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Welcome to WAM!

Section D, TR, 2:00-3:15 w/ synchronous and asynchronous components

Andrew Bowman

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Nice to Knows

  • To maintain audio quality, please mute your mic if you’re not speaking
    • However, please feel free to unmute to ask any questions, or type questions in the chat
  • Please stand, stretch, or walk around if you need to
  • You will have access to all course materials, including powerpoints
  • We start on time and end on time

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  • Learning about each other as a class
  • Begin thinking about our own writing/designing processes and discussing them as a class
  • Learn more about WAM, the course website, and the syllabus

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Welcome to class!

Please type in the chat the following information: � Major� Something you are looking forward to in this class� Something you recently designed or created

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What is Writing Across Media?

  • First offered in 2008
  • What do you do in WAM?
  • Your creativity is the limit!
  • Students have created remix tracks, photographs, short films, dances, installations, podcasts, Snapchat stories, TikToks, video games, graffitti, and much more.

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What is writing?

What does the writing/designing process involve?

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Let’s draw!

  • On a piece of paper (or MS Paint, or whatever you want to draw on/with), draw a diagram of the writing/designing processes you have followed for a recent project.
  • Trace everything you have done in connection with that writing project from the time you began it until now. Use as few words as possible, if any. Be as specific and complete as you can.
  • After drawing, you will discuss drawings in small groups. Then one person from each group will share their drawing with the class.

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Andy’s Writing Process for Creating the Class Website

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Drawing of an academic article

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During presentations from groups

  • Reflect on the drawings and accounts of the writing/designing process. Take notes on similarities and differences among the writing/designing processes represented. Note patterns, absences, observations, insights, or questions that come to mind as you consider these accounts of writing/designing processes.

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We are already writing with media

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Now, let’s check out that syllabus!