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A Natural History of Plants

Life and Levels

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Plants and the 8 Characteristics

Cells - eukaryotic (nucleus) with chloroplasts and cellulose cell wall

DNA - universal instructions for life that are inherited

Energy - autotroph/producer using photosynthesis

Grow and Develop - single cells get larger and specialize in functions

Homeostasis - materials are transported in/out of cells, chemicals produced

Respond - ...to sunlight, gravity, touch, infections, parasites

Reproduce - asexual and sexual

Adapt/Evolve - change over time

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1. Cells - Prokaryotic Bacteria (Archaebacteria and Eubacteria)

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2. Photosynthesis - CYANOBACTERIA

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3. Nucleus & Chloroplasts - Endosymbiosis leads to complex eukaryotes

a. Kingdom Protista (Brown/Red algae)

b. Kingdom Plantae (Green algae and plants) - specialized tissues

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4. Cellulose Cell Wall - regulates water loss

- Anthocerotophyta (Hornworts) and Hepaticophyta (Liverworts) are simple, live in moist environments

- reproduce with “spores”

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5. Vascular Tissue - TRACHEOPHYTES - transport water and materials

- Bryophytes (mosses) with simple structures

- reproduce with “spores”

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6. Roots - specialized anchors that absorb water/nutrients

- Pterophytes (ferns and club mosses)

- reproduce with “spores”

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7. Seeds - specialized reproductive structures of reproductive cells which can self-sustain

- Gingkophyta (gingko) and Gnetophyta (cycads) - "fleshy fruit"

- Gymnosperms - "Naked seeds" - conifers

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8. Flowers and Seeds with a protective coat - Angiosperms

- monocots and dicots

- other key differences in growth patterns, root/stem/leaf/flower anatomy

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Plants and the Organization into Levels

Chemicals - water, CO2, oxygen, minerals, chlorophyll, carbohydrates (cellulose)

Cells - specialized structures with nucleus, cellulose wall, chloroplasts

Tissues - vascular (tubes), epidermal (bark), meristem (growth)

Organs - roots, stems, leaves, flowers

Organ Systems - roots and stems

Organisms - a plant

Populations - plants that interbreed within an area
