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Introduction to Theming

Converting a static HTML + CSS site template into a drupal theme.

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Zenlike template


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Zenlike template


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Zenlike template


Rename index.html to page.tpl.php

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page.tpl.php: Matt Vance's minezone cheat sheet:


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the .info file

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Upload theme


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Theme configuration


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Zenlike theme

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Zenlike theme

bad paths for images and css

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Zenlike template: Regions


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Zenlike template: page.tpl.php

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Zenlike template: page.tpl.php

replace <head>

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Zenlike template: page.tpl.php

replace <head>

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Site name/slogan - <?php print [VARIABLE] ?>

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<?php print [VARIABLE] ?>

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Menu - <?php print [VARIABLE] ?>

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Menu - <?php print [VARIABLE] ?>

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Zenlike theme

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  • Build on an existing site framework
  • Don’t have to style every individual element
  • maintain the integrity of the original theme - can still use original theme
  • Broad frameworks like grids

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the .info file: subthemes


name = <your subtheme's display name>description = <whatever works for you>core = 6.xbase theme = <(folder)name of any core or contributed theme or subtheme, e.g. bluemarine>stylesheets[all][] = <subthemename>.css