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Writing Prompt

What policies (rules or regulations) are in place that prevent you from expressing your true identity? In school, home, work or the community (5 lines)


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Today’s Game Plan


  • Introduce Baseline Essay (due Monday)
  • Routines & Policies
  • Website
  • Group work: ways to read texts
    • Names/Nombres


  • I can analyze a text in multiple ways.

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Routines & Policies...

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Daily Writing Prompts or Silent Reading

Entering & Exiting

Wednesday Mechanics

Fridays: Shared Inquiry Discussions

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Cell phones & Electronics


Absences, tardies, & passes

Grading & Missing Assignments

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Multiple ways to read texts

CONTEXT in which it was WRITTEN

CONTEXT in which it is RECEIVED

WHAT is said

HOW it is said

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What is said.

  • What themes does the text explore?
  • Who are the characters?
  • What is the conflict?
  • What is the setting?
  • What passages or lines stand out to you?

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How it is said...

  • What is the structure of the text?
  • Who is the storyteller (narrator)?
  • What do you notice about the language/word choices?
  • What literary devices does the author use? How do they enhance the message?

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Context of which it was written

  • What do you know about the time and place in which the text was written?
  • What do you know about the author?
  • What do you know about the author’s cultures or communities and/or those that impact the author?

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Context of which it was recieved

  • Have you had any experiences that connect to this story?
  • What about your identity/culture help you understand this text OR prevent you from understanding it?
  • Is this text relevant to you? Why or why not? Do you feel that you are the intended audience?

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If you had to abandon your name and let someone in your family pick one for you, who would you pick to do it and why?