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Start of School Website

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@cps_cchs @MJM_CCHS


Principal’s Blog


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Laurie Hunter


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Michael Mastrullo


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2019-2020 Focal Points

  • School Culture & Climate

  • Response to Intervention

  • Student Well-Being (Challenge Success)

  • 9th-Grade Transition

  • Social-Emotional Learning

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2020-2021 Focal Points

  • School Culture & Climate

  • Operating a school that is safe, organized, and focused on teaching and learning
  • Cultural Competency and Anti-racism
  • Maximize student learning in a changed learning environment

  • Adapt pedagogy to changed learning environment

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Typical Opening Day Presentation

(Smile, Laugh, Highlights, Goals, Etc.)

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School Rankings

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Boston Magazine Ranked the Best Public School Districts in Massachusetts��

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Boston Magazine Metrics

  • SAT Scores
  • AP Participation
  • Class Size
  • MCAS Scores
  • Student Teacher Ratio
  • Graduation Rate

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“Enjoy the gifts of this hour”

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cc: Mrs4duh - https://www.flickr.com/photos/33118900@N07

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” – Charles Dederich

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This is not business as usual

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This is not business as usual

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And that includes returning to school

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Our collective well-being

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Mental Health

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A smart, well-educated, driven team working together to provide the best learning environment for kids and for each other.

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We need to avoid this….

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Pull in the same direction

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Sanitizing Protocols

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Desk Cleaning

  • Disinfecting wipes are located in every classroom.
  • We encourage everyone to take responsibility for their own personal space.
  • Students are responsible for disinfecting their area upon arrival.
  • Please remind students daily in each class to wipe down desks before they leave classroom/area.
  • Carefully selected disinfectant solutions that require a short dwell or drying time will be used by our custodial staff.

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School Cleaning & Disinfecting

  • Although it is not the main way the virus spreads, it may be possible for an individual to get COVID-19 by touching an object that is contaminated and then touching their own mouth, nose or possibly eyes.

  • We plan to ensure the facility is properly cleaned and disinfected each day following state guidelines.

  • Detailed plans on cleaning the school are located in the CCHS Reopening handbook.

  • Russell Hughes, Facilities Manager, will send detailed instructions on cleaning practices next week.

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Mask Protocols

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  • The importance of community cooperation for all safety measures, including wearing a mask cannot be overstated.
  • Anyone unwilling to follow these standards and protocols will leave the facility.
  • Students not adhering to our standards and protocols will complete the semester remotely.
  • All staff and students on the bus, regardless of age, are required to wear masks at all times.
  • Exceptions to the mask policy are when eating or at a safe distance outside.
  • If a student is not wearing a mask, please ask them to put it back on. If a student does not comply, please call the Main Office at 7100 and someone will escort the student out of your classroom.
  • Teachers will notify the student’s parent/guardian

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All face coverings (whether disposable or reusable) must:

  • Be made with at least 2 layers of breathable material
  • Fully cover the nose and mouth and secure under the chin
  • Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
  • Be secured with ties or ear loops and allow the person to remain hands-free
  • At this time, based on guidance from health authorities, neck gaiters, open-chin triangle bandanas and face coverings containing valves, mesh material or holes of any kind are not acceptable face coverings.

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Nurse Protocols

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Symptom Screener Before Coming to School

  • Staff will be required to complete electronic symptom screener daily
  • Parents of students in PK-12 will complete electronic symptom screener daily

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Caregivers should monitor their children, and staff should monitor themselves:

❏ Fever (100.0 Fahrenheit or higher), chills, or shaking chills

❏ Cough (not due to other known cause, such as chronic cough)

❏ Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

❏ New loss of taste or smell

❏ Sore throat

❏ Headache when in combination

❏ Muscle aches or body aches

❏ Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

❏ Fatigue, when in combination with other symptoms

❏ Nasal congestion or runny nose (not due to other known causes, such as allergies) when in combination with other symptoms

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If staff or students have any of these symptoms:

  • A PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test for active COVID-19 infection PRIOR to returning to school
  • If negative, must remain home until symptom free for at least 24 hours
  • If not tested, must remain home for 10 days since onset of symptoms and be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications (ex. Tylenol, ibuprofen)

COVID-19 symptoms can also be symptoms of other illnesses.

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If positive:

  • People who test positive for COVID-19 can resume public activities after 14 days if:
  • they have gone 3 days without a fever (without taking fever reducing medications, ex: tylenol or ibuprofen)
  • experienced improvement in other symptoms (ex:cough is much better)
  • received clearance from public health authority contact tracers

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If symptoms in school

If students or staff exhibit any of these symptoms during the school day, it will be considered a possible COVID-19 case.

If staff member, you should notify Admin. and immediately leave building

If student, staff should call Health Office BEFORE sending them to us

Student will be placed in medical waiting room. Parent/guardian will be called to pick up or dismiss immediately.


Exceptions to this:

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Flu Shot

New state requirement that all K-12 children must have influenza vaccine by 12/31/20

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Brian Miller

Asst. Principal

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CCHS Traffic Flow 2020-2021

Bus Entrance

Bus Exit

Bus Loading Zone


  • All buses enter via Thoreau Street
  • All buses exit via Walden Street
  • Buses will load/unload in front of cafeteria
  • Students will enter school via cafeteria doors and proceed directly to class

Parent Drop Off

  • Parents may enter from either Thoreau or Walden
  • Parents will drop off in the front of the school near the main office
  • Parents must leave via Thoreau
  • During pick up, parents will wait in loop road

Parent Entrance and Exit

Parent Entrance


Walden St

Thoreau St

Parent Drop Off

Parents must turn left and exit via Thoreau

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Internal Traffic Flow

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Bathroom Breaks

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Bell Schedule

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Mask Breaks and Class Dismissal

Mask Breaks

  • During the two specified mask breaks, the two listed grades will dismiss from their class first and proceed outside. Five minutes later, the other two grades will transition to their classes.
  • During the last five minutes of the mask break, the listed grades will return into the building and proceed to their next class.

Class Dismissal

  • During all passing times that do not have a mask break, even numbered classrooms will be dismissed first. Odd numbered classes will be dismissed two minutes later

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Cohort Schedule

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Extra Help

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Extra Help

  • Students always benefit from extra help, but this year we will likely see an uptick in students needing support.
  • We plan utilize the scheduling feature in Google Calendar for students to book online
  • This will allow socially distanced support, and it will allow an efficient way to offer extra help that avoids email exchanges just to schedule. (Remote teachers and students)
  • The MARC and SSERC are no longer available for drop-in, so a perfect storm of needing additional support and reduced support offerings for students necessitates the need for an efficient system to provide extra help.
  • Please connect with your teacher on extra help process and availability

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School Day SAT

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School Day SAT

  • Wednesday, October 14
  • Juniors and Seniors
  • Virtual day for all students

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  • Saturday, October 17
  • Sophomores and juniors
  • Register on MySchoolBucks by Friday, 9/18

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Katie Stahl

Asst. Principal

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Lunch Protocols

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Bryce MacKnight

Director: Food & Nutrition


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NutriSlice- Our contactless ordering system available on both desktop, and mobile platforms. There will be no in-person ordering or payment.

  • Please create your students accounts here VERY IMPORTANT
    • You will need your students lunch ID # to complete the profile. If you or your student does not remember theirs, or if you are a new student to the district, please email bmacknight@concordps.org When ordering, please be sure that you are selecting the appropriate building for your student(s). Menus are published and ready for your review.
    • Ordering can be done daily by 8am day of attendance, as well as 5 days in advance.
    • If you would like to order more than one meal to cover days that your student will be learning from home, please put that note into the order for the day your student will be physically present. There is a “notes” section where this can be added.
    • Feedback mechanisms on NutriSlice, we encourage you to rate and provide feedback on meals so that we can learn and improve our services to better fit your needs.

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Payment- This will need to be done by either creating or loading your MySchoolBucks Account or sending a check to 120 Meriam Rd Concord, MA 01742.

  • MySchoolBucks- Please go to this link to create or log in to your students profile. Cards or Accounts are linked for one time or recurring payments.
  • Checks- Please make out checks to either CPS Food Services, or CCHS Food Services depending on what grade level your students are. If you have students in both districts you will need to send two separate checks.
  • IMPORTANT- No cash or checks will be accepted on site by Food Service staff. If this presents a challenge for you or your family please contact Bryce MacKnight at bmacknight@concordps.org and we will find a solution.

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Outdoor Spaces

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Tent Locations




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Remote Teachers, Studies, Teacher Absences

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Remote Teachers, Studies, Teacher Absences

  • When on campus, students with remote teachers will report to the auditorium, multi-purpose gym, cafeteria,language lab or maroon gym (cafe & maroon gym during non lunch blocks).
  • Teachers are responsible for taking attendance.
  • Students with a free period who remain in the building will report to one of the designated areas to work quietly.

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Remote Teachers, Studies, Teacher Absences Cont.

  • Students choose where they want to work.
  • There is a student supervisor in each location.
  • Teachers who are absent will inform their students at the earliest possible time. With limits on subs and duties, it will be difficult to assign coverage to all classes needing supervision.

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Maroon Gym

Silent Work


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Language Lab


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Main Office Protocols

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Main Office Protocol

  • The main office will be closed to foot traffic.
  • When you arrive at school please go directly to class.
  • Please call or email the appropriate individual in the main office if you need assistance.

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Sports / Extracurriculars

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  • It is our goal to retain all extracurriculars that can be accomplished safely.
  • They can and will look different than in previous years.
  • Some clubs lend themselves to a virtual environment better than others. Some lend themselves to hybrid model, while others might not be able to run this year.
  • Supervision after school for clubs must be provided by teachers.

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Zoom Expectations

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Arrive on time (when possible)

Mute your microphone

Wear earbuds or headset (if possible)

Type questions in the chat

Think before you type

Unmute your microphone when it is your turn to speak

Find a quiet, distraction free spot to learn. Pay attention to your background. Don’t lay in bed!

Wear appropriate clothing (no PJs!)

Be attentive and listen to teacher

and classmates

Be prepared with materials for learning

Follow class behavior expectations

Respect privacy - no photos or video recordings allowed

Turn video on. Allow Zoom permission to access your camera

When you enable video, make sure your

entire face is visible

Do not eat or drink during class

Always keep drinks away from your computer

Log in with your SCHOOL Gmail account

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Alison Nowicki

Guidance Dept Chair

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Guidance Counselors

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Aaron Joncas

Athletic Director

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  • The MIAA along with the Governor's Office will continue to provide guidance on sports activities. Currently, they are postponed until September 21st.

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Andrew Nyamekye

METCO Director

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Number of METCO students enrolled in district, 2017-18


The METROPOLITAN COUNCIL FOR EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY was created in 1966 out of the Brown v. the Board of Education decision which put an end to segregation in schools. Parents in Boston and in the suburbs organized to provide the opportunity for children from racially segregated schools in Boston and children from racially isolated schools in the suburbs to learn together in an integrated public school setting.

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Jared Wickham

Special Education

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Special Education at CCHS 2020-21

  • Programs remain the same (WRAP, LEAP, Harbor, Bridge, Pathways and Launch)
  • Creativity and flexibility with supporting students in a remote setting
    • Development of “office hours”
    • Remote check-ins with teachers and tutors
    • Increased level of parent/home communication
    • The IEP is an ever-evolving document based on current student needs

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Special Education at CCHS 2020-21

  • Encourage you to reach out to your child(ren)’s case manager with any questions or concerns
  • Feel free to contact myself or our Department Liaison at any time:

Jared Wickham, Special Ed. Coordinator


Erin Pineau, Special Ed. Department Liaison


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William Owen

Student Senate Moderator

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Student Senate/Class Government 2020-21

  • 2020-21 Goals
    • Adapt existing events
    • Develop entirely new events
    • Offer student feedback on school environment
    • Work together with school administration to optimize this school year

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Student Senate/Class Government 2020-21

  • Election forms due this Tuesday
  • Candidates will no longer give live speeches
  • Create and send in a video giving their speech by Sunday the 27th
  • Speech videos will then posted along with ballot
  • Questions? Email wowen21@concordcarlisle.org
  • Instagram: @cchsstudentsenate

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Parent Association

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Who is the CCHS Parent Association?

Parents and caregivers like you who are committed to enriching education, outreach and community-building at CCHS

• Support Class Government in their activities and Fundraisers

• Host parent education programs and speakers

• Fund innovative programming though annual faculty grants

• Host parent gatherings to connect CCHS families

• Communicate via newsletters, social media and monthly meetings

• Publish the CCHS Family Directory

CCHS Parent Association * cchspa.org

What does the CCHS PA Do?

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Some of the Activities the PA Supports!

Teacher Appreciation • Speakers Series • Faculty Grants • Surprise PA PopUps! • Parent Socials • Class activities such as Freshman Orientation & Senior Week, Prom, Senior Citizen Luncheons, Multicultural Food Festival & More!

• Follow us on Facebook (CCHSPA) & Twitter(@cchs_parents)

• Join our mailing list

• Attend parent gatherings or host an event at your home

• Volunteer for an event or class activity

• Purchase a CCHS Family Directory and donate to our Annual Appeal

CCHS Parent Association * cchspa.org

How Can you Get Involved?

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Special Education Parent Advisory Council

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Special Education Parent �Advisory Council



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What is SEPAC

  • A parent volunteer group that advises the School Committee and Administration on matters pertaining to the education and safety of children with disabilities in our Districts

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What Do We Do?

  • Connect families through events

  • Provide information to families through speakers, workshops, newsletters and social media

  • Foster greater acceptance, understanding, and awareness of our special education community

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Contact SEPAC

  • Email: concordsepac@gmail.com

  • Website: concordsepac.org

  • Twitter: @concordsepac

  • Facebook: Concord Public and Concord Carlisle Regional SEPAC

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Plan for Tonight

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