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Digital Medicine: Clinical Validity, Human Factors and Ethical Research

Andy Coravos


CEO, Elektra Labs

Sage Bionetworks: Mobile Health App Developer Workshop

September 12, 2019

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class Career

def current_experience

CEO/co-founder @ Elektra Labs

Member, Harvard-MIT Center for Regulatory Sciences

Board of Directors, Digital Medicine Society (DiMe)- 501c3


def past_experience

Entrepreneur in Residence, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Software Engineer @ Akili Interactive

Healthcare Private Equity @ KKR

Management Consultant @ McKinsey & Company



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My sister Chrissy and me, showing off a difficult surgery.

Notice the three (!) carefully-wrapped casts and head bandage.

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Today’s lightning talk

Overview to digital medicine �A look at the wearables, ingestibles and biosensors that are collecting digital specimen data

Deep Dives: Eat Your Greens�Security, ethical, legal, and regulatory considerations when using digital specimen data

An Evaluation Framework for Connected Technologies�Do we need a “nutrition label” for tech?

Elektra Labs | September 2019 | @elektralabs

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Before we start,

a few definitions.

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New to digital medicine?

We published a book (with cartoons!)

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There are four types of Clinical Outcome Assessments (COAs)

  • Patient-reported outcomes (PRO)
  • Clinician-reported outcome (ClinRO)
  • Observer-reported outcome (ObsRO)
  • Performance outcome (PerfO)

COAs can become digitized to collect data at home. When referring to digital COAs, it’s traditional to include an “e” → eCOA, ePRO

But what happens when we use a mobile or connected technology? Are there ‘mobileOAs’?

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In Nov 2018, WIRED published an op-ed based on the digital medicine framework.

Contained a landscape analysis of software and algorithms that:

  • Measure health
  • Diagnose
  • Treat diseases

… and a perspective on how to bring these products to market safely, effectively and ethically.

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With sensors + algorithms to create objective measurements

With advanced algorithms to support the clinician

With novel software- based therapies that may augment or substitute a drug

Software and algorithms have a wide range of applications

E.g., Digital biomarkers, clinical decision support

Digital diagnostics

Digital therapeutics

To develop these products, we’ll need to build safe and clinically-validated algorithms.

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Digital biomarkers are consumer-generated physiological and behavioral measures collected through connected digital tools

Source: Rock Health, 2015 (https://rockhealth.com/reports/the-emerging-influence-of-digital-biomarkers-on-healthcare/)

Source: Carlos Rodarte, Karger Digital Biomarkers, September 2017. (https://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/479951)

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  • Wrote about digital biomarkers, consumer- generated physiological and behavioral measures collected through connected digital tools
  • Co-authors: FDA and Boston Children’s Informatics colleagues
  • Published in Nature npj Digital Medicine in March

Source: npj Digital Medicine, March 2019 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-019-0090-4

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A glossary of terminology and uses of biomarkers and endpoints in biomedical research, medical product development and clinical care

  • The BEST framework was created in 2016 by an NIH-FDA Working Group
  • Seven types of biomarkers:
    • Diagnostic Biomarker
    • Monitoring Biomarker
    • Pharmacodynamic / Response Biomarker
    • Predictive Biomarker
    • Safety Biomarker
    • Susceptibility / Risk Biomarker

Although not explicitly listed in the BEST framework, a “digital biomarker” is a biomarker collected through digital means, often used in a remote (at-home) setting

Source: FDA-NIH BEST Framework, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK326791/

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With sensors + algorithms to create objective measurements

With advanced algorithms to support the clinician

With novel software- based therapies that may augment or substitute a drug

Software and algorithms have a wide range of applications

E.g., Digital biomarkers, clinical decision support

Digital diagnostics

Digital therapeutics

To develop these products, we’ll need to build safe and clinically-validated algorithms.

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Source: Coravos A, Khozin S, Mandl KD. Developing and adopting safe and effective digital biomarkers to improve patient outcomes. NPJ Digit Med. 2019;2(1), https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-019-0090-4

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Philips Pagewriter Touch Interpretive EKG Machine: $15k

In 2014, AliveCor brought the EKG home...

Meet Kardia Mobile. Your personal EKG: $99. FDA-Cleared.

Take a medical-grade EKG in just 30 seconds. Results are delivered right to your smartphone.

… and since then, the FDA has cleared multiple “software-as -a-medical-device” (SaMDs)

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With sensors + algorithms to create objective measurements

With advanced algorithms to support the clinician

With novel software- based therapies that may augment or substitute a drug

Software and algorithms have a wide range of applications

E.g., Digital biomarkers, clinical decision support

Digital diagnostics

Digital therapeutics

To develop these products, we’ll need to build safe and clinically-validated algorithms.

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  • Developed in a lab at UCSF
  • Published in Nature in 2013 and found that video game training enhances cognitive control in older adults
  • Technology licensed to Akili Interactive Labs, a start-up, working to commercialize the product

Four Years Later...

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So, what can these

tools enable?

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Mobile technologies are enabling new clinical investigation designs like Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs)

Source: Khozin S, Coravos A. Decentralized Trials in the Age of Real-World Evidence and Inclusivity in Clinical Investigations. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2019; https://ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/cpt.1441

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Regulatory Considerations

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Digital tools are not making it easy to adhere to historical distinctions between the intervention and measurement/endpoint collection

Contains Software

that collects a digital biomarker

Parkinson’s Medication

Collects a measurement

Smartphone-based tapping test

with a responsive intervention (e.g., variable dosing)

Insulin Pump

Akili Interactive Labs Project:EVO for ADHD

The TOVA test (e.g., change in Attention Performance Index)

Software’s Purpose

Clinical Trial Example


Endpoint data collected by

Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)

Alters the treatment / intervention

Is the treatment / intervention

Trial protocol ...

with a digital therapeutic

Rise of digital therapeutics increases available treatment options for physicians

An insulin pump with software that responds/doses based on the CGM reading

Opportunity for a clinician to send a patient home to behavioral and psychological measures remotely

Digital tools are blurring the line between measuring, diagnosing, and intervening

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How does the US ensure that the products brought to market are safe and effective?

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US Regulatory Agencies

Different but complementary authorities

Source: Mobile Health: Industry Overview and Evolving Regulatory Framework, CERSI, https://cersi.stanford.edu/cersi_mhealth_course

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US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

  • Assure safety and effectiveness of medical products (e.g., drugs, devices)
  • Facilitate medical product innovation
  • Expedite patient access to high quality medical products
  • Promote and adopt consensus standards

Source: Mobile Health: Industry Overview and Evolving Regulatory Framework, CERSI, https://cersi.stanford.edu/cersi_mhealth_course

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Federal Trade Commission (FTC)


  • Prevent business practices that are anticompetitive or deceptive or unfair to consumers
  • Enhance informed consumer choice

Source: Mobile Health: Industry Overview and Evolving Regulatory Framework, CERSI, https://cersi.stanford.edu/cersi_mhealth_course

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Source: Mobile Health: Industry Overview and Evolving Regulatory Framework, CERSI, https://cersi.stanford.edu/cersi_mhealth_course

Both the FTC and FDA oversight is focused on consumer protection

oversee promotion & advertising

oversee promotion & advertising with a public health perspective

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A “device” is a

Term of Art

at the FDA

(Try to minimize using the term “device”

unless the product is actually a device.)

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Is my product a “device”?

Talk with your regulator and lawyer!

The next example is metaphorical rather than factual.

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Not a device?

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Not a device?

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Trick question.

It’s all about what the manufacturer claims the product can do.

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The exact same product can be developed and marketed either as a “device” (and thus, regulated) or not as a “device” (and unregulated) simply through a change of words, and no change in hardware or code.

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There are many agencies that may oversee health tech products, and there are also many gaps in the current regulatory system.

Oversees human subjects testing, though many healthy-lifestyle devices fall out of agency’s purview (not a “device”)

Oversees connectivity and net neutrality (e.g., regulating access to the internet)

Police unfair and deceptive practices; main enforcement for security and privacy - small agency

Only recently started proposed rulemaking for Internet of things

Oversees information that’s used in background testing and other social evaluations

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Source: The ‘Internet of Bodies’ Is Here. Are Courts and Regulators Ready? (WSJ, Nov 2018, Andrea M. Matwyshyn) https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-internet-of-bodies-is-here-are-courts-and-regulators-ready-1542039566

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Ok. Enough regulatory speak.

What do I need to know if a digital tool is “fit for purpose”?

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Cybersecurity considerations

Learn more about the FDA-led initiative at WeHeartHackers.org

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All three of these people are in the Workshop today.

+3 bonus points if you can find the other two.

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Our healthcare system has strong protections for patients' biospecimens, like blood or genomic data, but what about our digital specimens?

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Your anonymized data is not.

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Need to consider unintended consequences when algorithms are trained for some populations… and underperform on others

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{Data rights and



{Data ownership}

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Can we develop a new “informed consent” for how we handle interact with these digital platforms?

What “social contract” are we agreeing to when you have my data / digital specimen?

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Will our technological revolution bring us personalized medicine?

...or the biggest surveillance system we’ve ever had to deal with?

Most likely both.

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How can YOU participate in the US rulemaking process?

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Serve a “Tour of Duty”

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Submit a comment to the public docket

Comments for the FDA AI/ML white paper are due June 3, 2019!

Whenever an agency is proposing either brand-new regulations or changes to existing ones, they must do it in two phases.

  • First the agency will post a draft and ask the public to comment on it

  • Then, they read and digest the comments and draft a final version

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Reasons to submit a public comment

  • Anyone can comment. experts in the field, startups, corporations, lobbying groups, concerned citizens.
  • You will be heard. Legally, the agency is required to address all comments in the final rule
  • Be a voice from the people. Major industry players and trade groups almost always submit comments. Meanwhile, there are unfortunately lots of groups who rarely do, like startups, individual doctors, engineers, product managers, security experts, user researchers, and people from families who struggle with the exact scenarios being discussed.

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Kick around ideas with colleagues to improve the regulatory paradigm. Our society needs new models.

For example, co-authored this op-ed with Irene Chen.

Using ‘clinical trials’ frameworks to teach us about AI and algorithm development:

  • Designing the testing protocols depending on the understanding of the mechanism of action
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria
  • Identifying the “sponsor” of the trial
  • Public reporting of results (e.g., ClinicalTrials.gov)
  • Using and adapting existing tools like informed consent

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Clinicians have professional societies to support their development, e.g., ASCO.

What exists for those who practice and develop digital medicine products?

Members from government agencies have teamed up with software engineers, security researchers and more to launch...

Learn more about the 501(c)3 Digital Medicine (DiME) Society at DiMeSociety.org.

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The Digital Medicine Society (DiMe) launched in March 2019

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How can I know if these tools are trustworthy?

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Evaluation Philosophies

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We use Duke-FDA CTTI “Mobile Technologies” evaluation framework as the backbone of the analysis

Novel Endpoints, Launched June 2017

Mobile Technologies, Launched July 2018

[1] ttps://www.ctti-clinicaltrials.org/projects/novel-endpoints

[2] https://www.ctti-clinicaltrials.org/projects/mobile-technologies

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Digital Measures Atlas Overview

Browse fit-for-purpose connected technologies for remote capture of digital biomarkers in research and clinical care

Choose from 900+ measures

  • Vital signs
  • Step count
  • Physical activity type, intensity, duration
  • Sleep parameters
  • Tremor quantification
  • And more...

Choose from 40+ therapeutic areas

  • Cardiology
  • Endocrinology
  • Neurology
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Oncology
  • Pulmonology
  • Sleep
  • And more...

Compare 690+ consumer and research grade products made by 350+ organizations

  • Actigraph
  • Philips
  • Polar
  • Fitbit
  • Apple Watch
  • Freestyle Libre
  • And more...

Ready to join our community?

Sign-up to create your custom reports and subscribe to the Atlas.

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The Atlas employs a “fit-for-purpose” approach

to evaluate connected technologies





Who has access to the data and when? Third-party transfer? End user license agreement analysis.

Follow clear security practices for connected tools?

What’s the look and feel of the product? Battery life? Waterproof? Adherence?

Are the data trustworthy and meaningful?

A deep dive on these four components is available in the Appendix.

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The Atlas employs a “fit-for-purpose” approach to

evaluate connected technologies





Who has access to the data and when? Third-party transfer? End user license agreement analysis.

Follow clear security practices for connected tools?

What’s the look and feel of the product? Battery life? Waterproof? Adherence?

Are the data trustworthy and meaningful?

A deep dive on these four components is available in the Appendix.


Think of it like a nutrition label, balancing four components based on needs in a clinical trial.

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Over past 12 months, our team has developed research around these four concepts -- and published with industry-leading collaborators

VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION (V&V)FDA and Boston Children's co-authors; Nature npj Digital Medicine�https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-019-0090-4

HUMAN FACTORS AND USABILITYFormer FDA co-author, Clinical and Translational Science (CTS)�https://ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/cts.12602

SECURITY PRACTICESDEF CON co-authors; Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)�https://www.jmir.org/2019/3/e12568/

DATA RIGHTS AND GOVERNANCEDuke Forge co-author, Lancet Digital Health


Publication pending for April 29, 2019

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We’re hitting an inflection point in digital medicine. Now’s the time to shape the healthcare community.

Let’s build an intentional future that we want, and not an accidental one.

Want to continue the conversation? Shoot me your questions via Twitter @andreacoravos