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Exploring Seeds

Plants, Investigation 1

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Let us pray together.

Since this is the month of May, we will be praying a prayer to Mary. This prayer is part of a longer poem to Mary.

Our virtue for this month is Zeal, being driven by an intense love for God. I love this painting of St. Paul because he looks so intense. He put his whole self into everything he did. It wasn’t great when he was persecuting Christians, but when he was converted, his zeal helped spread the Gospel all over the Mediterranean world.

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It could be the part of the presentation where you can introduce yourself, write your email…

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  • Seeds come from plants
  • They are the part of the plant used to make new plants
  • Flowers are pollinated by insects and wind and make seeds and fruit

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Maple flowers

Maple seeds growing from flowers

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Seeds get even bigger

Full grown maple seeds

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Fruits 1

  • Fruits are the parts of a plant that contain seeds

  • Botanists (scientists who study plants) call the parts of the plant that contain seeds - fruits

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Fruits 2

  • In a grocery store, fruits that are not sweet are often called vegetables

  • Examples of these “vegetables” that are really fruits are …...

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Fruits 3

  • Tomatoes
  • Squash
  • Beans
  • Peas
  • Pumpkins
  • Avocados
  • and lots more!

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Choice of Activities

  • This lab you will have a choice of activities, depending on what you have around the house.
  • Seed sort - do this if you have a lot of different kinds of seeds at home
  • Cut up fruits and look for seeds - do this if you have 5 or 6 fruits at home
  • Look at the different pictures of seeds in this slideshow - do this if it is too hard to get seeds or fruit

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Let’s Explore Some Seeds Activity 1

  • If we were in lab, I would give you all kinds of seeds to sort in many ways, color, size, shape
  • If you have a lot of seeds at home, mix them up and sort them in 2 or 3 ways
  • You can use the Google Form to describe the way you sorted seeds.

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Seeds to Sort

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Some sorted seeds

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More sorted seeds

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Seeds come in many shapes and sizes

  • Here are some sample seeds that I would have mixed up for you
  • You can see that seeds have many different shapes, sizes, textures, and colors

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Squash, zucchini

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Let’s Explore Some Seeds Activity 2

  • Since you are at home, maybe you want to cut some fruits and look for seeds
  • You can use the Google Form to tell about the fruits you looked at and the seeds you found

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Most of the time we buy seedless grapes! They have no seeds or really tiny seeds.

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Acorn Squash

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Let’s Explore Some Seeds Activity 3

  • Look at the different pictures of seeds on these slides
  • You can use the Google Form to tell about the different seeds that you have seen

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Great job!

  • Let your teacher know what you learned.
  • Miss you.

Mrs. Young