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Click on Each teacher’s name to Hear their Playlist Thursday, April 16th, 2020

Third Grade Remote Learning #TigerHomeTakeover

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  • Watch this Think Central Video on Area of Combined Rectangles from this website.

  • Try this challenging problem on area from Think Central Go Math.

  • Complete book pgs. 541-542 and share work with me

at cteems@gunterisd.org by sending me pics of

your work.

Let’s learn about Area of Figures!

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Over the past couple of weeks, we have been reading “Irma Rangel: Texas Lawmaker” from our RWC (pages 2-5), and we’ve completed a vocabulary assignment (pages 6-7). We have also read “Elizabeth Leads the Way” (beginning on page 366 in our textbook).

Today, in your Google Classroom account, there are two online assignments to complete for a grade. One is over “Irma Rangel: Texas Lawmaker,” and the other is over “Elizabeth Leads the Way.” Feel free to look in your book if you need extra help. Also, please make sure you check over your work before you click the submit button.

If you have any questions, please email me at gvest@gunterisd.org

Have a great day!

Let’s see what you know!

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Spelling: No spelling today. You will receive a new list on Monday.

Spelling and Grammar

Open up your notebook to the subject and object pronoun table you made Tuesday. Click below for Fix Me, but as a Google Form!

Click here for Mrs. Pelzel’s homeroom.

Click here for Mrs. Vest’s homeroom.

Click here for Mrs. Teems’ homeroom.

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  • Click below for your 5 sentence write!

Click this link for Mrs. Pelzel’s Homeroom class.

Click this link for Mrs. Vest’s Homeroom class.

Click this link for Mrs. Teems’ Homeroom class.

Today is Revise/Edit day. You will be rereading and fixing

any errors on your writing.

Watch this video for some tips with this.

Once you have revised and edited your writing, you

are done for the day!

  • This link is the slides in my video for Mrs. Pelzel´s Class.
  • This link is the slides in my video for Mrs. Vest´s Class.
  • This link is the slides in my video for Mrs. Teems´ Class.

I can write a paragraph about my opinion.

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  • Since we are doing a big writing lesson this week, there will be no Science all week long.

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PE 10 Day Challenge!

While students are learning from home, we want to make sure they are staying active and healthy. The American Heart Association made a virtual visit to our school today to kick off the American Heart Association’s 10 Day Challenge!

For the next 10 days students will be receiving an email with a new challenge that will encourage students to eat healthy, move more or be kind. Register today on the Kids Heart Challenge App (App Store for iPhone or Google Play for Android) or online at www.heart.org/khc (if you registered during Kids Heart Challenge then you are already registered) to ensure you receive these daily emails and encourage your student to complete the challenges! They will also include heart healthy recipes and activities you can do together as family.

Once registered your student(s) will have immediate virtual access to learn all about heart health,excerciseand healthy eating. Students will work together to defeat heart disease while learning how easy and FUN it can be to take care of our hearts, and help kids with special hearts like our Heart Challenge Ambassador, Alexa!

You will also have an opportunity to join us to support the American Heart Association’s mission of saving lives. The more you do to learn about heart health and the more you work to spread the word about heart health, the more fun you will have as a family!

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Music Challenge

1. Find a Nursery Rhyme

2. Rewrite words of Nursery Rhyme to say thank you to one of your favorite teachers. (It's can't be Mrs. Kulbeth). It can be a former teacher, principal, superintendent or staff member, from our Gunter ISD Family. Our teachers, principals, superintendent and staff are in need of some encouragement. Thought this would be a good way to show some kindness to them.

3. Do a voice recording of yourself singing the new nursery rhyme. Upload to google classroom and I'll send them to the person you chose.

4. Type up your new lyrics on a word doc. and upload it as well.

5. Email them to me: ekulbeth@gunterisd.org. I’ll collect them all and send to teachers.

6. Here is the one I wrote.

7. Due Friday, April 17th. If you go ahead and do it go ahead and send it.

Thank You Song

(I Love You Song from Barney)

I’m thankful,

And I’m blessed

Due to your strong leadership.

So, Keep staying strong

And I’ll follow your led

Cause we’re a Tiger Family.

Love you Dr. Siler, Mrs. Hale, Mr. Bell, & Mr. Dodd

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Each Week I will post a new guidance lesson.

Counseling Week 3

  • All Grade levels will watch the same lesson this week.
  • This weeks lesson is about Calming our Worries.
  • Watch this video.

  • 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade, Click Here for follow up.
  • I am available via email. Feel free to contact me. We can set up a Zoom if needed.

If you missed last week's lesson. Click Here.

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EXTRA! Extra! (Optional)

Art Hub for Kids - students can be taught art lessons virtually


The movie ¨Dolphin Reef¨ was just released on Disney Plus!

Additional Resources: Education Galaxy (Math & Reading),

Epic Reading, GES Computer Lab - 3rd grade links, and Prodigy

Extension Activities