1 time.
  • The overall test score for a chapter will be the average of the 2 tests. If a student passes the retest, the lowest grade for that chapter test is a 60%, regardless of the average.
  • One lower retake score will not be counted for the average, subsequent lower retest scores will be figured into the average.
  • Students will retake the whole test on all retakes.
  • Students scoring a 50% or lower on a test will be required to retake the test.
  • Students have 2 weeks from the original test date to complete the entire retake process.
  • Students must meet with teacher to go over the initial test or complete one remedial review assignment before they are allowed to retake a test.

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  • at the end of every chapter (maybe mid and end if lengthy).
  • Announced in advance
  • All students will be given the same amount of time for tests
  • There will NOT be extended time for assessments not completed in class.

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  • Given randomly
  • May or may not be announced.
  • Notes/HW using on some.
  • Quizzes are places students normally need to study more for!
  • NO retakes on quizzes

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Late Work is accepted for partial credit as worked out answers will be available soon after due date.

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Help is available in the mornings! 8:15am-8:45am and by appointment earlier.

Email Address


Please reach out with questions anytime!

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  • If you are absent please make arrangements/communicate as soon as you know of your absence...email is great!

Algebra is awesome!

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I am looking forward to

a great year!