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My Graphic Design Portfolio

By Emmanuel Lopez

Period 5

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Artist Statement (My Collage)

This collage is mainly for people who are fans of the Fallout series like I am but also for others so that they may be interested in the games. I want to give my audience the feeling of nostalgia when they see this. The main colors I used in this was a mix of tan and and red. The reasons for these colors is to give off that desert wasteland feeling that Fallout gives. I used Stencil Std as my font because I felt that the font made the word Fallout stand out more. I included theses items in my collage because I felt that they fit into the main theme of Fallout. One example would be the picture in the bottom left hand corner. I chose this one because it fits into that post-apocalyptic theme of Fallout. The main selection tools I used was was Quick Selection and Magic Wand. Overall, I think this collage turned out perfectly. Next time I could make better selections on pictures so that they look more alive than how they are.

Adobe Photoshop

1280 x 800 pixels

Color Mode: RGB

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Freedom Friday #1

There is no particular group of people that this project is directed to but it is meant for all to see. I hope the people who look at my project are maybe proud of the work that is being done. I chose this project because I wanted to see what I am capable of doing in Photoshop. Some of the things I did to make this project was that I used a few color changes. I also used a Gradient Layer to create the poster effect that the image has. I also used a few layers to create the border around the image to (once again) give the image a poster effect. Some challenges I faced was getting the two color layers in the background to overlay one another to make it look like one solid layer. Overall I think that I did a really great job and I hope that I could make something along the lines like this again.

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Photo Retouch

This project is a photo retouch project and my direct audience is to everyone as I always say. The feelings that I want to give the audience is one of amazement. Amazement on how we have technology today that allows us to create a almost perfect resemblance of photos that may have been damaged. Different tools that i used was Clone Stamp, Burn Tool, and Dodge Tool. I used Clone Stamp the most in this project to fill in the tears of photo and try and recreate the original photo. I used Dodge Tool to brighten the eyes on the soldier and Burn Tool to make his eyes stand out more. One major challenge that I ran into was trying to create an arm on the left side of the photo that wasn’t there in the original. I wanted to create a realistic representation of what his arm may have looked like in the original photo.

Adobe Photoshop

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Selective Coloring

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Pumpkin Carving

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Magazine Cover

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Movie Poster

This is a Movie Poster that was created in photoshop and my audience would be Fallout fans. The feeling I want to give my target audience would be the feeling of excitement at the idea of a Fallout movie. Fallout has been a video game franchise but the idea of a movie about it would excite me and every other Fallout fan. The tools that was used to make this includes selection tool, curve adjustment, mask tool, clipping mask, rectangle tool, and the fx tool panel. The tools that were used the most were selection tool and mask tool. My challenge during the making of this poster was trying to match the lighting between the two men. Both had way different lighting and it took me awhile to make there lighting almost identical to one another. In all I had fun making this poster and I hope I can get another opportunity to make something like this again.

Adobe Photoshop

800 x 1200 Pixels

Color Mode: RGB

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Cell Phone Drawing

Artist Statement

The two apps that had some difficulties on were the Camera and the Mail app. For the camera app, it was difficult for me to get the camera shape since the app is tiny. I decided to make it large at first, then shrunk it down to a smaller size. For the mail app, it was difficult to make the envelope, so i decided to make 1 triangle and then copy it 4 times. Then I just readjusted them to create the shape. The one app that turned out the best was the photo app. To me the app came out almost identical to the real one. The shapes are perfectly aligned and in order. For the majority of this assignment, I used Shape Builder tool in order to combine shapes to create some of the icons. An example would be the Phone app. I took 2 rounded squares and a rectangle, used the direct selection tool to reshape the two rounded rectangles into the shapes I wanted. Then I put the 2 squares and the rectangle and connected them using Shape Builder in order to make them into one shape.

Adobe Illustrator

8.5 x 11 inches

Color Mode: CMYK

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Freedom Friday #4

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Costume Drawing

The audience that I have this for is for any Garfield fans. I chose Garfield as my drawing because when I was little I really liked Garfield. I used to watch the cartoon and read the comics with Garfield in it. There were really not a lot of challenges when drawing this but if I had to name two difficult things then it would have to be when I was drawing the details on his skin and when I was drawing

Adobe Illustrator

8.5 x 11 inches

Color Mode: RGB

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Freedom Friday #5

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My Personal Logo

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My Personal Logo

The inspiration for this Logo comes from the idea that when people visualize a Logo, they think of something that is simpliced. The feeling I want to give my audience is the feeling of simple. That they look at this logo and think of how simple it is. I chose the color turquoise for this because I felt that this color has boldness to it and make the Logo stand out. I feel that my Logo is simply very simple because there isn’t very much crazy or colorful designs to it. Despite not having these features to it, I feel that people will enjoy the design.

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Typography Poster

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Food Can

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Final Reflection

As a person and a student in this Graphic Design class, I think i’ve come to grow more creative and more open to things. When I first entered the class, I was nervous to make things because I felt people wouldn’t like my projects but over time I’ve grown to being more confident in my work and to not fear that people would reject my work. After my Senior year, I want to attend a good college and to become a History teacher. My number one advice to any incoming freshmen is to work hard to achieve your goals. It is important to work hard because all that hard work will pay off in the long run. So, as we say at Colony, no D’s and no F’s. Overall, this year of Graphic Design was great and I will definitely miss it. It was one of my favorite classes and I hope to continue down the path of Graphic Design.