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ESL and Teaching with Technology

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Checking In

Do you have NNES students in your classes? How is that going?

Have you taught NNES students before?

What were your big takeaways from reading and talking about teaching a mix of native English speakers and NNES students?

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ESL = English as Second Language

EFL = English as a Foreign Language

ELL = English Language Learner

L2 = 2nd Language Learner/User

NNSE (or NNES) = Non-Native Speaker of English

International Student = Non-US Native

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Intersections of NNES Writers and Tech

  • NNES writers may depend on different technologies in order to read and compose.

  • NNES writers will have unique, valuable experiences with mass media, social media, and mobile media.

  • NNES writers may ask to use familiar websites and programs instead of those highlighted in class.

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Technological Meets Cultural Literacy

Tony Silva’s Top 10 Strategies

  • Provide across-the-board help.
  • Include more work on planning/invention.
  • Teach writing in stages (e.g., separate revising from editing).
  • Offer realistic strategies for planning, transcribing, and reviewing.
  • Focus on audience expectations.
  • Provide strategies for unfamiliar textual patterns and text types.
  • Familiarize students with grammatical and lexical resources.
  • Instruct students to write on one topic from a variety of perspectives.
  • Make syntactic and lexical options available in the contexts of students’ writing.
  • Acknowledge, and address, international students’ overall distinct needs.

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Technological Meets Cultural Literacy

Tony Silva’s Top 10 Strategies

  • Provide across-the-board help.
  • Include more work on planning/invention.
  • Teach writing in stages (e.g., separate revising from editing).
  • Offer realistic strategies for planning, transcribing, and reviewing.
  • Focus on audience expectations.
  • Provide strategies for unfamiliar textual patterns and text types.
  • Familiarize students with grammatical and lexical resources.
  • Instruct students to write on one topic from a variety of perspectives.
  • Make syntactic and lexical options available in the contexts of students’ writing.
  • Acknowledge, and address, international students’ overall distinct needs.

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Negotiating Cultural Differences

  • All students could use a primer on the history, function, and social norms of specific technologies and genres.

  • Simple, step-by-step walkthroughs of specific procedures and processes are especially important for NNES students who may be unfamiliar with particular interfaces and programs.

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Technological Meets Cultural Literacy

What are the cultural literacies involved in:

[Writing an email?]

Typing a paper in MS Word?

Writing a discussion post in Blackboard?

Finding and organizing sources online?

Organizing group work (group chats, etc)?

Writing a blog post?

Using social media? (Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter)

What are the potential difficulties for NNES students?

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Building on Existing Strengths

Are there online/digital writing situations in which international students are perhaps more skilled than domestic students?

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Building on Existing Strengths

International students may have experience with:

-Writing programs with different capabilities than MS Word

-Social networking tools other than the standard options (facebook, twitter, etc)

-Multimedia applications for keeping in touch back home (or up to speed on hometown events)

-Technologies for documenting travel and sightseeing

-Finding resources (including news sites, etc.) for research

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Design Technologies with NNES Writers

Design units/activities can add additional levels of complexity for NNES writers, such as:

  • Learning a new platform with both user interface and language barrier
  • Tough to keep up with an in-class tutorial
  • Can be tough to understand online tutorials in English, or takes lots of time/effort to find in native language or translate

What strategies can we use to address some of these problems?

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Design Technologies with L2 Writers

Design-focused assignments can lead to fruitful discussions about intercultural communication, too.

  • Focusing on process and how we learn to use different technologies
  • Using highly-visual texts from different eras, cultures, etc. as examples to analyze

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Design Technologies with L2 Writers

Using the following links, pick a movie poster comparison in the Buzzfeed piece. (link)

Then, using the Culture and Color article (link) and the CARP principles, try to unpack the visual messaging of the posters.


1. What do these analyses reveal?

2. Do you think this would be a good activity for your students?

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Additional Resources