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Inheritance Review

Modified from O(N)CS Lessons

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To do: October 12

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Warm-up #1: Predict what will happen with code snippet below.

int x = 10;

double y = 11;

int temp = x;

x = y;�y = temp;

System.out.println(x + " " + y);

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Warm-up #2: How can you fix this error?

int x = 10;

double y = 11;

int temp = x;

x = y;�y = temp;

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Warm-up #2: How can you fix this error?

int x = 10;

double y = 11;

int temp = x;

x = (int)y;�y = temp;

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Go over homework

  • Test corrections
  • Big O packet

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Draw the class diagram showing relationship between Object and String classes

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Object class…back to the beginning

Before moving on, we have to go back to the beginning, back to the motherland, the origin of all objects, the Object class!�• The class defined as Object is the most basic class there is.�• All other classes are based on this.

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Object Class

An instance of the String class is also an instance of the Object class

• All Java class definitions originate from the Object class�

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Object class

Here is the basic class definition for the Object class, as described in the Java documentation:

public class Object�Class Object is the root of the class hierarchy.�Every class has Object as a superclass. All objects, including arrays, implement the methods of this class. �

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API for Object class

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Object construction

The Object class has only one constructor:


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Object methods

And has several methods including

boolean equals (Object obj) …

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" the�current one.

String toString () …

Returns a string representation of this object.

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In CodePad

Object obj = new Object();�System.out.println(obj);


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In CodePad

Object obj = new Object();�System.out.println(obj);



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In CodePad

Object obj1 = new Object();�Object obj2 = new Object();�System.out.println(obj1 == obj2);


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In CodePad

Object obj1 = new Object();�Object obj2 = new Object();�System.out.println(obj1 == obj2);



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String class

Now that we know the origin of objects, let’s return to the String class, which is a subclass or child class, of the Object class.�• The Object class is a superclass, or parent of the String class

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The String class “inherits” all the characteristics of the Object class, namely the methods.�• This means the String class owns all of the same methods as the Object class, including equals() and toString().�

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Of course, it also has several methods of its own, in addition to the Object ones, such as... ?

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Of course, it also has several methods of its own, in addition to the Object ones, such as length(), substring(), charAt(), and indexOf().

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Let’s look at a program that will explore the relationship between Objects and Strings…

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Sample Program

Can an Object object variable can “reference” or “point to” a String?

Object obj = new String("hello");

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In CodePad

Object obj = new String("hello");�System.out.println(obj);


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In CodePad

Object obj = new String("hello");�System.out.println(obj);



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When an Object variable is assigned to a String, the string returned by the toString method is different.

An Object variable can point to a String object with no problem. We also see that the toString method already defined in the Object class was OVERRIDDEN by the toString method of the String class.

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Another example

We just saw that on Object variable can point to a String object with no problem.�• Can a String reference variable be assigned an Object instance?

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In CodePad

Object obj = new String("hello");�String s = obj;�System.out.println(s);


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In CodePad

Object obj = new String("hello");�String s = obj;�System.out.println(s);

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In CodePad

Object obj = new String("hello");�String s = obj; // ERROR!�System.out.println(s);

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Even though obj is pointing to a String object, the String reference variable s cannot point to the same String object that obj is pointing to!�Why not!

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Since the Object variable can point to ANY object (since all classes are subclasses of the Object class), the compiler cannot guarantee that the Object variable points to a String (even though it does in this case).

Therefore, it will not allow this assignment to occur, �

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How do we get around this problem?

Object obj = new String("hello");�String s = obj; �System.out.println(s);

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We can get around this problem by casting!

Object obj = new String("hello");�String s = (String)obj;�System.out.println(s);

Now it works!

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Overriding the toString() method

The String class has a toString() method that overrides the toString() method from the Object class.

When we write a class, we generally want to override the accessor method toString() which will allow us to customize the output for our object.

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Class diagram of relationship between Object and String

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Predict what will be returned by the substring method:

String str = "hello";�Object obj = str;�str.substring(0,2) → �obj.substring(0,2) →

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Predict what will be returned by the substring method:

String str = "hello";�Object obj = "hello";

str.substring(0,2) → "he"�obj.substring(0,2) Error: cannot find symbol - method substring()

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NO substring method in Object class!

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Parent class variable issue

Because obj variable is declared as an Object type even the the object obj is pointing to is a String object variable, the substring method is NOT defined in the Object class.

Look up Object class documentation and look over the methods defined in the class.

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Predict what will be returned by calls below:

Object obj1 = new Object();

Object obj2 = new Object();

1. obj1 == obj2 →

2. obj1.equals(obj2) →

String str1 = new String("hi");

String str2 = new String("hi");

3. str1 == str2 →

4. str1.equals(str2) →

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Predict what will be returned by calls below:

Object obj1 = new Object();

Object obj2 = new Object();

1. obj1 == obj2 → false

2. obj1.equals(obj2) → false

String str1 = new String("hi");

String str2 = new String("hi");

3. str1 == str2 → false

4. str1.equals(str2) → true

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Predict what will be returned by calls below:

Object obj1 = new String("hi");

Object obj2 = new String("hi");

1. obj1.equals(obj2) →

2. obj1 == obj2 →

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Predict what will be returned by calls below:

Object obj1 = new String("hi");

Object obj2 = new String("hi");

1. obj1.equals(obj2) → true

2. obj1 == obj2 → false

Why? equals method is overridden in String class and executed when actual object is a String.

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Homework due Friday

  • Complete Inheritance Review worksheet and submit to Hub
  • CSAwesome 9.1-9.3 Inheritance Review part 1 - readings and exercises