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I can be polite in ahelps

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Sometimes, other players on Fulpstation might break the rules. This might make me feel angry.

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One of the things I can do when other people break the rules is submit an ahelp to tell an admin or mod

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When I submit an ahelp, I should take a deep breath and write out who broke the rule and what they did. Admins will help me if someone else broke the rules.

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When I write an ahelp, I should try to stay calm. I can stay calm by taking deep breaths, counting to 10, or re-reading what I wrote before sending it. Admins will be happy if I stay calm.

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Admins and moderators are volunteers who just want to make the game fun. I should not swear at, threaten, or insult them. I should not make demands that other players get banned. This might make the staff mad.

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If I make staff mad, they may not want to help me. I should not say mean words to staff or I might get banned.

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If I see someone else break the rules, I should take deep breaths and tell an admin. I should be polite and include lots of details in the report.