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E-Cigarettes -

a growing concern

What Parents Need to Know

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Juul - latest vaping trend among teens

The sleek, 3.5-inch aluminum device looks similar to any run-of-the-mill flash drive.

It can be easily concealed in the palm of a hand, and produces vapor that quickly dissipates.

Unaccompanied by the tell-tale odors of a regular cigarette, it can make unobserved smoking a breeze.

The Juul vaporizer, which hit the market in 2016, is an electronic product intended for adults who want to stop smoking traditional cigarettes. A single Juul cartridge is equal to a pack of cigarettes, or approximately 200 puffs, according to the product’s website.

But what started as a route to redemption for adult smokers has led to a growing trend among teenagers. As vaping – the inhaling and exhaling of aerosol – becomes more commonplace for teens, the Juul allows a new type of vapor inhalation that can go completely undetected by adults.

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Links to informational/news videos . . .

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Unfortunately -


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What to look for . . .


Contain e-liquid - made up of nicotine, glycerol and propylene glycol, benzoic acid, and flavorants - and is inserted into the end of the e-cigarette device.

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What to look for . . .

E-Cigarette: holds the battery and temperature regulation system.

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What to look for . . .


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What to look for . . .

E-Liquid - “Juice”

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What to look for . . .

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What to look for . . .

Device Charging

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A Word of Caution . . .

The juuls are very small so can easily be hidden!

We know that some kids are cutting a small slit in their sleeves so that they can be tucked in there.

Pencil pouches, zippered compartments/pockets are coats, in backpacks, binders, etc. are other spots where juuls can easily be hidden from view.

NOTE: While the internet provides the world at our fingertips, it also provides some information that is not necessarily what we want our kids to have access too! When I googled a list of common hiding places for juuls, what I found was not what I expected! I was hoping to find a list of places for you to be aware of, instead I found several links offering kids suggestions for places to hide juuls (as well as other things) from parents!

Disappointing Google Search Results