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Señor Luell

Profesor de Español

Goetz Middle School

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Students are welcomed into the classroom with some música en español and begin their “Hazlo ya”.

Typically this is a quick review activity from the previous session to help jump start thinking en español.

Students will use both their notebooks and their chromebooks to expand their acquisition of the language.

En la clase

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  • Be prepared
    • Materials: notebook, folder, chromebook, writing utensil�
  • Be on time
    • arrival, homework, projects�
  • Be Positive
    • Leave all negativities outside of our classroom�
  • Have a growth mindset
    • Try and try again! We improve a little bit every day!

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Las notas

Participation 30%

Daily class participation is essential for acquiring a language and will account for 30% of the student’s grade

Homework 20%

Students will have an occasional homework assignment that will help to reinforce material learned during class and will account for one fifth of their total grade

Assessments 50%

Quizzes, Tests, and Projects

will contribute to half of the student’s total grade

Late homework and projects will have an automatic 10% deduction.

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  • Unit I: Grammar Review

o Interrogatives

o Gender ID

o Plural form of Nouns

o Definite Articles

o Indefinite Articles

o Noun-Adjective Agreement

  • Unit II: Conjugating Present-Tense Verbs

O Subject Pronouns

O Verbs List

O Conjugating Present-Tense Verbs AR, ER, IR

  • Unit III: The Verb Ser

O Adjectives

O Review of Subject Pronouns

O Describe, Origin, and Characteristics

  • Unit IV: La Ropa

O La Ropa Vocabulary

O The Verb Llevar

  • Unit V: Gustar with foods

O Foods Vocabulary

O Notes on Gustar

7th grade Curriculum

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Lección 1 Hola. ¿Qué tal?

o 1.1 Nouns and Articles

o 1.2 Numbers 0-30

o 1.3 Present tense of ser

o 1.4 Telling Time

Lección 2 En la clase

o 2.1 Present tense of -ar verbs

o 2.2 Forming questions in Spanish

o 2.3 Present tense of estar

o 2.4 Numbers 31 and higher

Lección 3 La familia

o 3.1 Descriptive adjectives

o 3.2 Possessive adjectives

o 3.3 Present tense of -er and-ir verbs

o 3.4 Present tense of tener and venir

Lección 4 Los pasatiempos

o 4.1 Present tense of ir

o 4.2 Stem-changing verbs: e-ie, o-ue

o 4.3 Stem-changing verbs: e-i

o 4.4 Verbs with irregular yo forms

Lección 5 Las vacaciones

o 5.1 Estar with conditions and emotions

o 5.2 The present progressive

o 5.3 Ser and estar

o 5.4 Direct object noun and pronouns

Advanced Spanish Curriculum

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  • Unit I: Grammar Rules

o Classroom Objects Vocabulary/School Subjects

o Gender ID

o Plural of Nouns

o Definite Articles

o Indefinite Articles

o Noun-Adjective Agreement

  • Unit II: The Verbs Ser and Estar

o Subject Pronouns

o Review Ser

o DOCTOR (Description and Origin)

o Introduce Estar

o PLACE (House/Community/Feelings)

  • Unit III: The Verb Tener

o Age

o Family/Pets

o Obligations

o The House

  • Unit IV: The Verb Gustar

o Sports

o Pastimes

8th grade Curriculum

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Unidad I:

  • Greetings
  • Farewell Expressions
  • Introduction Phrases
  • Courtesy Phrases

Unidad II:

  • Colors

-Introduce Phrase (Mi color favorito es…)

-Question Phrase (¿Qué color es…?)

Unidad III:

-Days of the Week

-Months of the year



-Numbers (1-30)

Unidad IV:

  • La Ropa y Llevar (yo)
  • Introduce Clothing Vocabulary
  • Introduce the verb Llevar

Unidad V:

  • Gustar

-Pastimes Vocabulary

-Introduce the verb Gustar

Life Skills Curriculum

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Feel free to email me at ALUELL@jacksonsd.org if you have any questions or concerns.
