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Long awaited presentation on the Rickish situation

(Since a lot of people won't believe a victim without proof)

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First we'll start with this

Now, I understand that in Rickish's apology she said she never “forced” Mary to read anything including noncon fics. However, she gifted a noncon fic to Mary (keep in mind Mary was 15 almost 16 at the time while Rickish was 27). Mary did lie about her age, she said she was 17, BUT that does not excuse Rickish to keep talking to her.

Mary mentioned she was in high school as well. Rickish knew Mary was in high school.

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Now the text may be hard to read, but this is what Rickish said in her apology. I apologize for the picture being small.

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At the safety course?? I mean ahahahahah but not job security or yes?



Safety at work lol I'm dying of boredom

Translation for the emails below

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(continued translation)

on 1/17/2020


Ah I understood you were going to high school I didn't understand hahaha

Yes, I'm a pain in the ass


Yes, I go to high school

It's for the school-work alternation

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The same screenshot from the last slide

Mary confirmed that she said she was in high school and the translation checks out. Rickish was told 2-3 times by Mary that she was in high school. Rickish still shouldn't have spoken to Mary.

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Back to the fic gifted to Mary

Now, at the end of the fic I mentioned earlier, there's a note where Rickish confirms that this fic was for Mary (Mary went by different pronouns at the time). Rickish's account on tumblr is deactivated, so Mary could not retrieve the screenshots of messages and roleplay replies between the two of them.

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Rickish had failed to mention and maybe even purposely left out the fact that Mary and her used to roleplay on Tumblr. Rickish mentioned in the end notes that they roleplay on Tumblr. They even mentioned roleplaying in their emails that were back and forth between the two of them. Now, I need to remind you all that these roleplays were of a sexual nature. Even if they didn't outright roleplay smut, they still had very mature and dark themes. Rickish should not have been doing any of this with Mary.

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Onto the emails

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Direct translation from that email:

Rickish: Oh god if you stop reading my heart will break.. let's say that angst is made of this too. Indeed, I sometimes write the noncon to overcome some things / fears / apprehensions etc. I had also read about another boy doing this or people who even overcame family abuse through Rickorty. It's amazing when you think about it

How do we create Rickorty Italia? You say

twitter? Or let's make a discord to the bad ones

(I apologize for the poor translation, the original was in Italian and google translate made better sense when I used it to translate)

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Rickish sounded pushy and even explained to Mary how it would be good to read it to cope. She was overstepping boundaries.

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Mary: Oh God it would be so nice to read such a FF :3 (I swear, sometimes I get so bored that there are few in the Italian fandom that sometimes I start re-reading mine) And don't worry, I think that most of the fans of the RxM I met on Tumblr was 17 like me so it's ok lol


to me

Rickish: HAHAHAHAH I read mine too, madness! I thought there were also older people in the RxM fandom, the series is tough and demanding, boh. That is accessible to all for heaven's sake, but it is "very" adult

Ps can you suggest me someone on Ao3? I suggest you SnowandRayne (her story made me want to write Do you feel it, calculate) and bloodrunsred who is the one who translates my ff

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Again, more confirmation of Rickish knowing Mary’s age early on before they started interacting more.

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Emails from Rickish to Mary

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Rickish: I'm about to create the discord channel, of course you help me moderate it haha

to Mary- (She sent the link afterwards, but if you go to it, the server no longer exists. Rickish deleted it.)

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Another screenshot of an email


I'm doing a poll to ask what everyone prefers, let's see. Discord would be nice

Date: 1/25/2020 (a day before the server was created)


:c yes it's really crazy to think about it jfjdksksksk In my opinion discord(although I hardly used it lol) or twitter lol are better

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Direct translation of a roleplay they were talking about in this email


No I meant stunted and then Morty says..... EEEHHHMMMM SORRY HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW??!?!?!?!



I also interpreted it as '$500? but not if there's shit to see since you're a toothpick' but it was better if I asked lol

Rickish (2020):


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I see you held back a bit on the roleplay hahaha DARE LET GO RELEASE YOUR INNER MORTY lol

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“Release your inner Morty”?? Not to mention she said she could see Mary was holding back when they were talking about porn categories in the roleplay?

She was knowingly pushing past Mary’s boundaries in the email and in the roleplay. Knowingly pushing uncomfortable and inappropriate topics onto Mary. This is a grooming tactic.

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start another roleplay hahaha that one was flowing into porn and I froze AHAHAHAH

(But Rickish had absolutely no problem making it dark and sexual even if they weren't roleplaying smut.)

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That roleplay was about Morty selling his body to Ricks for money.

Rickish was roleplaying with Mary at 27 and this was the subject matter.

Rickish was a grown adult roleplaying with someone she thought was only 17.

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I think Rickish did groom Mary whether she was self aware of it or not. Her actions are inexcusable and I hope this doesn't get swept under the rug again.

I know a lot of people victim blamed Mary and even called her an anti for speaking out about this.

Too much victim blaming already happens…please, for the love of this community, please always believe victims first. I'm disappointed in the fact that a lot of people were calling this “drama” and were doubting Mary and even talking in an insulting way about her. Some of you even got mad at this situation because it caused the Rickorty Secret Santa event to be cancelled. Shame on you.

Because of the behavior displayed by a couple of people in the fandom, I’m afraid that people will be discouraged to speak up again about something like this in the future. This is why victims stay silent a lot. This is why you don't hear their stories.

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Some extra screenshots from a few people in the Rickorty fandom.

Apparently making this place “toxic” includes standing with Mary when she spoke out about being groomed, blocking people who overstepped boundaries (and people who were bigoted and/or creepy). Also, speaking about antigone apparently was toxic too. Hm. Interesting, Snow.

You may think how we talked was “harsh”, but Kit, Laurel, and I will never sugarcoat anything. We're not gonna be polite to people who are acting this way.

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What I mentioned before with someone calling Mary an anti. And Tanu is close to Rickish, so I'm not surprised they defend her.

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everybody nice and calm? I'm very proud of the server :)

I'm not even surprised that they're acting this way.

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So much wrong with this. First, Krsive called it “drama”. It's not drama and the fact that people were treating it that way makes me extremely sad.

Second, she definitely went against what she said here (I'll show you in the next slide)

Third: “We're all hurting”. Who do you think is really hurt here, huh? Rickish? The 27 year old woman who was inappropriately interacting with an underage teenager?

Because I can guarantee you that she's probably not hurting anymore after all the support you all have given her for “apologizing”. She didn't even try to apologize to the victim, Mary. Her apology seemed very insincere.

The real one hurting here is Mary and everyone who's been a victim of grooming that has seen all of this unfold.

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Kit posted this in her channel in the same server Krsive posted that last message shown in the previous slide (the Rickorty sauce server).

Krsive said people were allowed to talk about this situation in their personal channels until the next day. Kit posted this on the same day Krsive said that and yet Kit was still kicked out of the server by Krsive.

How I see it, I think Kit shouldn't have been kicked just for stating her stance and saying she won't speak about it further.

Krsive kicked her out the server pretty unfairly simply because she believed Mary.

(Edit: She was kicked because of screenshots she shared from the server?? She never shared them on twitter.)

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I was in shock when I read this.

When Noroi said there was no proof, there had already been proof for 3 days.

Either Noroi just doesn't want to see the proof, or they're intentionally lying.

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“Baseless accusations”

This was 2 days after proof was shown that Rickish knew Mary was 17.

(By the way, Liebe runs the Rick n Morty events account.)

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No words oml

They're talking about Rickish btw

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A doxxing threat that Laurel received through dm

Keep in mind that I received this same threat as well. However, I didn't screenshot it and instead reported the dm.

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This is pretty much all of the slides.

I apologize for not putting this out sooner when everything was recent.

I was unable to get Google slides working, but I figured out a way!

If you have any questions or want to talk to me about this presentation, please dm me.

cherry ily- love, kit