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ACAT Organization Update

March 4th 2016

Denis Perret-Gallix

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A Workshop, not a Conference

Bridging Disciplines




Discussion is a top priority

Cross talks

Round tables

Personal and informal discussions

see Zeuthen, Uxbridge, Prague,....

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Organization Principles

3 committees: IAC, SPC, LOC

The Board: IAC, SPC, LOC chairs

Editorial Board

Scientific Program Organization

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Updating the Guidelines

Organization Principles: To FIRE

To FIRE: Transparency, Flexibility, Innovation, Responsibility, Efficiency

Transparency good communication, initiatives known

Flexibility workshop style, adaptive format and coordination (venue)

Innovation on the topics, how to improve people exchange,

Responsibility who does what, who is responsible,

Efficiency improve communication between the organizers

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IAC: International Advisory Committee

Members are invited by the IAC Chair in accordance with the SPC chair after IAC consultation.

Main tasks:

To advise the Board on topics, (plenary) talks, speakers and general organization issues.

Each member belongs to a given track 1, 2 or 3 and acts as a track adviser

Representation ad personam: members do not represent their field, organization or country, � a fair balance between tracks, regions and genders should be enforced.

IAC is consulted before final major Board decision.


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SPC: Scientific Program Committee


The Board (the SPC chair is invited by the IAC chair)

Other members invited by the Board:

3 x 3 track coordinators

1 IAC member: Relations with the industry (SPCI)

1 IAC member: Outreach and education (Students and Professors, tutorials, general public presentation, press) (SPCE)

1 IAC member: Website: Indico (SPCW)

Main task:

Manage the abstract reviewing process for parallel (highlight talks, regular, posters). Propose plenaries

Setup the sessions: grouped by topics, select the session chairs, organize track and plenary round-tables

Formal invitation for parallel speakers after the Board final program approval.


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TC: Track Coordinators

Members: Invited by the Board on IAC advice

3 per track

1 per region (Asia, Europe, America)

1 from the LOC

1 liaison: overall responsibility over the track, connection with the SPC chair and the Board

Tasks (see SPC)

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LOC: Local Organizing Committee

In charge of the local organization, including: budget (including invitations), logistics, timetable, posters, webcast, proceedings, social events, mailing of the conf. poster and of the bulletins (after Board approval)...

Members are invited by the LOC chair, presented to the Board:

One track coordinator for each track ---> 3 track coordinators

Budget management (visible by the Board)

Relation with the industry (in liaison with the SPCI)

Outreach, education, press (in liaison with the SPCE)

Website management (in liaison with the SPCW)

Visa and other assistance to the attendance


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The Board: ACAT Board

Members: the 3 chairs: IAC, SPC, LOC. Decisions are Collegial.

Formal representation of ACAT. Initiatives should be reported to the Board before action.

Main Tasks: overall coordination

Invitation of the SPC members and track coordinators

Final program decision, bulletin approval before mailing.

Financial support decision and formal invitation of the plenary speakers


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Editorial Board

The Board + track coordinator liaisons

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ACAT Scientific Program Organization


The Board: IAC, SPC, LOC Chairs

SPC: Track Coordinators, ...

Topics, talk and speaker proposals

Speakers not contacted

Proposed Program



Final program

Formal plenary invitations



Review abstracts and papers

Topics, Plenaries,

Advice track coordinators

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Update of the Guidelines