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Team Name

Your Logo (if available)

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Problem definition

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Solution (Your idea! Product/technology /service offering)

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Competitive advantage (Unique selling point)

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Target market

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Key competitors

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Business / Revenue Model

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Team members

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Next Steps / Other Info

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10 Tips to remember…

  • 5-10 slides in 5 minutes: be sharp or the gong will cut you out!
  • Rehearse! Rehearse! Rehearse! Practice 3 times at least and use a timer. Either 1 team member or all can present, as long as the 5 minutes are respected.
  • Use few words (Minimum Font Size 22).
  • Use Images/Graphs/Visual Support .
  • Stir up emotions.
  • Do not read but talk to the audience.
  • Look at the audience.
  • Dress formal, behave normal! (No gum, No hands in pockets ☺)
  • Bring any material that may support your team (prototype, website, brochure/flyers, etc).
  • You have 1 min for video plus 5 mins for your pitch followed by 3 mins Q&A.

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Got Questions?

i2c@uah.edu / 256-824-6058