1 of 10

Topic Writing:

Example 1:

What is a job you hope to have in the future?

#1 Explain the key word.

  • Ex1. Everyone needs a job to make money. For me, the best job is...

  • Ex2. Some jobs are interesting but others are not. I think the best job is...
  • Practice 1:

Where do you want to travel to in the future?

  • Practice 2:

What is your favorite day of the week? Why?

  • Practice 3:

What is your bad habit? Why is it bad?

2 of 10

Letter Writing:

Practice 1:

Dear (your name),

I am writing to you to ask you a question.

Next week, I am visiting your hometown. What are three things I should do when I go there? What is the most fun to do?

Thanks for your help!

Take care,


3 of 10

Letter Writing 2:

Practice 2:

Dear (your name),

I am writing to invite you to my party.

Next Saturday, I am having a birthday party. I don’t want any presents, but I want to ask everyone to bring a food or snack to eat, a drink to share, and something fun to play together. Please let me know what you will bring.

I am very excited about the party!

See you Saturday,


Practice 2: Answer Daisy

Dear Daisy,

4 of 10

Picture Story Writing 1:

Example 1:

Picture 0:

In picture 1, Jenny is late for the bus? Why do you think she is late?

Picture 5: Jenny did something embarrassing (尷尬). Why did she do it? What can we learn from her example?

What will Jenny learn from this day?

Rules:�-Start at picture 0!

-Finish with picture 5. The lesson.

5 of 10

Picture Story Writing 2:

Example 1:

Picture 0:

In picture 1, Linda and Jill are going somewhere? Where are they going?

Also, they are talking. What are they talking about?

Picture 3:

In picture 3, Linda gets hurt. In picture 4, she will probably go to the hospital.

Picture 5:

What lesson should we all learn from this?

What lesson will Linda remember in the future?

Rules:�-Start at picture 0!

-Finish with picture 5. The lesson.

6 of 10

Picture Story Writing 1:

Picture Story Writing 2:

Rules:�-Start at picture 0!

-Finish with picture 5. The lesson.




7 of 10

Topic Writing Practice:

Question 1:

What kind of pet would you most like to keep in the future? Why?

Question 2:

What do you want to change about your appearance (外表) or personality? Why?

Question 3:

What is something you don’t know how to do now, but you hope to learn hwo to do in the future? Why do you want to learn it?

Answer: (Choose only 1)

8 of 10

Letter Writing 2:

Practice 2:

Dear (your name),

I am writing to invite you to my party.

Next Saturday, I am having a birthday party. I don’t want any presents, but I want to ask everyone to bring a food or snack to eat, a drink to share, and something fun to play together. Please let me know what you will bring.

I am very excited about the party!

See you Saturday,


Practice 2: Answer Daisy

Dear Daisy,

9 of 10

Picture Story Writing 3:

Example 1:

Picture 0:

Picture 1: So, Tim was so late he didn’t have enough time to eat his breakfast. Afraid he was about to be late, he grabbed his work bag and a bag of garbage to throw out quickly….


Picture 4: Suddenly, Tim found his mistake! His work bag was in the garbage truck while the bag of garbage was still in his hand! Things were only getting worse for Tim!

Picture 5:

Rules:�-Start at picture 0!

-Finish with picture 5. The lesson.

10 of 10

Extra Work Space: