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Lesson 2

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Goal: We will understand how maps are organized on a grid.


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Listen to this read aloud & familiarize yourself with mapping.

Watch the video full screen by clicking the box in the bottom right corner of the video

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Why do we need to use maps?

Maps allow us to view our community from a larger scale.

We could use maps to look at our classroom community, neighborhood community, state community, national community, or even our entire world!


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World Map


Here we are!

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How can we create a map?

Think about a bird’s-eye view! Imagine yourself floating in the air looking down at your room...


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Follow these steps!


Get a piece of blank paper. Make an equal “grid” using a pencil like I did!


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Follow these steps!


Think about what your room would look like from above.

List the important objects & furniture in your room you want to include on your map.


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Follow these steps!


Think about what is in your room:

-Do you have a bed?

-Do you have a desk?

Draw these items in the correct spot on your map using your grid labels! Try to space them out correctly.


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Look at your room & make sure your map matches it!

If you made any mistakes, that’s okay. Use your map grid to help you organize and redraw your items.


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Practice Using Your Map!

Look at your grid to find your bed:

  • Point to your bed with both fingers.
  • Bring one finger straight down to the nearest letter.
  • Bring your other finger sideways to the nearest number.


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Take a picture of your map and post it to Padlet!