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PRC information for Years 3-6

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Reading Challenge 2024

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What is the Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC)?

The Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition, but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely.

NSW Premier’s

Reading Challenge 2024

NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge, 2024

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What are the Premier’s Reading Challenge dates?

26th February


23rd August 2024

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Students in years 3-6 must read 20 books.

At least 10 must be on the PRC book list.

Up to 10 can be personal choice books.

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For years 3-6, students must read books on their own, however, someone can help choose them.

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Year 3/4

Books can be from the 3-4, 5-6 and 7-9 lists.

Year 5/6

Books can be from the 5-6 and 7-9 lists.

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Series Books on PRC list

5 can be included as PRC books.

Up to 10 can be included as personal choice books.

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Once Completed

Books read after the Challenge closes can count towards next year’s Challenge.

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The book records must be entered online, using student portal login details.

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Here is where you can access the PRC student site.

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This shows that you are logged into the PRC portal.

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Here you can search for a PRC book to discover, or see if a book you already have is on the PRC list.

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Clicking on the ‘Save’ button, will add the book to your ‘Saved List’ (which is keeping them as books you might like to read at some point). They do not automatically get added to your reading log.

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Here is where you can add PRC books, by clicking on ‘Add to Reading log’.

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Click on your icon picture to be taken to your reading log page.

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This shows you are in the section where saved books will appear. They do not automatically get added to your reading log.

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Click on ‘My Reading Log’ to show you reading records.

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By clicking on ‘My Reading Log’ your reading records should appear, like this.

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Here is where you can search for a PRC book if you are in your reading log section and not on the homepage.

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You can always remove a book from your list, if you clicked to add it by mistake.

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Here is where you enter your personal choice books.

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You can keep a record of your books on the reading log.

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Visit the PRC website for more information:


Presentation created by Diana Brien (Gregory Hills Public School), with information/resources provided on the NSW PRC website.

NSW Premier’s

Reading Challenge 2024