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Period 7 & 8

4th Quarter

Romeo and Juliet


2 of 69

Ideas for next time

  • Section trackers- never got to the whole thing, always did summary and motivation, eventually spent time on big ideas and golden lines.
  • Move translation project earlier.
  • Cutting the play worked out well.
  • Add big idea of secrets
  • Students have a difficult time with the idea of fate.
  • Final Project: Some students didn’t focus on the theme. Have them put their theme sentence on their title page or at the bottom of their drawing.

3 of 69

English 1: 4/6/17

4 of 69

English 1: 4/17/17

  • Objective: Understand how to use digital media to present your research
  • Bell Ringer: List 6 important facts you learn from the Romeo and Juliet: Prezi
  • Research Project
    • Sample Project
    • Project Assignment Passed Out
    • Groups of 2 (Your choice)
    • Choose your top 4.
    • Assignments
    • Questions
    • Assessment: Project Rubric/
  • Upcoming:
    • Tuesday and Wednesday: Research and create your slides presentation
    • Thursday: Report Card Pickup-Extra Credit for bringing parent or guardian
    • Friday: Project Presentations

5 of 69

Seminar 1: 4/17/17

Objective: SWBT correctly capitalize words in a variety of situations.

The last day for this unit is Wednesday!!

Doing late work or taking a late test? Want to retake an old test? Email jmwankoff@cps.edu to let me know what you did or what you want to do.

Already finished with everything?

  • Visit khanacademy.org/coaches
  • There, in the "Add a coach" field, enter the class code JEXE97
  • Search for SAT practice.

6 of 69

English 1: Tuesday 4/18/17

  • Objective: SWBT conduct research and gather it in a google slides presentation
  • Research Project Work Day 1: Room 121
    • Sit with your partner.
    • Log in to your CPS Google Account
    • Create a google slides presentation
    • Share with your partner and jmwankoff@cps.edu
    • Review the sample presentation
    • Use google.com to search for information and images related to your project.
    • Be sure to create citations and references using citefast.com. Do this every time you create a citation.
    • Can’t remember what you signed up for? Check here.
    • Assessment: Project Rubric
  • Upcoming:
    • Tomorrow: Finish your project
    • Thursday: No school. Bring mom, dad, or guardian for extra credit.
    • Friday: Project Presentations

7 of 69

Seminar 1: Tuesday 4/18/17

  • Objective: SWBT increase reading level through consistent independent reading.
  • Bell Ringer: Independent Reading
  • Tutorial: Do homework for any class or complete the following. 10 Steps p. 211-214 (This will be graded!)
  • Reflection:
    • Name and explain your assignment. (Example: I completed 8 graphing problems).
    • Which part did you do best?
    • What gave you the most trouble and why?
    • How did you try to complete your work despite these problems?

8 of 69

English 1: Wednesday, 4/19/17

Objective: SWBT conduct research and gather it in a google slides presentation

  • Research Project Work Day 2 (Last Day): Room 121
  • Upcoming:
    • Thursday: No school. Bring mom, dad, or guardian for extra credit.
    • Friday: Project Presentations
    • Monday and Tuesday: Shakespeare’s Language

9 of 69

Seminar 1: Wednesday 4/19/17

Objective: SWBT correctly capitalize words in a variety of situations.

Test today if you haven’t already!

Doing late work or taking a late test? Want to retake an old test? Email jmwankoff@cps.edu to let me know what you did or what you want to do.

Already finished with everything?

  • Visit khanacademy.org/coaches
  • There, in the "Add a coach" field, enter the class code JEXE97
  • Search for SAT practice.

10 of 69

English 1/Seminar 1


11 of 69

English 1/Seminar 1: Friday, 4/21/17

Beginning 60

Approaches 75

Meets 85

Advanced 100

Survey: Incomplete or inappropriate to text.

Questions: Unrelated to text

Answers: Unrelated to text

Question Creation: Wrong Level/Unrelated to text

Survey: Notes some textual elements. Makes prediction. May not bring up prior knowledge.

Questions: Relate to text.

Answers: Relate to questions based in text.

Question Creation: Related to text or text topic/Wrong Level

Survey: Notes several textual elements. Makes plausible prediction. Brings up prior knowledge..

Questions based on headings.

Adequate answers based on text.

Text based questions at the proper level.

Survey: Notes important textual elements. Makes an insightful prediction and brings up appropriate prior knowledge

Questions: Insightful/based on headings.

Informative answers based on text.

Insightful text-based questions at the proper level.

12 of 69

English 1: Monday: 4/24/17

  • Objective: SWBT gain literal understanding of passages from Shakespeare.
  • Shakespeare’s Language Day 1
  • Bell Ringer: Copy the following and speculate on its meaning. “Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo?”
  • Presentation and Notes
  • Assessment: Completion and accuracy of your conversion to modern language.

315 For GEAR UP Activity

13 of 69

Seminar 1: Monday: 4/24/17

Doing late work or taking a late test? Want to retake an old test? Email jmwankoff@cps.edu to let me know what you did or what you want to do.

14 of 69

English 1: Tuesday: 4/25/17

  • Objective: SWBT gain literal understanding of passages from Shakespeare.
  • Shakespeare’s Language Day 1
  • Bell Ringer: Copy the following and speculate on its meaning. “Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo?”
  • Presentation and Notes
  • Assessment: Completion and accuracy of your conversion to modern language.

15 of 69

Seminar 1: Tuesday, 4/25/17

Objective: SWBT increase reading level through consistent independent reading.

  • Bell Ringer: Independent Reading
  • Project Presentations
  • Tutorial:
    • Homework for any class
    • 10 Steps p. 223-225 (This will be graded!)
    • Reflection:
      • Name and explain your assignment. (I completed 8 graphing problems).
      • Which part did you do best?
      • What gave you the most trouble and why?
      • How did you try to complete your work despite these problems?

16 of 69

English 1: Wednesday, 4/26/17

  • Objective: SWBT explore themes and relate them to personal experience.
  • Bell Ringer: What is love?
  • Anticipation Questions
  • Take a side activity with whole class discussion
  • Assessment: Work completion and participation

17 of 69

English 1: Wednesday, 4/26/17

  • Objective: SWBT use and understand Shakespearean language.
  • Bell Ringer: Convert the following to modern English
    • “Romeo art thou mad?”
  • Shakespearean Insults Activity
    • Sample
    • Groups of 2
    • Write a short dialogue
    • Revise it to include Shakespearean insults
    • Read it for the class.
  • Anticipation Questions /Small Group Discussions
  • Assessment: Accuracy of conversion/participation/presentation

18 of 69

English 1: Wednesday, 4/26/17

A: Hey!

B: Hello there.

A: Let me by, I have to cross this bridge.

B: You can’t.

A: Why not?

B: Because.

A: Cause why?

B: Cause there’s a bear on the other side.

A: Why didn’t you say so?

19 of 69

English 1: Wednesday, 4/26/17

A: Hey!

B: Hello there.

A: Let me by, I have to cross this bridge.

B: You can’t.

A: Why not?

B: Because.

A: Cause why?

B: Cause there’s a bear on the other side.

A: Why didn’t you say so?

A: Hey thou gorbellied, motley-minded hugger-mugger!

B: Hello there thou yeasty, clapperclawed strumpet.

A: Let me by, thou frothy dizzy-eyed maggot pie. I have to cross this bridge.

B: You can’t.

A: Why not?

B: Because, thou surly guts gripping harpy.

A: Cause why, thou dankish sheep biting pignut?

B: Cause there’s a bear on the other side.

A: Why didn’t you say so, thou mewling swagbellied footlicker?

20 of 69

Seminar 1: Wednesday, 4/26/17

Doing late work or taking a late test? Want to retake an old test? Email jmwankoff@cps.edu to let me know what you did or what you want to do.

21 of 69

English 1: Thursday, 4/27/17

Objective: SWBT understand the relationships and conflicts between characters.

R&J Cocktail Party: Organizer, Character Cards

22 of 69

Seminar 1: Thursday, 4/27/17

Bell Ringer: Independent Reading


23 of 69

English 1: Friday 4/28/17

  • Objective: SWBT preview by gaining a literal understanding of the prologue.
  • Bell Ringer: Should you hate the people your parents hate? Why or why not?
  • Prologue Activity
    • Translate the prologue to modern English
    • Needed Vocabulary: Look on page 7 of Romeo and Juliet

  • Answer the questions
  • Assessment activity and prologue questions completed and accurate.

Loins: sexual organs

Star Crossed: unlucky

Strife: violence



Sonnet: 14 line poem with a specific rhyme scheme

24 of 69

Seminar 1: Friday 4/28/17

  • Bell Ringer: Independent Reading
  • Presentations?
  • Prologue Questions?/Have you been absent? Time to do late work.

25 of 69

English 1: Monday 5/1/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, write questions

  • Bell Ringer: Imagine two groups of kids hate each other. Imagine some of these kids run into each other in the hallway. What’s going to happen? How would different kids act? What would security do?
  • Read Act I, Scene I Aloud/Complete the Section Tracker
    • Characters: Sampson, Gregory, Abram, Benvolio, Tybalt, Citizens, Capulet, Lady Capulet, Montague, Lady Montague, Prince, Romeo

Upcoming: Tuesday: Act I, Scenes ii, iii, iv; Wednesday Act I, Scene V, Thursday; Movie Activities; Friday: Close Reading Activity

26 of 69

Seminar 1: Monday, 5/1/17 -- 315

Doing late work or taking a late test? Want to retake an old test? Email jmwankoff@cps.edu to let me know what you did or what you want to do.

27 of 69

Seminar 1: Tuesday 5/2/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, write questions

  • Bell Ringer: Tybalt says What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word/As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee” (Ii lines 71-73). Predict how his presence will affect the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets.
  • Read Act I, Scenes 2 & 3 Language/Motivations/Traits/Questions
    • Characters: Capulet, Paris, Servingman, Romeo, Benvolio, Lady Capulet, Nurse, Juliet
  • Assessment: Rubric

Upcoming: Wednesday Act I, Scene V, Thursday; Movie Activities; Friday; Close Reading Activity

28 of 69

Seminar 1: Tuesday 5/2/17

  • Objective: SWBT increase reading level through consistent independent reading.
  • Bell Ringer: Independent Reading
  • Tutorial:
    • Do homework for any class or
    • Holt Handbook p. 247-251 Exercises 2 and 3
      • Name and explain your assignment. (Example: I completed 8 graphing problems).
      • Which part did you do best?
      • What gave you the most trouble and why?
      • How did you try to complete your work despite these problems?

29 of 69

Seminar 1: Monday, 5/8/17 -- 315

Doing late work or taking a late test? Want to retake an old test? Email jmwankoff@cps.edu to let me know what you did or what you want to do.

30 of 69

English 1: Wednesday, 5/10/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, write questions

  • Bell Ringer: Tybalt says What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word/As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee” (Ii lines 71-73). Predict how his presence will affect the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets.
  • Read Act I, Scenes 2 & 3 Language/Motivations/Traits/Questions
    • Characters: Capulet, Paris, Servingman, Romeo, Benvolio, Lady Capulet, Nurse, Juliet
    • Section Tracker
  • Assessment: Rubric
  • Bawdy

31 of 69

English 1: Wednesday, 5/10/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, write questions

  • Bell Ringer: What would you say about someone who is in love with one person one day and another the next? Explain.
  • Read Act I, Scene 5
  • Section Tracker

Assessment: Rubric

32 of 69

English 1: Monday, 5/15/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, write questions

  • Bell Ringer: People talk about the “chemistry” people have when they meet someone they like. What do you think that means?
  • Read Act I, Scene 5: Lines 18-29/48-160
    • Capulet, Capulet’s Cousin, Romeo, Servingman, Tybalt, Juliet, Nurse, Benvolio
  • Section Tracker-Change the second big idea from “hate” to “fate.”
  • Assessment: Rubric

33 of 69

Seminar 1: Monday, 5/15/17

Objective: SWBT correctly capitalize words in a variety of situations.

Doing late work or taking a late test? Want to retake an old test? Email jmwankoff@cps.edu to let me know what you did or what you want to do.

34 of 69

English 1: Thursday, 5/18/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, write questions

  • Bell Ringer: Who should be more important? Your friends? Your girlfriend/boyfriend? Why?
  • Begin Act II.
  • Summarize Scene 1 -- Romeo and his friends have left the party. They lose Romeo in the darkness.
  • Read Act 2 Scene 2 (Balcony): Romeo, Juliet, Nurse
  • Section Tracker

Assessment: Rubric

35 of 69

Seminar 1: Thursday, 5/18/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, & question

  • Bell Ringer: Friar Lawrence says, “I’ll thy assistant be/For this alliance may so happy prove/To turn your households’ rancor to pure love.”(Act II, Scene III, Lines 97-100). Do you believe he is right? Why?
  • Teacher summary
    • Scene 3: Romeo goes to Friar Lawrence
    • Scene 4: Tybalt challenges Romeo. Romeo in a good mood kids around with his friends. Romeo and the nurse plan the marriage.
  • Read Act 2 Scene 5 & 6: Juliet, Nurse, Peter, Romeo, Friar Lawrence Section Tracker

Assessment: Rubric

36 of 69

English 1: Friday, 5/19/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, & question

  • Bell Ringer:
  • Read: Act 3, Scene 1 Lines 1-128, 143-167, 177-end
  • Benvolio, Mercutio, Tybalt, Romeo, Petruchio, Citizen, Prince, Lady Capulet, Montague
  • Section Tracker

Assessment: Rubric

37 of 69

English 1: Monday, 5/22/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, speculate about the action’s relationship to theme.

  • Bell Ringer: Romeo and Juliet are supposed to hate each other’s families but now they are secretly married. What conflicting motivations will they have about how they treat their partner’s families?
  • Read: Act 3, Scene 1 Lines 1-128, 143-167, 177-end
    • Benvolio, Mercutio, Tybalt, Romeo, Petruchio, Citizen, Prince, Lady Capulet, Montague
  • Section Tracker

Assessment: Rubric

38 of 69

Seminar 1: Monday, 5/22/17

Objective: SWBT correctly capitalize words in a variety of situations.

Test Wednesday/Last Day In Library will be Monday.

Doing late work or taking a late test? Want to retake an old test? Email jmwankoff@cps.edu to let me know what you did or what you want to do.

39 of 69

English 1/Seminar 1: Tuesday, 5/23/17

  • Mr. Wankoff Left Early

40 of 69

English 1: Wednesday, 5/24/17

  • Gear-Up Activity with Ms. Hearn

41 of 69

Seminar 1: Wednesday, 5/24/17

Objective: SWBT correctly capitalize words in a variety of situations.

Last Day In Library will be Monday.

Doing late work or taking a late test? Want to retake an old test? Email jmwankoff@cps.edu to let me know what you did or what you want to do.

42 of 69

English 1: Thursday, 5/25/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, speculate about the action’s relationship to theme.

  • Bell Ringer: Romeo says “O, I am Fortune’s fool.” (Act 3, Scene I, Line 142). In other words, fate is playing with him and destroying his life. In what ways is fate messing with him?
  • Read: Act 3, Scene 2 (p. 129): Juliet, Nurse
  • Section Tracker
  • Assessment: Rubric

Fate: A power outside of people’s control that determines what happens in their lives.

43 of 69

Seminar 1: Thursday, 5/25/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, speculate about the action’s relationship to theme.

  • Bell Ringer: What kind of conflict? Why? (Character vs. Character/Character vs. Self/Character vs. Society/Character vs. Nature)

Nurse: Will you speak well of him that killed your cousin?

Juliet: Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband?

  • Read: Act 3, Scene 3 lines 79--end (p. 145):
    • Friar Lawrence, Romeo, Nurse
  • Section Tracker
  • Assessment: Rubric

44 of 69

English 1: Friday, 5/26/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, speculate about the action’s relationship to theme.

  • Bell Ringer: In Act 3, Scene 4. Paris, Capulet, and Lady Capulet decide Juliet will marry Paris on Thursday. (1) Think about Juliet’s character at the beginning of the play, then explain why they think Juliet will accept this/ (2) Why will it be impossible for Juliet?
  • Read: Act 3, Scene 5 (p. 155): Juliet, Romeo, Nurse, Capulet, Lady Capulet
  • Section Tracker
  • Assessment: Rubric

45 of 69

Seminar 1: Friday, 5/26/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, speculate about the action’s relationship to theme.

  • Movie Catch Up: List 5 things you learned, that you didn’t understand before.

46 of 69

English 1: Tuesday, 5/30/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, speculate about the action’s relationship to theme.

Bell Ringer: Imagine you were Paris. What do you know about everything that happened? How do you feel about getting married to Juliet?

Read: Act 4, Scene 1 (p. 177): Friar Lawrence, Paris, Juliet

Section Tracker

Assessment: Rubric

47 of 69

Seminar 1: Tuesday, 5/30/17

Objectives: Read for information (SQ3R)/Increase comprehension through discussion.

  • Bell Ringer: Independent Reading (10 minutes)
  • SQ3R: Suicide Prevention Fact Sheet/Rubric (20 minutes)
  • SQ3R Conversation: (20 minutes)

Doing late work or taking a late test in noredink.com? Email jmwankoff@cps.edu to let me know what you did or what you want to do.

48 of 69

English 1: Wednesday, 5/31/17

SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, speculate about theme.

  • Bell Ringer: What if Capulet changed the day of the wedding?
  • Summarize:
    • Act 4: Scene 2: Juliet pretends to repent and be happy about the wedding. Capulet moves the day of the wedding up.
    • Act 4: Scene 3: Juliet expresses her fears then drinks the vial.
    • Act 4: Scene 4: Capulet gets the wedding party ready
    • Act 4 Scene 5: They find Juliet “dead.” Everyone is upset. Friar Lawrence convinces them it is a good thing because Juliet is going to heaven.
  • Read: Act V, Scene I: Romeo, Balthasar, Apothecary
  • Section Tracker

Assessment: Rubric

49 of 69

Seminar 1: Wednesday, 5/31/17

Objective: SWBT capitalize in a variety of situations

Make Up Day Today!

Retake tests or do old assignments.

You must email jmwankoff@cps.edu with the names of any old assignments you have done!

This is our last day in the library!

50 of 69

English 1/Seminar 1: Thursday, 6/1/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, speculate about the action’s relationship to theme.

Bell Ringer: Fate is the idea that forces outside your control decide the course of your life. What facts would you select to show that fate is deciding what happens to Romeo and Juliet? List at least 3 facts!

Read Act V, Scene 2: (p. 217)

Section Tracker:

51 of 69

Fate in Romeo and Juliet

Fate brought Romeo to the party. It was an accident that he found out about it.

Masked party. They fell in love before they realized who the other person was.

Romeo tries to be nice but ends up causing Mercutio’s death and killing Tybalt.

Capulet is forcing Juliet to marry Paris

Balthazar comes and tells Romeo that Juliet is dead even though she isn’t.

Friar John got held up from giving Romeo the letter, so Romeo doesn’t know what is going on and he won’t be on time.

52 of 69

Seminar 1: Thursday, 6/1/17

Objective: SWBT write expository paragraphs

Prompt: Why is Juliet at risk for suicide?

  • Steps:
    • Individually or groups of two
      • Review Fact Sheet to find risk factors and warning signs that fit Juliet.
      • Star the ones that do.
      • Find proof in Romeo and Juliet.
    • Individually:
      • Get your MEL-Con Prep Sheet and begin filling it in. The main idea is done for you.

53 of 69

English 1: Friday, 6/2/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, speculate about the action’s relationship to theme.

Bell Ringer: How is fate in operation in your world? List at least 2 ways your life is affected by where you were born, other people’s plans, or accidents.

Hand in your bell ringers

Read: Act V, Scene 5 (p. 219) - Paris, Page, Romeo, Balthasar, Friar Lawrence, Juliet, 1st Watch, 2nd Watch, 3rd Watch, Prince, Capulet, Lady Capulet, Montague

Section Tracker

54 of 69

Seminar 1: Friday, 6/2/17

Objective: SWBT summarize, infer motivations and traits, speculate about the action’s relationship to theme.

Complete Act V, Scene 5 (p. 219) - Paris, Page, Romeo, Balthasar, Friar Lawrence, Juliet, 1st Watch, 2nd Watch, 3rd Watch, Prince, Capulet, Lady Capulet, Montague

Complete your MEL-Con draft. You will type this up on Monday. It will be both a writing and an assessment grade

55 of 69

English 1: Monday, 6/5/17

Objective: SWBT use art and writing to represent themes of Romeo and Juliet.

Hand in your bell ringers!!

Project Presentation

56 of 69

Seminar 1: Monday, 6/5/17

Objective: SWBT write expository paragraphs

Prompt: Why is Juliet at risk for suicide?

  • Steps:
    • Individually or groups of two
      • Review Fact Sheet to find risk factors and warning signs that fit Juliet.
      • Star the ones that do.
      • Find proof in Romeo and Juliet.
    • Individually
      • Fill in the MEL-Con Prep Sheet. The main idea is done for you.
      • Use the chromebook to type your MEL-Con.
      • Name: Last Name, First Name: Juliet at risk
      • Header: Name, Date, Seminar 1
      • Share with jmwankoff@cps.edu
      • In text citations and references are on the next slide.

57 of 69

In‑text Citations:

(Youth Suicide in the United States - A Fact Sheet for Schools, 2015, par. __ )

(Shakespeare, Mowat, & Werstine, 2009, p. __ )


Youth Suicide in the United States - A Fact Sheet for Schools. (2015). Retrieved from Department of Education: Office of Safe and Healthy Students website: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oese/oshs/oshsfactsheets.html

Shakespeare, W., Mowat, B. A., & Werstine, P. (2009). The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (8th ed.). New York, NY: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks.

58 of 69

English 1: Tuesday, 6/6/17

      • Gear UP--315
      • Work on Projects

59 of 69

English 1: Wednesday, 6/7/17

SWBT “translate” Shakespeare to modern English and perform it for classmates.

  • Bell Ringer: How would you and your friends say this? p.231, Lines 166-167.
  • Groups of 2 or 3
  • Assign Scenes:
  • Read and translate
  • Practice out loud
  • Practice movement
  • Present (Friday)

Work on today and tomorrow. Present on Friday!

60 of 69

Why he got a cup with poison. This dumby dead.

Poison is there to make an end. I drunk it all then my life will end.

61 of 69

English 1: Wednesday, 6/7/17

SWBT “translate” Shakespeare to modern English and perform it for classmates.

  • Possible Scenes
  • Act I, Scene II Lines 57-94 (3 people): Alondra, America, Jessica
  • Act I, Scene III, Lines 68-105 (3 people) Julian, Brian, Destiny
  • Act I, Scene V, Lines 62-103 (2 people): Marilyn, Isam
  • Act I, Scene V, Lines 124-155 (3 people): Tyanna, Marilyn, Devanni:
  • Act 2, Scene 2, Lines 36-66 (2 people): Jazlen, Colin
  • Act 3, Scene 1, Lines 57-107 (3 people)
  • Act 3, Scene 1, Lines 114-142 (3 people): Joi, Quilanne, Chasiti
  • Act 3, Scene 3, Lines 111-183 (3 people): Maria, Guadalupe, Luis
  • Act 3, Scene 5, Lines 109-130 (2 people): Marshawn, Chantal
  • Act 3, Scene 5, Lines 216-255 (2 people)
  • Act 5, Scene 2, Lines 1-30 (2 people): Malika, Trenton

Work on today and tomorrow. Present on Friday!

62 of 69

Seminar 1: Wednesday, 6/7/17

Objective: SWBT explore themes in Romeo and Juliet using multiple intelligences.

Time to work on your individual project

63 of 69

English 1: Thursday, 6/8/17

Objective: SWBT “translate” Shakespeare to modern English and perform it for classmates.

  • Groups of 2 or 3
  • Assign Scenes:
  • Read and translate
  • Practice out loud
  • Practice movement
  • Present (Friday)

Work on today and tomorrow. Present on Friday!

Monday is the Last Day for Late Work: Did you do your MEL-Con?

Check the no-name file!

64 of 69

Seminar 1: Thursday, 6/8/17

Objective: SWBT explore themes in Romeo and Juliet using multiple intelligences.

Time to work on your individual project

Monday is the Last Day for Late Work: Did you do your MEL-Con?

65 of 69

English 1: Friday, 6/9/17

Objective: SWBT “translate” Shakespeare to modern English and perform it for classmates.

  • Groups of 2 or 3
  • Assign Scenes:
  • Read and translate
  • Practice out loud
  • Practice movement
  • Begin Presenting at 2:45!

Monday is the Last Day for Late Work:

  • Juliet Suicide MEL-Con?
  • Noredink.com?
  • Bell Ringers?
  • Check the no-name file!

66 of 69

Seminar 1: Friday, 6/9/17

Objective: SWBT explore themes in Romeo and Juliet using multiple intelligences.

  • Complete your translation presentations
  • Work on your individual project
    • Art/Poetry Element
    • MEL-Con: What choices did you make to communicate your theme?

Monday is the Last Day for Late Work:

  • Juliet Suicide MEL-Con?
  • Noredink.com?
  • Bell Ringers?
  • Check the no-name file!

67 of 69

English 1/Seminar 1: Monday, 6/12/17

Objective: SWBT explore themes in Romeo and Juliet using multiple intelligences.

  • Work on your individual project/Gallery walk tomorrow
    • Art/Poetry Element
    • MEL-Con: What choices did you make to communicate your theme?
      • Fill in your outline. Recopy or type for display

Today is the Last Day for Late Work

  • Juliet Suicide MEL-Con?
  • Noredink.com?
  • Bell Ringers?
  • Check the no-name file!

68 of 69

Seminar 1: Monday, 6/12/17

Objective: SWBT explore themes in Romeo and Juliet using multiple intelligences.

  • Work on your individual project
    • Art/Poetry Element
    • MEL-Con: What choices did you make to communicate your theme?

Monday is the Last Day for Late Work:

  • Juliet Suicide MEL-Con?
  • Noredink.com?
  • Bell Ringers?
  • Check the no-name file!

69 of 69

English 1/Seminar 1: Tuesday, 6/13/17

Objective: SWBT explore themes in Romeo and Juliet using multiple intelligences.

English 1

  • Work on your individual project. Each part is worth half!!! Make sure you do your MEL-Con. Your project might not make sense without it.
    • Art/Poetry Element
    • MEL-Con: What choices did you make to communicate your theme?

Seminar 1

  • Gallery Walk:
    • Group 1: Last names beginning A-L display. Others take notes.
    • Group 2: Last names beginning M-W display. Others take notes.