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NEU 314: Mathematical Tools for Neuroscience

Lecture 8: October 4, 2022

Instructor: Sam Nastase

Princeton Neuroscience Institute

Principal component analysis

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Review: null space

The null space of A is the vector space comprising all vectors that are orthogonal to the rows of A

The null space of A is the vector space of all vectors v such that:

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The null space of A is the vector space comprising all vectors that are orthogonal to the rows of A

1D vector space spanned by v1

basis for the null space of v1

Review: null space

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The null space of A is the vector space comprising all vectors that are orthogonal to the rows of A

1D vector space spanned by v1

basis for the null space of v1

The row space and null space spanm

Review: null space

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Right singular vectors

Singular values

Left singular vectors

Review: singular value decomposition

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Review: singular value decomposition




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Review: singular value decomposition

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Review: singular value decomposition

For orthogonal matrices (like U and V), the transpose and inverse are equal

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Review: singular value decomposition

For orthogonal matrices (like U and V), the transpose and inverse are equal

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Review: singular value decomposition

For orthogonal matrices (like U and V), the transpose and inverse are equal

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Review: singular value decomposition




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Review: singular value decomposition

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Review: singular value decomposition


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Review: singular value decomposition

If any singular values sn = 0, then S-1 does not exist

If singular values sn = 0, then A destroys information that cannot be recovered in the inverse

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Review: singular value decomposition

If any singular values sn = 0, then S-1 does not exist

If singular values sn = 0, then A destroys information that cannot be recovered in the inverse

We can compute a pseudo- inverse using only the positive singular values

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Review: singular value decomposition

If any singular values sn = 0, then S-1 does not exist

If singular values sn = 0, then A destroys information that cannot be recovered in the inverse

If the singular values are very close to zero, the matrix may be practically non-invertible; i.e. ill-conditioned

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Review: singular value decomposition

Non-square matrices are not invertible (but we can still compute a pseudo-inverse)

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The rank of a matrix is the number of linearly independent rows or columns

The rank of a matrix is the dimensionality of the vector space spanned by its rows or its columns

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The rank of a matrix is the number of linearly independent rows or columns

The rank of a matrix is the dimensionality of the vector space spanned by its rows or its columns

The rank of a matrix is the number of nonzero singular values

If s1, …, sk, > 0 and

sk + 1, …, sn = 0, then rank = k

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Frobenius norm

The Frobenius norm is of a matrix is equivalent to the Euclidean norm for vectors

The Frobenius norm is the sum of squared elements of A

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Frobenius norm

The Frobenius norm is of a matrix is equivalent to the Euclidean norm for vectors

The Frobenius norm is the sum of squared elements of A

The Frobenius norm is also equal to the sum of squared singular values

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Frobenius norm

The Frobenius norm is of a matrix is equivalent to the Euclidean norm for vectors

The Frobenius norm is also equal to the trace of ATA

The trace is the sum of diagonal elements

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SVD can also be formulated as a sum of outer products

Singular value decomposition

Right singular vectors

Singular values

Left singular vectors

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SVD can also be formulated as a sum of outer products

Singular value decomposition

Right singular vectors

Singular values

Left singular vectors

Each of these is a rank 1 matrix!

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The best rank-k approximation of A results from truncating the SVD after k terms

Low-rank matrix approximation

Right singular vectors

Singular values

Left singular vectors

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Explained variance

We can quantify the “proportion of variance accounted for” by a rank-k approximation of A

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Explained variance

We can quantify the “proportion of variance accounted for” by a rank-k approximation of A

sum of squared first k singular values

sum of squared all n singular values

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Explained variance

We can quantify the “proportion of variance accounted for” by a rank-k approximation of A

sum of squared first k singular values

sum of squared all n singular values

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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction method for interpreting high-dimensional data

n samples

d dimensions

Principal component analysis

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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction method for interpreting high-dimensional data

n samples

d dimensions

Principal component analysis

First, mean-center the data; i.e. for each column, subtract that column’s mean

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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction method for interpreting high-dimensional data

n samples

d dimensions

Principal component analysis

First, mean-center the data; i.e. for each column, subtract that column’s mean

Next, compute the d × d matrix XTX = C

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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction method for interpreting high-dimensional data

n samples

d dimensions

Principal component analysis

First, mean-center the data; i.e. for each column, subtract that column’s mean

Next, compute the d × d matrix XTX = C


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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction method for interpreting high-dimensional data

n samples

d dimensions

Principal component analysis

First, mean-center the data; i.e. for each column, subtract that column’s mean

Next, compute the d × d matrix XTX = C


V is a matrix (orthogonal) eigenvectors

L is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues 𝜆i

C is a symmetric matrix

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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction method for interpreting high-dimensional data

n samples

d dimensions

Principal component analysis

First, mean-center the data; i.e. for each column, subtract that column’s mean

Next, compute the d × d matrix XTX = C


projects the data onto the principal axes

these are the principal components!

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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction method for interpreting high-dimensional data

n samples

d dimensions

Principal component analysis

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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction method for interpreting high-dimensional data

n samples

d dimensions

Principal component analysis

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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction method for interpreting high-dimensional data

n samples

d dimensions

Principal component analysis

The singular values si are the square root of the eigenvalues 𝜆i

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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction method for interpreting high-dimensional data

n samples

d dimensions

Principal component analysis

projects the data onto the principal axes

these are the principal components!

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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction method for interpreting high-dimensional data

n samples

d dimensions

Principal component analysis

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PCA effectively fits an ellipsoid to your data where each axis corresponds to a principal component

dimension 1

dimension 2

Principal component analysis

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PCA effectively fits an ellipsoid to your data where each axis corresponds to a principal component

dimension 1

dimension 2

1st PC

Principal component analysis

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PCA effectively fits an ellipsoid to your data where each axis corresponds to a principal component

Singular values correspond to the length of these axes; i.e. “variance” along these axes

dimension 1

dimension 2

1st PC

Principal component analysis

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PCA effectively fits an ellipsoid to your data where each axis corresponds to a principal component

Singular values correspond to the length of these axes; i.e. “variance” along these axes

dimension 1

dimension 2

1st PC

2nd PC

Principal component analysis

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PCA effectively fits an ellipsoid to your data where each axis corresponds to a principal component

Singular values correspond to the length of these axes; i.e. “variance” along these axes

dimension 1

dimension 2

1st PC

2nd PC

Principal component analysis

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PCA effectively fits an ellipsoid to your data where each axis corresponds to a principal component

Singular values correspond to the length of these axes; i.e. “variance” along these axes

dimension 1

dimension 2

Principal component analysis

What is the top singular vector of XTX?

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PCA effectively fits an ellipsoid to your data where each axis corresponds to a principal component

Singular values correspond to the length of these axes; i.e. “variance” along these axes

dimension 1

dimension 2

Principal component analysis

What is the top singular vector of XTX?

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PCA effectively fits an ellipsoid to your data where each axis corresponds to a principal component

Singular values correspond to the length of these axes; i.e. “variance” along these axes

dimension 1

dimension 2

Principal component analysis

In practice, we almost always mean-center the data before PCA

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PCA effectively fits an ellipsoid to your data where each axis corresponds to a principal component

Singular values correspond to the length of these axes; i.e. “variance” along these axes

dimension 1

dimension 2

Principal component analysis

In practice, we almost always mean-center the data before PCA

covariance matrix!

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PCA effectively fits an ellipsoid to your data where each axis corresponds to a principal component

Singular values correspond to the length of these axes; i.e. “variance” along these axes

dimension 1

dimension 2

Principal component analysis

In practice, we almost always mean-center the data before PCA

covariance matrix!

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PCA effectively fits an ellipsoid to your data where each axis corresponds to a principal component

Singular values correspond to the length of these axes; i.e. “variance” along these axes

dimension 1

dimension 2

Principal component analysis

In practice, we almost always mean-center the data before PCA

covariance matrix!

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PCA effectively fits an ellipsoid to your data where each axis corresponds to a principal component

Singular values correspond to the length of these axes; i.e. “variance” along these axes

Principal component analysis

In practice, we almost always mean-center the data before PCA

covariance matrix!

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