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Formation of this pale blue dot-

Astronomically, how was it thought to have formed?

How old is planet Earth thought to be? How old are the oldest rocks on Earth?

How do we know this? Evidence? Be specific-i.e., be able to explain in detail what radiometric dating is and how this technique is used to determine the absolute age of a given sample.

What are some good resources to explore and evaluate this claim?

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How are organic compounds on an early Earth thought to have been synthesized?

Describe what Earth is thought to have looked like early in its history? pictures..written description too;)

Explain how scientists think the conditions on early Earth that are thought to have made the origin of life possible?

What experiments have been conducted to explain how inorganic compounds on Earth could have been synthesized into organic compounds that are essential to life on Earth? Describe the experimental design, results and conclusions drawn from these experiments.

What are some good resources to explore and evaluate this claim?

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Explain the theory of plate tectonics.

Provide evidence for this theory.

Explain what impacts continental drift has had on life (no pun intended).

What are some good resources to explore and evaluate this claim?

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Give a brief overview of the 6 mass extinctions that have occurred in the history of life (when where (scale), who, why and how)?

Explain the theory of punctuated equilibrium and evidence supporting this explanation.

What are some good resources to explore and evaluate this claim?

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Early cells

How are early cells thought to have formed?

Include the following elements in your explanation: protocells, membrane formation, enzymatic, metabolic machinery and the ability to self replicate (include info on ribozymes, RNA and DNA)

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